The Szekler script is one of the first writing systems, and is similar to Sumerian
According to some theorists, evidence of ancient Hungarian writings and Scythian-Hungarian writing, which already existed 20,000 years ago in the Paleolithic Age, were destroyed
because it proves the ancient origin of the Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin and it is their letter of ownership to this region. It is for this reason that the cultural genocide began forcefully in the 10th and 11th centuries and has since continued. The Codices with runic writing and the carved runic sticks were burned; the Táltos [pagan shamans] were killed or incarcerated. Beginning with King St. Stephen, all the kings – with the exception of King Matthias in the 15th century – accepted the orders of the Roman Pope to destroy the so-called pagan culture.
According to another theory, Hungarian is one of the oldest languages and identical to Sumerian, as our suffixes, vowels, and consonants are similar to the 5000-year-old Sumerian ones. Supposedly, in the Hungarian language, 63 out of 100 words are of Sumerian origin, while 12 are Akkadian. These ‘theorists’ claim that the majority of Hungarian names can be understood with the help of the Sumerian dictionary as well, and argue that Hungarian vowels and consonants are completely identical to their Sumerian equivalents.

The Heart Chakra of the Earth is located in the Carpathian Basin
The next conspiracy theory says that Hungarians are indigenous in the Carpathian Basin. Those who believe in this theory think that the first Hungarian conquest or ‘land-taking’, the ‘Honfoglalás’, happened long before the first Hungarians settled at the end of the ninth century, and that Hungarians have lived here since the Biblical Great Flood. According to some theorists, such as cardiac surgeon Lajos Papp, Tibetans think that the Heart Chakra of the Earth is in the Carpathian Basin, namely in the Pilis Mountains, at Dobogókő. Their ‘evidence’ is that the whole Pilis, or as they call it Pólus (Pole), is a heart-shaped area, and “purifying energies are flowing into people” there. According to the believers of the theory, the world’s spiritual and intellectual renewal will happen in Hungary, and Hungarians are chosen to protect the heart of the world by preventing the constructions of residential areas and entertainment centers. They also believe that throughout Hungarian history, everyone wanted to conquer the country to own the Heart Chakra, including the Turks, Soviets; now, they think, the EU has the same intention.
Pilis, the “Heart Chakra of the Earth” (photo:
The Árpád House can be traced back to the Sumerian King Nimrod, and to Noah and even Adam
Another Hungarian origin-theory is connected to the Árpád House and the ‘mada nation’. They trace back the roots of the Hungarian language to a supposed Horita-Aramian-Sumerian-Scythican language and scripts, and think that Hungarians are descended from these groups. They claim that the even the most basic Bible readers know that Genesis is not the history of creation, but only a part of the history of mankind that starts with the mythologized Adam. They say that Adam has a ‘mada-Scythian’ name; in addition, Noah and his sons and grandson Nimrod, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel are all part of Hungarian prehistory as they are connected to the Scythian-Sumerians, and thus the Hungarians. This conspiracy theory also rests on an old Hungarian folk legend that Nimrod had two sons, Hunor and Magor (or Magyar), whose descendants are the Huns and Hungarians, who spoke the same language.
Turáni átok – Curse of Turan
The most popular origin theory of the Curse of Turan is that it is the result of Hungary’s conversion to Christianity in the year AD 1000 under King Stephen. The story goes that, at the time, the vanquished adherents of the old Hungarian religion cast a curse upon Christian Hungary to last either forever or more than a thousand years. According to the believers of the theory, some tragic events of Hungarian history, which are traditionally seen as national catastrophes, are manifestations of the Curse of Turan. These historical events include the Mongol invasion, the
Battle of Mohács (1526), the Turkish invasion and subsequent
150 year of Ottoman rule, the crushing the
1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence, World War alliances, the Soviet defeat of the
1956 Revolution, and Communism. They also believe that Hungarian’s relatively short life expectancy, as well as the country’s high suicide and alcoholism rates, are also connected to the curse.
And finally, a look at three of the biggest conspiracy theorists in Hungary: Árpád F. Molnár, Ferenc Szaniszló and Gábor Széles
Árpád F. Molnár labels himself a “politically persecuted Christian, investigative journalist, human rights defender, Europe’s most prominent Echelon witness and the only member of the Illuminati, who does not serve the system”. He has created a website to “unveil the Echelon system and technology, the product of the Fenevad (the Beast), which surrounds the whole world and affects the minds of all people to destroy them in the ultimate war.” He also produces videos with for the same reasons, in which he is the reporter, the director, the producer and the editor. Additionally, he has a blog, where he has collected all of his conspiracy theories, including the HAARP, Illuminati, or the Echelon theories.
Ferenc Szaniszló hosted Hungarian television channel Echo TV’s conspiracy theory show Világpanoráma (World-Panorama), where he ‘unveiled’ the plans and background powers of liberal-bolshevist and Zionist forces that want to rule the world. He claimed that only a few hundred families “direct” the minds of all the people on the planet; that in reality, former politician of the Austrian Freedom Party, Jörg Haider, was killed with a drone, and that the 2010 red mud catastrophe in Hungary was the result of a deliberate explosion, not of negligence. He also believes that Hungarians are chosen by God. He has claimed that many people hate Hungarians because “they are obsessed about finding the elixir to become Hungarians and share our secrets and the benefits of being the chosen ones.”
The third theorist, Gábor Széles, a Hungarian businessman, former owner of Echo TV and president of the companies Videoton and Ikarus. In 2017, he was the sixth richest and twenty-fourth most influential person in Hungary. He believes, among other things, that gravity can be switched off. He also believes in aliens, and that they visit the earth often.
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