USA iza nemira u Egiptu


Buduća legenda
Londonski Dejli telegraf danas piše da SAD tajno podržavaju proteste u Egiptu i da stoje iza organizatora protesta koji se, navodno, pripremaju već tri godine i čiji je cilj rušenje Mubaraka.

Cable published on WikiLeaks shows U.S. government lobbied for release of dissident prisoners

The U.S. government has been supporting leading figures behind the violent protests in Egypt in a bid to promote regime change, it has been revealed.
A 2008 diplomatic cable leaked by the WikiLeaks site outlines how the U.S. State Department supported a pro-democracy activist and lobbied for the release of dissidents from custody.
The unnamed activist presented an 'unwritten plan for democratic transition in 2011' at a summit in New York and met with U.S. members of congress.
One aspect of the plan was for 'a transition to a parliamentary democracy before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections', the Jerusalem Post reported.
Londonski Dejli telegraf danas piše da SAD tajno podržavaju proteste u Egiptu i da stoje iza organizatora protesta koji se, navodno, pripremaju već tri godine i čiji je cilj rušenje Mubaraka.

Cable published on WikiLeaks shows U.S. government lobbied for release of dissident prisoners

The U.S. government has been supporting leading figures behind the violent protests in Egypt in a bid to promote regime change, it has been revealed.
A 2008 diplomatic cable leaked by the WikiLeaks site outlines how the U.S. State Department supported a pro-democracy activist and lobbied for the release of dissidents from custody.
The unnamed activist presented an 'unwritten plan for democratic transition in 2011' at a summit in New York and met with U.S. members of congress.
One aspect of the plan was for 'a transition to a parliamentary democracy before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections', the Jerusalem Post reported.
Смрад је геноцидни Мубарак који подржава свакодевни терор и масакре над праославним хришћнима којих има око 10% у Египту. Сличан смрад хоће да га замени. Египат остаје варварска муслиманска држава као и све остале муслиманске државе.
Ti si izdao Seselja i nemas pravo glasa , idi broj Soroseve srebrnjake !!
Смешно кад ми то кажеш ти који подржаваш јеврејског фашисту, док ја хоћу да се Шешељ што пре врати у Србију жив и здрав док јеврејско фашистичу звер Soros би требало третирати као што је његов вољени Тачи третирао Србе.
Londonski Dejli telegraf danas piše da SAD tajno podržavaju proteste u Egiptu i da stoje iza organizatora protesta koji se, navodno, pripremaju već tri godine i čiji je cilj rušenje Mubaraka.

Cable published on WikiLeaks shows U.S. government lobbied for release of dissident prisoners

The U.S. government has been supporting leading figures behind the violent protests in Egypt in a bid to promote regime change, it has been revealed.
A 2008 diplomatic cable leaked by the WikiLeaks site outlines how the U.S. State Department supported a pro-democracy activist and lobbied for the release of dissidents from custody.
The unnamed activist presented an 'unwritten plan for democratic transition in 2011' at a summit in New York and met with U.S. members of congress.
One aspect of the plan was for 'a transition to a parliamentary democracy before the scheduled 2011 presidential elections', the Jerusalem Post reported.

Iza nemira stoje snage koje žele da stvore takvu atmosferu da na vlast didju ratrogradni islamski elementi kako bi lakše sve Arape proglasili za teroriste.

Glavni cilj pak - jeste najveći saveznik SAD u Erapskom svetu a to je Saudijska Arabija čiji kralj je glavna meta.
Interesantno je primetiti da ni jedna arapska zemlaj koja je prijateljska sa Rusijom nije zahvaćena nemirima. Liban, Sirija i Libija su izostavljene iz nemira.
