Baskijska vlada odobrila održavanje referenduma o samoopredeljenju

нисам нашао ту али није битно пошто не знам где се све налази али овако

Багдадски Абасиди су имали центар у Кордови до 725 године нове ере а ти су се звали Шпански омајади и они су били у Магребу садашњи Тунис и Мароко и део Либије престоница Керуан...
али то је све било у 8 и 9 веку а после 1009 шпанци Кастиље и Леона су поразили Ел Саида и протерали маваре до Египта

Пише и нека висораван Толедо 1085 задње упориште мавара пало те године без увреде Иди Дада је у праву они нису покорили ни 25% Пиринејског полуострва а врло брзо су протерани
The Arabs came first in the year AD 711 to Spain and conquered Toledo and Córdoba. It took only seven years and the hispanic peninsula belonged to the Arabs except a small part in the north. During this time the Arabian Spain were called Al-Andalus and Córdoba was its centre.

Christians learned the Arabian language, therefor those Christians in Al-Andalus were given the Arabian expression “Musta’Ribun”. This was the reason that the Arabian language became also the language of Non-Arab’s in Spain. In spite of the safety, which the Non-Arabs in Arabian Spain had, did many convert to the Arabian belief and became the same rights as the native Arabs.

The Arabs brought with them their knowledge and know-how, which was very helpful for the country’s development. Their irrigation system for example made the fields fertile, which raised agriculture to the highest standard in europe at that time. Plants were imported, such as oranges from Persia just to name one. Another important aspect for the economy was the export of leather, ceramic, paper and material, which had been luxury products in Europe, because they hadn’t had the superior knowledge of the Arabs at the time. There were not only important Islamic scientists, but also the Non-Arabian scientists were supported on the Iberian peninsula.

What the Muslims on the Iberian Peninsula had so laboriously developed, was unfortunately damaged by the reconquest. In AD 722 the Muslims suffered a defeat in Covadonga, which is considered the beginning of the reconquest. Outside of Asturias further Christian realms were formed, which were expanding more and more to the south. When the Christian realms in the north noticed the fact that the Islamic area was weakened by discrepancies among the Muslims, they saw their chance come for the reconquest.

In the year AD 1085 the Christians took Toledo again, which signified an enormous defeat for the Muslims. Since that time the Muslims had to hand over more and more areas. After years of war the Muslims had to surrender Granada in 1492; thereby the reconquest was said to be completed. With the defeat of the Islamic rule the high scientific levels created by the Muslims could not be maintained, which had catastrophic consequences for the country.

The spain of the Muslims changed completely in the hands of the Christians. They were not capable of keeping the irrigation systems in good condition not to speak of constructing new irrigation canals, so that the once fertile land became deserted. The Christian conquerors were also not able to achieve something similar in scientific areas as their hated enemies, the Muslims. The Universities were run-down and the cities impoverished, so that the country lost its attraction.

The new rulers tried first to hold on to the coexistence of the religions like the Islamic model. Thus for instance the free practice of their faith was contractually assured to the Muslims after the defeat of Granada. What had, theoretically been fixed on the paper, however could not been found in practice. Under Isabella’s and Ferdinand’s order Ximénez had to force the Muslim population to convert and the Arabic language as colloquial language was forbidden. When the Muslims refused to comply, innumerable Muslims were killed and the mosques were set on fire. The government reacted to this resistance by setting a deadline, by which they either had to convert to the Christian faith or to leave the country, leaving all their property to the church. In fact they only had the choice between baptism and death, because they were only allowed to leave the country by a payment of a certain sum.
Ne moze niko da igra u klubu osim Baska. Al zato u Sosijedadu iz San Sebastijana moze ko hoce.

Moze,moze,samo ako se ikad raspise taj referendum,ode Baskija,ali ovde neki znaju sve,cak i vise od spanske vlade koja nije priznala Kosovo,samo iz razloga da bi evntualno u buducnosti,imala opravdanje u svom dvoristu.E,moji ''evropejci' nista vi ne znate, samo ovde prosipate navodnu pamet.Svoje znanje si pokazao o EU,kada si rekao da ce Kosovo uci u EU,i pored necijeg veta.EU jeste mocna,ali ce tesko naterati npr Spaniju da ne stavi veto u tom slucaju,jer se radi o njenoj guzici indirektno i upravo kroz ovo o Baskiji
Moze,moze,samo ako se ikad raspise taj referendum,ode Baskija,ali ovde neki znaju sve,cak i vise od spanske vlade koja nije priznala Kosovo,samo iz razloga da bi evntualno u buducnosti,imala opravdanje u svom dvoristu.E,moji ''evropejci' nista vi ne znate, samo ovde prosipate navodnu pamet.Svoje znanje si pokazao o EU,kada si rekao da ce Kosovo uci u EU,i pored necijeg veta.EU jeste mocna,ali ce tesko naterati npr Spaniju da ne stavi veto u tom slucaju,jer se radi o njenoj guzici indirektno i upravo kroz ovo o Baskiji
Eto ni o fudbalu ne znas nista, pa o cemu ja da pricam sa tobom.
Eto ni o fudbalu ne znas nista, pa o cemu ja da pricam sa tobom.

eво карта а то ропство не може да се упоређује као балкан под Турцима јер Шпанија није никада цела била под Маварима..а онај горе текст ти је на енглеском а књигу имаш на српском.

eво карта а то ропство не може да се упоређује као балкан под Турцима јер Шпанија није никада цела била под Маварима..а онај горе текст ти је на енглеском а књигу имаш на српском.
Bila je.
Sta, ne znas engleski?
слику коју си поставио је како си рекао историја уметности 1999 наше издање а сада видим текст на енглеском па не знам одакле је

да не ширимо расправу то је било пре 1 000 година а ситуација је сада промењена и не верујем да ће да се понови исто или да ће Баскија да се овоји од Шпаније
In 710 RODRIGO was elected King of Visigothic Spain, against the votes of his opponents who called in Arab troops under TARIQ BIN ZIYAD from nearby North Africa. Tariq and his forces crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and landed at Gibraltar (in Arabic : Jebel et-Tariq or the Mountain of Tariq) and defeated Roderic's Visigothic forces in 711; Roderic himself fell in battle.
In 712, Tariq's superior, MUSA BIN NUSAYR, crossed into Spain with even larger forces. Within a few years, Muslim rule over the Iberian peninsula was established. On the peninsula there were only few areas resisting Muslimic rule, TODMIR on the eastern coast, and the mountainous region of ASTURIAS, where Visigothic nobleman PELAYO defeated a Muslim force in 717 (BATTLE OF COVADONGA).

What turned out to become the Islamic conquest of Spain seems, by many contemporaries, both Visigoths and Muslims, regarded merely a raid, a temporary undertaking; as late as 717 Caliph 'Umar ordered his Muslim subjects to evacuate the Iberian peninsula. H. Kennedy (p.10) points out that a faction of Visigothic nobility opposed to King Roderick might have welcomed a defeat inflicted on him by outside invaders.
The Muslim conquest of North Africa and Spain was, to the larger extent, accomplished by frontier peoples recently converted to Islam. As they were not paid for their efforts, their reward would come out of the partition of confiscated, conquered lands. So soon after Tariq's victory over Roderic, Muslims - both Berbers and Arabs - began to settle on the peninsula, and the Muslim community established there proved to strong to uproot by an evacuation order coming from Damascus.
The Muslim conquest of Spain is part of the Muslim expansion over western north Africa; this process lacked a central control - neither Damascus nor Egypt or Kairouan were able to establish more than temporary control of the situation. While the Muslim Emirs of Spain might have recognized the sovereignty of the UMAYYAD CALIPHATE, local policy was by and large determined by the settlers, although governors of Muslim Spain were appointed in Kairouan. On the fringes, profitable raids continued.

CORDOBA became the administrative center of Muslim rule over the peninsula, soon to become the capital of the UMAYYAD EMIRATE OF CORDOBA. Muslim Spain was urbanized, with flourishing cities such as Granada, Sevilla, Toledo, Zaragoza, Valencia, Badajoz and others, some of which only grew into mahor urban centers under Muslim rule. The Caliphate tolerated religious communities such as JEWS and Christians. Christians living under Muslim rule were called MOZARABS.
Todmir fell before 741. Only Asturias held out. Spain became the staging area for raids into the Frankish kingdom. In 732, a Saracen raiding party accidentally ran into a Frankish army headed by CHARLES MARTEL, who defeated them in the BATTLE OF POITIERS. Further south, the Saracens occupied SEPTIMANIA and established a bridgehead in FRAXINETUM in the Provence, from which raids were undertaken as far as St. Gallen monastery, located in modern Switzerland.
