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His doctoral thesis extended his master’s work; but it was not only supplemented with the new facts but also was based on a new conception of clear philosophical char-acter. Analyzing the foreigners’ opinions about the Slavs and Russia, he tried to propose historiosophical and political interpretation of the historical facts. Lamansky’s work was aimed at explication of the European ideology reflected in the real historical events. He firstly focused on the views of the German scholars, as Germans had had the closest ties with the Slavs for a millennium. As a result, German scholarship largely shaped the Euro-pean views on the Eastern Europe. He had already relied on this presumption when he worked on his master’s thesis. He believed that German scholarship was dependent on politics and was determined by German expansionism. During the defense of the thesis, Lamansky claimed: “It seems clear that existential interests force Germans to absorb Slav-ic nations, they strive to germanize Western and Southern Slavs”12. German scholarship aims to justify these interests. It seeks to search for the weaknesses of the Slavs in order to drive them apart. The final aim is to assimilate and to enslave them. Therefore, Slavs have to understand the ideological basis of the German politics which can be found in German scholarship. In contrast to the military, German science plays the role of soft power, trying to show the assimilation as inevitable and favorable process for them. Having adopted the idea of the supremacy of the Germans, Slavs begin to strive for assimilation, as they be-lieve that this is the only way for them to become “Europeans”. Contrary to this ideology, Lamansky tried to demonstrate what Germans and Europeans actually thought about the
Prva rečenica je citat Lamanskog, a ostatak je tumačenje savremenih autora koji prepričavaju njegove stavove.