Zasto pojedinci menjaju religiju?

Мислиш на ону слијепу која је смјела 1941. Стаљину у лице рећи да мора престати са прогонима Цркве иначе Дојчланд убер алес.
Помоли се онда њој и Стаљину да се зацели раскол у ''мајци цркви''... видиш да сви иду у Рај кад су Руси...
1. Нигдје није рекла да Стаљин иде у рај.

2. Прича није историјски ни провјерена.
Што не изучаваш катакомбну историју цркве у Русији од 1917те?

за МАкија Svetitelji_ruskih_katakombi_serafim_rouz_andrejev.jpg
Не видим сад зашто си то извукао.
Због фантазије око Матроне и Стаљина...

Прочитај од Серафима Роуза ко се до крви супротставио Стаљину, имаш их на хиљаде у тој књизи...

Цела књига има сведочанство светог Нектарија Сијетлског и других преживелих гулагаша, чисто да видиш и другу страну медаље у СССР...

Мораш цео епохални оквир катакомбни да утврдиш и научиш, а не рандом приче ''официјалаца'' који мрсе причу...
Због фантазије око Матроне и Стаљина...

Прочитај од Серафима Роуза ко се до крви супротставио Стаљину, имаш их на хиљаде у тој књизи...

Цела књига има сведочанство светог Нектарија Сијетлског и других преживелих гулагаша, чисто да видиш и другу страну медаље у СССР...

Мораш цео епохални оквир катакомбни да утврдиш и научиш, а не рандом приче ''официјалаца'' који мрсе причу...
Немаш појма да је и блажена Матрона била пред хапшењем.
"Having the divine gift of foresight, Matrona foresaw what was to happen to Russia as a result of the Communist Revolution, and she tried to guide people accordingly. She was 36 when the Revolution erupted. For another seven years she continued to live in her village of Sebino. Finally, in 1925, she had to move to Moscow, because of hostility by her brothers, and because her presence in Sebino brought danger to the village, due to her very public opposition to the Communists. For 27 years she lived in Moscow, much of that time having to constantly move from place to place, as the Communists sought to arrest her. One shack where she lived was so cold, that her hair would freeze to the wall by her bed. Most of the time she lived with different faithful benefactors, along with an attendant. Several times her benefactors were arrested, but the Lord preserved His Chosen-One from arrest.

She customarily spent her time sitting cross-legged on her bed, peacefully united with God in continual prayer. She ate little and slept little. Her faithful benefactors and attendants brought suffering people to the Blessed Eldress, and whatever their troubles, she helped them—by healing them, counseling and consoling them, or, through her powerful intercessory prayers, achieving miracles, such as in the case of Bishop Stefan, mentioned above. She compassionately received everyone who came to her, knew precisely what each person needed, and what to say and do for each person who appealed to her for help, either in person or from a distance.

One idyllic time she lived with a wonderful family, all in one large room, for seven years, from 1942-49. The daughter recalled later that “Matushka [Matrona]’s love and her stillness enveloped our souls. Our home was full of holiness, joy, peaceful rest, and a grace-filled warmth. The war [WWII] came, and we lived like we were in heaven.” Matronushka never complained of her suffering, and was always loving, peaceful and patient, by which she conquered all of her own illnesses and suffering. She also suffered much for the torment that the Communists rained upon faithful Russia and the Church. She beseeched the people not to throw away their faith, for then disasters would visit them. She exhorted: “Pray! Beseech! Repent! The Lord will not forsake you, and He will preserve our land!
