Ko rastumači ime auta, dobije reputaciju

Prvi put cujem za ove glagole, ja sam mislio da je skr. od Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt.:confused:

Bilo bi mnogo zanimljivije da se daju drugaciji odgovori, ovo svako moze za par sekundi da nadje na guglu.

For Only Retarded Drivers ili Fix Or Repair Daily

Fix It Again Tony[Tomorrow]

Always Unsatisfied Driving It
Another Ugly Deutsche Invention.......
Wiki kaze It originally was designated as the "Porsche 901" (901 being its internal project number). 82 cars were built as 901s.[4] However, Peugeot protested on the grounds that in France it had exclusive rights to car names formed by three numbers with a zero in the middle. So, instead of selling the new model with another name in France, Porsche changed the name to 911. Internally, the car's part numbers carried on the prefix 901 for years.[4] Production began in September 1964[5], the first 911s reached the US in
