"I just want to know what it feels like to be loved," it said. A ripple of movement spread across its upper eye stalks as it blinked tears from all of them.
Both of the girls were rendered speechless. They regarded the huge beast as it rocked itself back and forth, another tear forming in its central eye and splashing onto the floor. Petra stood uneasily, leaning against the wall. Erin plopped down onto the floor, laying her sword down beside her.
"Wow," she said.
The creature continued to sob whilst Erin wrestled with a bizarre feeling of remorse growing inside her. She could see that Petra was also slightly confused. Erin walked over to the creature, and gingerly extended her arm to place her hand on its side, patting it cautiously.
"There, there."
The creature cleared its airways with a snort, and several eyestalks swivelled around to regard Erin. The girl nodded to Petra, who carefully approached from the other side, reaching up and over to lay one arm across the top of its body, pressing herself against it and wincing at the alien feel of its rough skin.
Erin stroked her hands over the creature's hide, her fingers following the whorls of scaly skin that was striped like a tiger's fur, blues and purples mingling across its surface. Its breathing had steadied now, and it was blinking its central eye more slowly. She rubbed at the base of one of the many eyestalks above her, and the corresponding eye at its tip closed. The whole appendage tensed and wilted down, curling around to bring the eyeball close to Erin's hand, peering at it intensely before nuzzling against it. The moist surface of the creature's eye felt like a hardboiled egg.
"Don't be so sad," Erin reassured it. "You might find some adventurous girl who is willing to show you about physical affection." She continued to rub at the eye-stalk, having come to enjoy the feeling of the more flexible skin beneath her hands. "Or maybe more than one," she added. Petra glowered at her. "In fact, I've never been with an, um, whatever it is, exactly that-"
"I'm a beholder," the creature said.
"Well then, my dear little beholder, I think Petra and I can cheer you up a little."
Erin wracked her brains for a way to make the situation work. Did beholders even have sex organs? Surely one of the books in here must be about beholder anatomy, she thought.
She shrugged out of her jacket, removing her blouse after that, and finally allowing her bra to fall to the floor. "Do you like what you see?" she asked, cupping her breasts either side and squeezing them together.
"I do not know. It feel it is better than the pictures I have seen in books. It makes me feel strange," the creature replied.
Perhaps Petra's would be more to your liking?
"Erin, I really don't-" the girl started to protest before Erin regarded her beneath raised eyebrows.
"Do it, Petra."
She rolled her eyes as she reached behind to unlace her corset, discarding it and revealing the smooth, deeply-tanned expanse of her chest and abdomen. She tousled strands of hair around her finger self-consciously.
"Come over here. Show him," Erin instructed. She realised her lapse into the gender-specific pronoun and turned to the creature. "You are, uh, a 'him', right?"
"For the purposes of this exercise you may consider me to be as such, if it helps," the beholder replied.
Petra shuffled over, kicking a vase out of the way as she did so.
"We humans tend to warm-up a bit first, to get in the mood," she explained. "As Petra and I will demonstrate." Erin placed a hand on Petra's shoulder, sliding it down across her back and bringing her close before kissing her. Petra reciprocated, lacing her fingers together at the small of Erin's back as they kissed again, closing their eyes and enjoying the feel of each others' lips. As they parted, Petra opened her mouth to speak, brows furrowed. Erin placed a finger across her lips, stroking her cheek with the other hand. She wandered downwards until she reached Petra's leggings and unfastened them, wrestling the close-fitting fabric down over her full hips before stepping in close, one hand resting on the girl's pubic mound.
They kissed again before Erin finished disrobing the girl. Then it was Petra's turn, and she tugged Erin's skirt down over her knees and off onto the floor, with her panties soon following. Finally, Erin removed her boots, and the pair stood completely nude in front of the spherical creature.
"And now," said Erin, kneeling in front of the creature's huge mouth, "It's your turn." She placed a kiss on the beholder's upper lip, its mouth far too large to accomplish the action conventionally. She gently worked her lips along the rim of the huge maw, arms spread to encompass as much of the creature in front of her as she could. As she started to return the way she came, she moved her lips down and under, softly sliding against the pink gums from which dagger-sized teeth emerged. The creature's taste was strange, like raw meat and sour milk. After some hesitation, Petra also brought her mouth against the creature's own. It lapped its huge tongue against her chin, the muscle stroking wetly at her neck, and then her chest. Thick saliva glistened on her breasts.
"Does it feel good?" Erin asked, raising her face from the creature's mouth and bringing her face level with its huge eye. The creature was breathing deeply, emitting a strange frothing noise from the back of its throat, the lid of its central eye half-shut.
"It feels like nothing I have felt before," it rumbled. "Oh, actually, there was one time when I ate a gibbering mouther, but that barely compares to this."
Petra laughed nervously at the last comment before surreptitiously moving away from its mouth, caressing the skin past the side of its central eye with her lips.
"You can kiss my eye itself, if-if you like," it said shyly. "It doesn't hurt us. In fact, it feels-" he cut his sentence short with a shiver of pleasure; Erin had already enthusiastically started licking up and down the white sclera of the huge eyeball. The creature started to make purring noises. The corners of its mouth curved upwards.
Erin continued to work her tongue carefully around the smooth white surface, here and there shot through with thin, red veins. As she leaned over to reach the centre, she crossed the border between the white and the iris, a fractal pattern spread out beneath her, criss-crossing the surface of a sight organ many times more complex than a human's. She thought for a moment she glimpsed little motes of sparkling light the other side of the pupil, inside that cavernous eyeball, and then lowered her head to run her tongue along the interface between the eye and the eyelid. The flesh parted as she swept sideways, salty, tear-like fluid accumulating around her lips along with some other, thicker, ocular secretion. The white sphere moved beneath her mouth, swivelling upwards, the beholder exposing more of the white for her to taste.
"I guess we've found out what you like, haven't we? But this is only one eye, after all." Erin looked up to meet the gaze of a pair of eyestalks that had curled around to regard her from above. "You all right carrying on here, Petra?" The dark-skinned girl nodded. Erin spread her limbs against the side of the creature's body to gain as much purchase on the rough skin as possible as she clambered up, gripping against the wide circumference. She had spent plenty of her career up to now climbing on things, and the beholder was not a particularly difficult edifice to scale. Eventually she heaved herself on top of it, lying face-down on the wide circle of flesh delineated by the ring of eye-stalks, arms and legs draped down over the creature.
"Let's see about these other eyes," she said, gripping one of the stalks and encouraging it towards her face. It curved around compliantly, and she took the eyeball-tipped appendage into her mouth and closed her lips around it, sucking on it lightly, rubbing her tongue against its surface. Apparently the beholder was enjoying that particular sensation: she felt the next stalk bump against her lips, and opened wide, straining her jaw to accommodate both of the stalks as they twisted together in her mouth, their eyelids blinking rapidly and tickling her tongue.
Beneath her, Petra was discovering the sensitivity of the creature's own tongue. The creature had continued to lap at her as she pressed her body against it, and, as she was standing up, this put its mouth roughly level with her crotch. Over the last few minutes the huge, pink mass had dragged its rough tip back and forth over her belly and thighs, which were now slick with the creature's drool. She stood on one leg, lifting the other up and encouraging the creature to pass its tongue beneath her, giggling as it brushed against her intimate parts. Perhaps realising her enjoyment, the beholder kept its tongue between her legs, rasping back and forth with squelching noises as it rubbed against her labia.