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Hague clears KLA suspects again
Fatmir Limaj at The Hague tribunal.

Fatmir Limaj (centre) was a local KLA commander in 1998-99
The UN court in The Hague has upheld the acquittal of two Kosovo Albanians on war crime charges relating to the conflict with Serb forces in 1998-99.

The appeals chamber confirmed the 2005 ruling that former rebel commanders Fatmir Limaj and Isak Musliu were not guilty of murder and torture.

It also upheld the conviction of a third man in the case, Haradin Bala.

He was sentenced to 13 years in jail - the first Kosovo Albanian to be convicted by the UN war crimes court.

Citing procedural errors, prosecutors had appealed against the 2005 acquittals.

However, Presiding Judge Fausto Pocar said the appeal had been dismissed "in its entirety" by the chamber.

The initial ruling was deemed to have "reasonably found" that Mr Limaj and Mr Musliu did not "incur criminal responsibility for any of the offences charged in the indictment".

Teško mi je ovo da svarim......
Pa ni Tudjman ni Alija nisu bili osudjeni ali sredio ih onaj odozgo tako da svakog ceka svoje.
pa nazalost nije ih bas sredio imali ljudi skoro 8 banki i krepali u krevetu i sranjeni su kao heroji, dok je jednog sredio pa je crko u kaFesu kao kanarinac ,onda su ga tako i saranili ,mislim tako kako je "sredio" Sranju i Alja tako ce i mene i tebe sredio kad nam dodje vreme, iako nismo nista krivi
