USA i Tramp otimaju Grenland od Danske!

Ma znam, to ponavlja već godinama, isto kao što je zajebavao Trudoa za Kanadu kao američku državu.

On voli da troluje malo.
Видећемо хоће ли овога пута да се зеза, сад нема разлога да брине, јер нема трећег мандата. И он је почео да пуца по шавовима
Видећемо хоће ли овога пута да се зеза, сад нема разлога да брине, јер нема трећег мандата. И он је почео да пуца по шавовима
Srbi polazu nadu u Trampa.
Ja mu nista ne vjerujem ,kao sto ne vjerujem nijednom politicaru.
Pa Tramp hoce da kupi Grenland kaze. To je uvreda . Hocu i ja da kupim Aljasku i vratim je nazad Rusiji . Posto kosta ?
Pa zamisli sličan primer - ti pitaš komšiju da kupiš njegov plac, on kaže "ne prodajem", ti kažeš "ok, javi ako se predomisliš" i problema nema. Zar se ne slažeš?

Problem nastaje tek kad ti upadneš tenkovima na njegov plac.
Pa zamisli sličan primer - ti pitaš komšiju da kupiš njegov plac, on kaže "ne prodajem", ti kažeš "ok, javi ako se predomisliš" i problema nema. Zar se ne slažeš?

Problem nastaje tek kad ti upadneš tenkovima na njegov plac.
Jel ono kada u Doneck upadaju nacisti sa tenkovima ili ono kada upadnu komsije u Doneck sa tenkovima.Koje upadanje ti smeta ,a koje ne?

Trump suggests U.S. should take ownership of Greenland​


  • Rebecca Falconer
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 President-elect Trump speaks during Turning Point USA''s AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center on December 22, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.''s AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center on December 22, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.

President-elect Trump speaks in Phoenix, Arizona, on Sunday. Photo: Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

President-elect Trump indicated he wants Greenland under U.S. control as he named PayPal co-founder Ken Howery as his pick for United States ambassador to Denmark on Sunday.
The big picture: Trump said during his first administration that he was looking into the U.S. buying Greenland and canceled a state trip to Denmark after Danish officials said the autonomous territory that's part of its kingdom was not for sale.
  • He made his latest comments on Greenland after demanding earlier in the weekend that Panamanian authorities lower fees for U.S. ships to transit the Panama Canal or return its control to the United States.
Driving the news: "For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity," Trump said in a post to Truth Social on Howery.
  • "Ken will do a wonderful job in representing the interests of the United States."
  • Representatives for both Trump and Denmark's Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not immediately respond to Axios request for comment in the evening.

Tramp ima plan da okupira Grenland, Kubu i Kanadu

Da li ce to izazvati rat?
Samo napred, ako se ratuje nek bude što dalje od nas. Uostalom Kanada i Danska su oči isplakale za nama.
