Nije tvoj, nego moj... blog

Dragi prijatelji i ostali dobronamernici, u ovo vreme oseke ideja, a plime toksičnih odnosa, sa velikom radošću
sam shvatila da je lični blog dragoceno i spasonosno mesto za dobre odnose... za poklanjanje životne energije,
ali i prihvatanje javno iskazivanje ljubavi i pažnje, prijateljstva i razumevanja, bez straha da ćete biti
ismejani, ili da nećete biti shvaćeni...u svakom slučaju, bićete zagrljeni prijateljskom rukom...

Dragi prijatelji, hajde da oživimo ovaj blog - šalama! Uživajte!


:vzagrljaj: :heart2::vzagrljaj::heart2::vzagrljaj::heart2::vzagrljaj::heart2::vzagrljaj::heart2::vzagrljaj::heart2::vzagrljaj:
Poslednja izmena:
Ne znam da li je volite, ali meni je ova pesma teško pala od jutros i izmamila mi obilne kiše.

Diamonds and rust
Joan Baez

Well I'll be damned
Here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you happened to call
And here I sit
Hand on the telephone
Hearing a voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robin's eggs
My poetry was lousy you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the midwest
Ten years ago
I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust

Well you burst on the scene
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond
You strayed into my arms
And there you stayed
Temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes the girl on the half-shell
Would keep you unharmed

Now I see you standing
With brown leaves falling around
And snow in your hair
Now you're smiling out the window
Of that crummy hotel
Over Washington Square
Our breath comes out white clouds
Mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me
We both could have died then and there

Now you're telling me
You're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You who are so good with words
And at keeping things vague
Because I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly
Yes I loved you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust
I've already paid

Ne znam da li je volite, ali meni je ova pesma teško pala od jutros i izmamila mi obilne kiše.

Diamonds and rust
Joan Baez

Well I'll be damned
Here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you happened to call
And here I sit
Hand on the telephone
Hearing a voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago
Heading straight for a fall

As I remember your eyes
Were bluer than robin's eggs
My poetry was lousy you said
Where are you calling from?
A booth in the midwest
Ten years ago
I bought you some cufflinks
You brought me something
We both know what memories can bring
They bring diamonds and rust

Well you burst on the scene
Already a legend
The unwashed phenomenon
The original vagabond
You strayed into my arms
And there you stayed
Temporarily lost at sea
The Madonna was yours for free
Yes the girl on the half-shell
Would keep you unharmed

Now I see you standing
With brown leaves falling around
And snow in your hair
Now you're smiling out the window
Of that crummy hotel
Over Washington Square
Our breath comes out white clouds
Mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me
We both could have died then and there

Now you're telling me
You're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You who are so good with words
And at keeping things vague
Because I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly
Yes I loved you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust
I've already paid


Sunce moje... nemoj da pakiš...

Moram da priznam da ne volim žene sa gitarom...Valjda to potiče još od Fransoaz Ardi koja je kao početnica nabadala po svojoj gitari i na koju se ložilo neko francusko kvazi osvešćeno društvo... Ne znam da li je Fransoaz na kraju naučila da svira gitaru, ali čujem da Džoan Baez savršeno koristi taj instrument..

Divna je pesma, baš potresni stihovi...
Grlim te i hvala...
Tmurno vreme, značajni dani, stvarnost koja nas okružuje, sopstvena osvešćenost ne nude svakog dana osmeh na licu...
Mada je on sasvim moguć... i realan... zaslužen...
:vzagrljaj: :heart2::vzagrljaj::zmeda:

Evo prevod divne pesme...



Drage moje druge...
Imam novog fana...

Tupson, moram da kažem...
Nažalost - tupson...
Mamin sin... znate šta to znači, a?
Šalje mi poruke, lajkuje mi sve što napišem bilo gde...
Ne znam kako je narihtao ovo sokoćalo, pa da mu
javlja gde sam, šta radim, kada sam prdn...ula, a kada sam se usss.rala...

Kakav smor od "muškarca"...
Dahće mi za uvcetom...
ali - smrdi mu iz usta...

Nego, hajde mi našu žensku himnu...
Odavno je nismo čule...

E, da!
Ako ste dobile neko kilce, ne brinite!
To pravi muškarci baš vole!
Drage moje druge,
da li ste primetile kod svoje dece kako vole da se prave pametna i tvrdoglavo ne priznaju koliki su tupsoni..?
Koje je to po redu "doba ličnosti" po doktoru Spoku? Peto?
To treba preživeti...
Najpametniji klinci, a upadaju iz greške u grešku...
Nek su živi i zdravi!
Doći će im jednog dana iz guzice u glavu!

Obožavam ovu pevačicu!
Napravila je hit koji vole sve žene sveta...
Osim silikonskih barbika...

