Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Окупљени "аналитичари" и "независни новинари" у Фонду.

Slike pojašnjavaju, zašto su sredili Đinđića, između ostalog

Dok je bio njihov psić bio je dobar, a kad je zapenio i počeo da daje izjave o Kosovu ubili su ga

To: kronos77
John Bolton is one of the most decent voices in the US foreign policy. He spoke against bombing of Serbia in 1999. Too bad he is no longer Ambassador to the UN, instead US is now represented by an exotic foreigner Zalmay Khalilzad – an obedient drug trafficker who can not even stutter in half-decent English. When former Serbian president Milosevic was overthrown in a US-British sponsored coup in 2000, the regime they had installed (Kostunica/ Djindjic) were openly told – all links with Russia must be severed! They complied. Russia pulled out from its traditional sphere of influence (Serbia/ Bulgaria) but vowed to come back with its money - not tanks, some day. That worked until 2005 and US becoming deeply involved in Iraq quagmire. Previously, late Serbian PM Djindjic red through the US policy over Kosovo (2002/2003) and secretly met with a Russian envoy in Bosnia one week prior to his assassination, probably discussing changing allegiances. He was warned by the US not to go on that trip or else… US, Britain were directly involved in his assassination, while Germany had prior knowledge but did nothing to prevent it. Djindjic broke away from his German handlers and stabbed Germany to the heart when he sold 2 bn worth steelworks business that Germans had once paid for to the US Steel for meager 20 mn, naturally taking some money for himself. A rouge operation then went astray? A month after Dj. assassination US ambassador in Belgrade lost his job and remained unemployed until this day? Sec. Powell made a surprise visit to Belgrade to offer condolences to a late PM widow – a fact finding mission to discover how much did the Serbs knew about US involvement? When Serbia was admitted to the NATO PfP in September 2006, despite objections of irrelevant US allies such as Holland and traditionally anti-Russian/anti-Serbian Britain – reportedly thanks to direct intervention of nat. sec. advisor Stephen Hadley, who overruled State Department and Pentagon – it was a last ditch effort to keep Serbia in the Western sphere of influence. Now it shows – it was too little too late. This should have been done in 2000/1 and by 2003 Serbia should have been allowed into NATO and by 2007 to the EU since it was far more capable than Romania, Bulgaria and half of the new EU members. Instead, irrelevant countries such as Holland with anti-Serb bias dominated Western policy towards Serbia. All of the people involved in such a catastrophic fiasco at the US, EU and NATO should be loosing their jobs. It is a great comfort too see an incapable little bureaucrat such as Nicholas Burns loosing his job as the Asst.Sec of State in the past weeks! Hopefully others not capable of meeting global challenges and think outside of the box, Condi, Frid and other leftovers of Clinton administration would soon follow Burns. Russia had brokered 10 bn. deal with Bulgaria to push a gas pipeline to Southern Europe infuriating Washington oil interests. It acquired 3 bn worth Serbian oil industry for a meager 400 mn. The difference in price probably to be paid in weapons. In 2003 Serbia was ready to send troops to Afghanistan, but because of Kosovo, since 6 months ago it pursues policy of “active neutrality”. It even once offered bases to the US on its territory. US was not interested. Now it offers the same bases to Russia – Russia seems to be welcoming the offer. Russian interests extending to the heart of the Balkans are now making US plans to build missile shield in Poland and Czech Rep. look pathetic. In other words, Serbia now ignores NATO and the US and in practice it almost completely restored working ties it once had with Russia openly defying US. Serbian PM is openly anti-NATO and today Serbia will elect a president who is even more “radically” anti-NATO and pro-Russian. Russia is now ready and willing to defend its strategic and economic interest in the Caucasus/ Black Sea and Balkans with military might. Russian pipelines will be defended by all means necessary and Russia will never back down again now that it "sensed blood". It is now too late for the Empire to strike back without resorting to nuclear! Keep your friends close and enemies even closer! US has failed to do so in case of Serbia letting petty interest of the few corrupted and unimaginative Balkan desk bureaucrats prevail - instead of breaking off with the Clintonites for the sake of far-sighted sustainable security policy in the Balkans. Nicholas Burns and his patrons should not only lose their jobs – they should be kicked out of politics forever for a catastrophic US fiasco in the Balkans that could decisively affect global security trends in the years to come. US and NATO had no business bombing Serbia in 1999, neither did Hitler invading Yugoslavia in 1941. It bought valuable time to Russia to regroup for a counter strike. All other apologists of Clinton legacy in the Balkans should be facing the music now. Put John Bolton back in charge and kick the Clintonits out - maybe it is not too late to have the damage to the US national security repaired ! Stepehen Hadley also proved as one of the few people in the current administration who can think outside of the box !
30 posted on 02/03/2008 4:06:06 AM PST by Snake Plisskenowski

Dok po zemlji svasta rade
na teveu limunade
bolji zivot, srecni ljudi
zato i ti srecan budi

Kupim novine, sveze izdanje
kad ono opet isto sranje
napadi ne jenjavaju
jedni druge s-ke-njavaju

Ali ko to tamo peva
leva, leva, leva, leva
do haosa i rasula
sve nas vodi Baba Jula

Ko to tamo ***** svira
u toku je bal vampira
predvodi ih sasvim trula
cvetokosa Baba Jula

Jos uvek se narod seca
ustase iz kuce cveca
ali on je cista nula
najjaca je Baba Jula

Isao sam do Dedinja
tamo ima mnogo svinja
crveno se celo krdo
na Julino seli brdo

Ali ko to tamo peva
leva, leva, leva, leva
do haosa i rasula
sve nas vodi Baba Jula

Ko to tamo ***** svira
u toku je bal vampira
predvodi ih sasvim trula
cvetokosa Baba Jula
To: kronos77
John Bolton is one of the most decent voices in the US foreign policy. He spoke against bombing of Serbia in 1999. Too bad he is no longer Ambassador to the UN, instead US is now represented by an exotic foreigner Zalmay Khalilzad – an obedient drug trafficker who can not even stutter in half-decent English. When former Serbian president Milosevic was overthrown in a US-British sponsored coup in 2000, the regime they had installed (Kostunica/ Djindjic) were openly told – all links with Russia must be severed! They complied. Russia pulled out from its traditional sphere of influence (Serbia/ Bulgaria) but vowed to come back with its money - not tanks, some day. That worked until 2005 and US becoming deeply involved in Iraq quagmire. Previously, late Serbian PM Djindjic red through the US policy over Kosovo (2002/2003) and secretly met with a Russian envoy in Bosnia one week prior to his assassination, probably discussing changing allegiances. He was warned by the US not to go on that trip or else… US, Britain were directly involved in his assassination, while Germany had prior knowledge but did nothing to prevent it. Djindjic broke away from his German handlers and stabbed Germany to the heart when he sold 2 bn worth steelworks business that Germans had once paid for to the US Steel for meager 20 mn, naturally taking some money for himself. A rouge operation then went astray? A month after Dj. assassination US ambassador in Belgrade lost his job and remained unemployed until this day? Sec. Powell made a surprise visit to Belgrade to offer condolences to a late PM widow – a fact finding mission to discover how much did the Serbs knew about US involvement? When Serbia was admitted to the NATO PfP in September 2006, despite objections of irrelevant US allies such as Holland and traditionally anti-Russian/anti-Serbian Britain – reportedly thanks to direct intervention of nat. sec. advisor Stephen Hadley, who overruled State Department and Pentagon – it was a last ditch effort to keep Serbia in the Western sphere of influence. Now it shows – it was too little too late. This should have been done in 2000/1 and by 2003 Serbia should have been allowed into NATO and by 2007 to the EU since it was far more capable than Romania, Bulgaria and half of the new EU members. Instead, irrelevant countries such as Holland with anti-Serb bias dominated Western policy towards Serbia. All of the people involved in such a catastrophic fiasco at the US, EU and NATO should be loosing their jobs. It is a great comfort too see an incapable little bureaucrat such as Nicholas Burns loosing his job as the Asst.Sec of State in the past weeks! Hopefully others not capable of meeting global challenges and think outside of the box, Condi, Frid and other leftovers of Clinton administration would soon follow Burns. Russia had brokered 10 bn. deal with Bulgaria to push a gas pipeline to Southern Europe infuriating Washington oil interests. It acquired 3 bn worth Serbian oil industry for a meager 400 mn. The difference in price probably to be paid in weapons. In 2003 Serbia was ready to send troops to Afghanistan, but because of Kosovo, since 6 months ago it pursues policy of “active neutrality”. It even once offered bases to the US on its territory. US was not interested. Now it offers the same bases to Russia – Russia seems to be welcoming the offer. Russian interests extending to the heart of the Balkans are now making US plans to build missile shield in Poland and Czech Rep. look pathetic. In other words, Serbia now ignores NATO and the US and in practice it almost completely restored working ties it once had with Russia openly defying US. Serbian PM is openly anti-NATO and today Serbia will elect a president who is even more “radically” anti-NATO and pro-Russian. Russia is now ready and willing to defend its strategic and economic interest in the Caucasus/ Black Sea and Balkans with military might. Russian pipelines will be defended by all means necessary and Russia will never back down again now that it "sensed blood". It is now too late for the Empire to strike back without resorting to nuclear! Keep your friends close and enemies even closer! US has failed to do so in case of Serbia letting petty interest of the few corrupted and unimaginative Balkan desk bureaucrats prevail - instead of breaking off with the Clintonites for the sake of far-sighted sustainable security policy in the Balkans. Nicholas Burns and his patrons should not only lose their jobs – they should be kicked out of politics forever for a catastrophic US fiasco in the Balkans that could decisively affect global security trends in the years to come. US and NATO had no business bombing Serbia in 1999, neither did Hitler invading Yugoslavia in 1941. It bought valuable time to Russia to regroup for a counter strike. All other apologists of Clinton legacy in the Balkans should be facing the music now. Put John Bolton back in charge and kick the Clintonits out - maybe it is not too late to have the damage to the US national security repaired ! Stepehen Hadley also proved as one of the few people in the current administration who can think outside of the box !
30 posted on 02/03/2008 4:06:06 AM PST by Snake Plisskenowski


he he he
da nije smeshno bilo bi tuzhno
dokle vishe sa tim boltonom i ko je izmedzhu ostalog od senatora bio najvechi protivnik nominacije boltona za un?

just :lol::lol::lol:
Previously, late Serbian PM Djindjic red through the US policy over Kosovo (2002/2003) and secretly met with a Russian envoy in Bosnia one week prior to his assassination, probably discussing changing allegiances. He was warned by the US not to go on that trip or else… US, Britain were directly involved in his assassination, while Germany had prior knowledge but did nothing to prevent it.

Shvatio je , prekasno

Djindjic broke away from his German handlers and stabbed Germany to the heart when he sold 2 bn worth steelworks business that Germans had once paid for to the US Steel for meager 20 mn, naturally taking some money for himself.

Kao da je hteo sve odjednom da popravi, ali je spalio sve mostove sobom

When Serbia was admitted to the NATO PfP in September 2006, despite objections of irrelevant US allies such as Holland and traditionally anti-Russian/anti-Serbian Britain – reportedly thanks to direct intervention of nat. sec. advisor Stephen Hadley, who overruled State Department and Pentagon – it was a last ditch effort to keep Serbia in the Western sphere of influence. Now it shows – it was too little too late. This should have been done in 2000/1 and by 2003 Serbia should have been allowed into NATO and by 2007 to the EU since it was far more capable than Romania, Bulgaria and half of the new EU members. Instead, irrelevant countries such as Holland with anti-Serb bias dominated Western policy towards Serbia. All of the people involved in such a catastrophic fiasco at the US, EU and NATO should be loosing their jobs. It is a great comfort too see an incapable little bureaucrat such as Nicholas Burns loosing his job as the Asst.Sec of State in the past weeks! Hopefully others not capable of meeting global challenges and think outside of the box, Condi, Frid and other leftovers of Clinton administration would soon follow Burns. Russia had brokered 10 bn. deal with Bulgaria to push a gas pipeline to Southern Europe infuriating Washington oil interests. It acquired 3 bn worth Serbian oil industry for a meager 400 mn. The difference in price probably to be paid in weapons. In 2003 Serbia was ready to send troops to Afghanistan, but because of Kosovo, since 6 months ago it pursues policy of “active neutrality”. It even once offered bases to the US on its territory. US was not interested. Now it offers the same bases to Russia – Russia seems to be welcoming the offer. Russian interests extending to the heart of the Balkans are now making US plans to build missile shield in Poland and Czech Rep. look pathetic. In other words, Serbia now ignores NATO and the US and in practice it almost completely restored working ties it once had with Russia openly defying US. Serbian PM is openly anti-NATO and today Serbia will elect a president who is even more “radically” anti-NATO and pro-Russian. Russia is now ready and willing to defend its strategic and economic interest in the Caucasus/ Black Sea and Balkans with military might. Russian pipelines will be defended by all means necessary and Russia will never back down again now that it "sensed blood". It is now too late for the Empire to strike back without resorting to nuclear! Keep your friends close and enemies even closer! US has failed to do so in case of Serbia letting petty interest of the few corrupted and unimaginative Balkan desk bureaucrats prevail - instead of breaking off with the Clintonites for the sake of far-sighted sustainable security policy in the Balkans. Nicholas Burns and his patrons should not only lose their jobs – they should be kicked out of politics forever for a catastrophic US fiasco in the Balkans that could decisively affect global security trends in the years to come. US and NATO had no business bombing Serbia in 1999, neither did Hitler invading Yugoslavia in 1941. It bought valuable time to Russia to regroup for a counter strike.

Umesto da su bili bar malo, uviđavni, preme njemu, baš su njega najviše pritiskali

Đinđić je prekasno shvatio miloševićeve reči : Ne napadaju oni Srbiju zbog Miloševića, nego Miloševića zbog srbije, što dokazuju oni koji su krojili politiku, kao da se ništa nije promenili famoznog petog oktobra
Да наставимо даље... Сорош са Душаном Митровићем (лист Данас) и новинаром Радетом Радовановићем, који је уређивао ноћни програм радија Слободна Европа у време Нато агресије. Добро се сећам тих емисија, у којима су сажаљевани припадници ОВК .

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
