Predat zahtev Srbije za kandidaturu u EU

You're totally wrong. The EU authorities don't give money if there are suspicions of corruption or if the problems are discovered later, when the concrete grants are already absorbed, the authorities take their money back. If you don't want to believe that the EU funds really exist... well, it is your right to live in a world, created by your imagination.

Ja zivim u svetu u kom caruje kriminal,korupcija,nepotizam,gde se fabrike prodaju trulim kapitalistima sa zapada za dzabe,a radnici salju na ulicu sa nekom bednom otpremninom,gde se skoluje i obrazuje samo onaj ko ima pare,gde se uvode evropske cene i evropski propisi,u zemlji gde je prosecna zarada 300 evra,gde se od evropske kulture preuzima najgori sljam,u vidu VB i raznih stupidnih riality show programa...To je zemlja u kojoj zivim,sa politicarima koji se cepe za najbedniju kosku evropskih lidera...Nikad novac na ove prostore nije stizao iz dobre namere,"na lepe oci"...Uvek je tu igrao neki interes velikih sila.Ja ne negiram postojanje fondova EU,ali smatram da je taj iznos koji se obecava,znatno manji i da je uslovljen,odnosno da to nije racun bez krcmara
Ja ne negiram postojanje fondova EU,ali smatram da je taj iznos koji se obecava,znatno manji i da je uslovljen,odnosno da to nije racun bez krcmara

Exactly. These European financial regulations, restrictions and forms of control are in fact stimuli for reforms and modernization for our Balkan countries - "if you want our money, you will respect our rules and principles". Sometimes the most positive effects are not in the absorption of all funds, but in the lateral consequences of that process.
Exactly. These European financial regulations, restrictions and forms of control are in fact stimuli for reforms and modernization for our Balkan countries - "if you want our money, you will respect our rules and principles". Sometimes the most positive effects are not in the absorption of all funds, but in the lateral consequences of that process.

Pa o tome i ja pricam.Igrajte kako mi sviramo,inace nema para.Mi smo u stvari potlaceni i moracemo da radimo sta nam oni narede.A obzirom na to kakva smo iskustva imali sa evropskim silama(tj.americkim satelitima),svi mozemo i da pretpostavimo kakve su njihove namere.Mi mozemo da se razvijamo i modernizujemo,samo dokle nam oni dozvole
Pa o tome i ja pricam.Igrajte kako mi sviramo,inace nema para.Mi smo u stvari potlaceni i moracemo da radimo sta nam oni narede.A obzirom na to kakva smo iskustva imali sa evropskim silama(tj.americkim satelitima),svi mozemo i da pretpostavimo kakve su njihove namere.Mi mozemo da se razvijamo i modernizujemo,samo dokle nam oni dozvole

I don't think that the EU rules are intended to prevent or to stop our development. We are no threat to the major European powers so they do not have interest to keep our standard low. On the contrary, they need us as markets for their goods and richer citizens means better consumers.
Poslednja izmena:
I don't think that the EU rules are intended to prevent or to stop our development. We are not threat for the major European powers so they do not have interest to keep our standard low. On the contrary, they need us as markets for their goods and richer citizens means better consumers.

Mi njima trebamo kao jeftina radna snaga pre svega.Njima je upravo cilj da ne postanemo previse "razvijeni",da kontrolisu nasu ekonomsku i vojnu moc,jer ako previse ojacamo,onda nam njihove donacije nisu preko potrebne i prestajemo da zavisimo od njih
Mi njima trebamo kao jeftina radna snaga pre svega.Njima je upravo cilj da ne postanemo previse "razvijeni",da kontrolisu nasu ekonomsku i vojnu moc,jer ako previse ojacamo,onda nam njihove donacije nisu preko potrebne i prestajemo da zavisimo od njih

I can't agree. What military power do you mean?! Serbia has 4 MiG-29, which can't fly because they don't have tires, and probably about 8-10 flyable outdated MiG-21, ready for the museums, while Germany alone has 55 F-4 Phantom II which would be replaced by 143 Eurofighter Typhoon, 37 are already delivered and operational. The same is with the economy.
I can't agree. What military power do you mean?! Serbia has 4 MiG-29, which can't fly because they don't have tires, and probably about 8-10 flyable outdated MiG-21, ready for the museums, while Germany alone has 55 F-4 Phantom II which would be replaced by 143 Eurofighter Typhoon, 37 are already delivered and operational. The same is with the economy.

Pazi bratko,slazem se da smo mi sad nula,ali ti ja govorim futuristicki,ako bi Srbija,Bugarska ili bilo koja zemlja iz regiona,u buducnosti ojacala,dotle da ne zavisi vise od velikih evropskih sila,razumes?
I don't think that the EU rules are intended to prevent or to stop our development. We are no threat to the major European powers so they do not have interest to keep our standard low. On the contrary, they need us as markets for their goods and richer citizens means better consumers.

Well what are they waiting for? I was in Bulgaria this summer and i didnt see you making any progress. No offence, that is just what i saw.
Pazi bratko,slazem se da smo mi sad nula,ali ti ja govorim futuristicki,ako bi Srbija,Bugarska ili bilo koja zemlja iz regiona,u buducnosti ojacala,dotle da ne zavisi vise od velikih evropskih sila,razumes?

Serbia (without Kosovo)
Territory 77,474 km[SUP]2[/SUP]
Population 7,334,935
GDP (PPP) $79.798 billion

Germany (alone)
Territory 357,021km[SUP]2[/SUP]
Population 82,060,000
GDP (PPP) $2.918 trillion

I don't see any chance for radical change of these proportions. I suppose that the Yugoslav pattern of mythical pseudo-independence still shapes your perceptions, while we in Bulgaria as a part of a former global military organization (Warsaw pact) think from the perspective of a medium European country which must know how to live in a world of strong international dependence, dominated by bigger structures.
Serbia (without Kosovo)
Territory 77,474 km[SUP]2[/SUP]
Population 7,334,935
GDP (PPP) $79.798 billion

Germany (alone)
Territory 357,021km[SUP]2[/SUP]
Population 82,060,000
GDP (PPP) $2.918 trillion

I don't see any chance for radical change of these proportions. I suppose that the Yugoslav pattern of mythical pseudo-independence still shapes your perceptions, while we in Bulgaria as a part of a former global military organization (Warsaw pact) think from the perspective of a medium European country which must know how to live in a world of strong international dependence, dominated by bigger structures.

Ok,ocigledno se ne kontamo z;)
