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théodore valerio

herserange 1819 - vichy 1879



Of Italian origins, Théodore Valério was born in the Moselle region of eastern France, not far from the border with Luxembourg, and entered the Parisian studio of Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet in 1834. The two artists soon became friends, and in 1836 travelled together on a sketching tour of Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Valério made his public debut in 1838, at the age of nineteen, at the Salon des Artistes Vivants. He continued to exhibit at the Salons until his death, winning a third-class medal in the category of engraving in 1859. A painter, engraver and draughtsman, he produced landscapes, genre scenes and military subjects. He was an inveterate traveller, and in the 1840s and 1850s made extensive tours of Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania, as well as the Balkans and Turkey. During the Crimean War Valério was attached to the Ottoman army commanded by Omar Pasha, and produced drawings and watercolours of the conflict, notably the siege of Sebastopol, as well as of the multitude of soldiers and civilians from across the Ottoman Empire who made up the Sultan’s army. Valério made numerous drawings and studies of the exotic costumes and features of the peoples that he saw on his travels, particularly in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Austro-Hungarian empire. He was far, however, from being a pampered tourist. Travelling either on foot or horseback, and venturing far from major cities, the artist lived and dined among the rural peasantry and nomadic peoples of the region, of which he produced many insightful and sympathetic drawn portraits. These documentary works were praised by the critic Théophile Gautier, who saw Valério as an artist-ethnographer, and a large group of drawings and watercolours by the artist – mainly portraits executed on trips to Hungary and the Balkans between 1851 and 1854 - were exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1855, to considerable acclaim, and were purchased by the State; these are today in the collection of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Many of Valério’s drawings and genre scenes were also reproduced in the form of albums of lithographs or etchings, notably Les Populations des provinces danubiennes en 1854, published in Paris around 1855. Valério also published an account of his travels, entitled ‘Essais ethnographiques sur les populations hongroises’, in the magazine L’Artiste in 1858. The artist spent much of his later years in Brittany, which he had first visited in 1843, and also spent some time in England before his death in 1879. The following year, a sale of some of the contents of his studio, including sixty paintings and numerous drawings, was held in Paris.


Works (Original/French titles):

Œuvres exposées aux Salons de :​

Sauf mention contraire les œuvres sont des peintures exposées au Salon des Artistes Français. Les indications (élève de, domicile,…) sont celles mentionnées sur les livrets des salons que l’artiste devait préciser lors du dépôt de ses œuvres.

Domicile : 2 rue Chauveau-Lagarde à Paris

, « Intérieur de corps-de-garde flamand » (n°1711)

1842, « Portraits de M. Charlet et de sa femme » (dessin)

« Portrait de Mlle de Saint M… » (Dessin à la mine de plomb)

Domicile : 18 rue Neuve-de-Luxembourg à Paris

, « La Position critique » (n°4360)

« La Pêche aux écrevisses » (n°4361)

« Intérieur de chenil » (Aquarelle, n°4362),

« Famille calabraise » (Aquarelle, n°4363a),

« Les Apprentis forgerons » (Aquarelle, n°4363b),

« Les Marais pontins » (Aquarelle, n°4363c),

« Souvenirs des environs de Naples » (Aquarelle, n°4364a),

« Columbarium, route de Pouzzoles » (Aquarelle, n°4364b),

« Une Rue de Rome » (Aquarelle, n°4364c),

Domicile : 22 rue du Luxembourg à Paris

, Vingt-quatre études ethnographiques à l’aquarelle :

« Pâtre hongrois des bords de la Theus » (n°4107),

« Derviche égyptien, armée du Danube » (n°4108),

« BachiBozouck, Silistrie » (n°4109),

« Femme tsigane de Servie » (n°4110),

« Turc des côtes de la mer Noire » (n°4111),

« Turc de la Morée » (n°4112),

« Chef arabe des environs de Damas » (n°4113),

« Chef Kurde » (n°4114),

« Tsigane hongrois » (n°4115),

« Tsigane hongrois » (n°4116),

« Femme tsigane de Hongrie » (n°4117),

« Femme tsigane de Servie » (n°4118),

« Paysan hongrois de Szolnok » (n°4119),

« Paysan hongrois de Szolnok » (n°4120),

« Paysan hongrois du pays des Jazigers » (n°4121),

« Paysan hongrois des montagnes du Matra » (n°4122),

« Avant-poste égyptien dans la Dobruscha » (n°4123),

« Femme serbe de Belgrade » (n°4124),

« BachiBozouck albanais, armée du Danube » (n°4125),

« Paysan valaque » (n°4126),

« Pâtre hongrois des Carpathes » (n°4127),

« Femme mariée d’Arokszallas » (n°4128),

« Femme croate des frontières de Bosnie » (n+4129),

« Forgeron tsigane des montagnes du Matra » (n°4130)

Six eaux-fortes originales :

« Jeune fille du comitat d’Hevès » (n°4774a),

« Fermier du comitat d’Hevès » (n°4774b),

« Serrachamer du régiment frontière d’Ottochez » (n°4774c),

« Serrachamer du régiment frontière de Illum » (n°4774d),

« Juhasz de la grande Kumanie » (n°4774e),

« Femme tsigane d’Uyzasz » (n°4774f),

1857, « Musiciens tsiganes (Hongrie) » (n°2580)

« Bachi-Bouzoucq nègre : armée du Danube » (Aquarelle, n°2581a),

« Bachi-Bouzoucq nègre : armée du Danube » (Aquarelle, n°2581b),

« Paysan Serbe » (Aquarelle, n°2581c),

« Paysan Serbe » (Aquarelle, n°2581d),

« Arnaute » (Aquarelle, n°2582),

« Cavas du prince de Servie » (Aquarelle, n°2583),

« Pandoure de l’herzegowine » (Aquarelle, n°2584),

« Bachi-Bouzoucq Kurde » (Aquarelle, n°2585) (Musée de Saint-Etienne),

« Femmes et enfants slovaques (Hongrie) » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280a),

« Chef Albanais camp de Kalafat » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280b),

« Enfants tsiganes » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280c),

« Arnautes » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280d),

« Cavaliers arabes en vedette » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280e),

« Bachi-Bouzoucq de l’armée d’Anatolie » (Eau-forte originale, n°3280f),

1859, « Les pêcheurs de la Theiss, dans l’intérieur des steppes (Hongrie) » (n°2915),

« Tsiganes valaques des frontières de la Transylvanie » (n°2916),

« La jeune mère, souvenir de Nice (Piémont) » (n°2917),

« Une jeune fille de Belgrade » (Aquarelle, n°2918),

« Paysanne valaque » (Aquarelle, n°2919),

Sept-eaux-fortes originales :

« Musicien serbes » (n°3664a),

« Serrechaner des frontières militaires » (n°3664b),

« Bachibozoucq Kurde » (n°3664c),

« Pâtre des bords de la Koros (Hongrie) » (n°3664d),

« Prisonnier hongrois » (n°3664e),

« Pâtre slovaque des Carpathes » (n°3664f),

« Tsikos des bords de la Koros (Hongrie) » (n°3664g),

Domicile : 22 rue de Luxembourg à Paris, et, chez M. L. Delarue au 19 rue de Chaillot à Paris

, « Le Ghetto de Sienne (Italie) » (n°3027),

« Fortunata (Sienne) » (n°3028),

« Jeune femme de Sienne tressant la paille » (n°3029),

« L’Oiseau (Sienne) » (n°3030),

« Femme de Sienne » (Dessin, n°3031),

« Pêcheurs hongrois » (Eau-forte originale n°3884),

« Une Pusta (Hongrie) » (Eau-forte originale n°3885),

« Un Musicien Tsigane (Hongrie) » (Eau-forte originale n°3886),

1863, « Une Dévideuse » (n°1824),

« Paysanne d’Assise » (n°1825),

« Le Marché aux herbes d’Assise » (n°1826),

Domicile : 22 rue de Luxembourg à Paris

, « Gardeuse d’armes, de pipes et de berceaux à l'entrée du monastère de Cettigne (Monténégro » (n°1887),

« Étude de femme tzigane (Bosnie) » (Aquarelle, n°2463)

« Étude de femme tzigane (Bosnie) » (Aquarelle, n°2464)

« Gardeuse d’armes et de berceaux à la porte d’une église monténégrine » (Eau-forte originale, n°2999),

« Berger des frontières militaires du Monténégro » (Eau-forte originale, n°3000)

1865, « Famille monténégrine pleurant ses morts après un combat à l’entrée du monastère de Cettigne » (n°2109, Musée de Metz),

« Paysanne d’Assise » (Aquarelle, n°2819),

« Monténégrin des frontières de l’Herzegowine » (Aquarelle, n°2820),

« Intérieur d’un village hongrois » (Eau-forte originale, n°3478),

« Marchand de Cettigne (Montenegro) » (Eau-forte originale, n°3479),

1866, « Campement de tsiganes nomades de Transylvanie » (n°1879),

« Musiciens morlaques, des frontières de L’Herzecowine » (n°1880)

« Gardes du prince de Monténégro » (Eau-forte originale, n°)

1867, « Famille Monténégrine pleurant ses morts, souvenir du monastère de Cettigne » (Aquarelle, n°2089),

« Albanais tenant un cheval » (Aquarelle, n°2090),

1868, « Convoi de bachi-bozoucks blessés, traversant un marécage » (n°2429),

« Gardeuse d’armes, de pipes et de berceaux à l’entrée d’un monastère de Cettigne (Monténégro) » (n°2430).

1869, « Chef Kurde et son escorte traversant un gué aux environs de Ruscsuk, souvenir du Danube en 1854 » (n°2299),

« Aveugles bretonnes, souvenir du pèlerinage de Sainte-Anne la Palude » (Aquarelle, n°3182),

« Danseuse de Bosnie » (Aquarelle, n°3183),

Six eaux-fortes originales sous le même numéro 4156 :

« Mendiantes bretonnes, souvenir du pèlerinage de Sainte-Anne la Palude », (quatre sous ce titre)

« Arnaute conduisant un cheval »,

« Sentinelle monténégrine »,

1870, « Chevaux bretons sur les falaises de Ris, par un temps de brise, baie de Douarnenez » (n°2803),

« Attelage breton à marée montante, souvenir de la plage de Tresmalouen, baie de Douarnenez » (n°2804),

« Chef Kurde et son escorte, souvenir du Danube en 1854 » (Aquarelle, n°4163),

« Souvenirs de la Dalmatie et du Monténégro » (Six eaux-fortes originales sous le même n°5366),

« La Récolte du Varech, souvenir de Bretagne » (Eau-forte originale, n°5367),

1872, « Les pierres druidiques de Carnac (Morbihan) » (n°),

« Chevaux bretons à l’abreuvoir, souvenir de la lande de Kermario (Morbihan) » (n°),

1873, « L’Abreuvoir, souvenir de Carnac (Morbihan) » (n°1418)

1874, « La Coupe du goémon à la grande marée du mois d’août, souvenir de la plage de Saint Colomban (Morbihan) » (n°1745),

« La Bergère du manoir de Kermo, près Carnac » (n°1746)

1875, « Un Puits d’eau douce, au bord de la mer, environs de Carnac (Morbihan) » (n°1910),

« Le Départ pour les champs, souvenir de Saint-Colomban (Morbihan) » (n°1911),

« La Coupe du goémon, souvenir des rochers de Kermarie, à marée basse » (n°1912),

« Les Rochers de Carnac (Morbihan) à marée basse » (Aquarelle, n°2792),

« Pierres druidiques de Kermario à Carnac » (Aquarelle, n°2793),

« Marée basse, rochers de Carnac » (Aquarelle, n°2793),

1876, « Souvenir de la plage de Tresmalouen (Finistère) par un temps d’orage »,

« Vanneuses, femmes des environs de Carnac »,

« Paysanne italienne » (Aquarelle)

1877, « Monténégrins en prière devant les murs du monastère de Cettigne » (Aquarelle, n°3500)

1878, « Souvenir du lavoir de Ploumarch (Finistère) » (n°2172),

« Jeunes filles Monténégrines venant puiser de l’eau à la citerne de Cettigne » (n°2173),

« Paysannes d’Assise (Italie) » (Quatre croquis, n°3920),

1879, « La Coupe du goémon à Carnac (Morbihan) » (n°2894).

Communal home (zadruga) on the former military lines

Communal home on the former military lines, Bosnia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.

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Border post, Bosnian border​

Border post, Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


Farm near Essek​

Farm near Essek (Osijek), Slavonija, From the Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.

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Public granary in a Croatian village​

Public granary in a Croatian village, Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


House in a village on the border​

House in a village on the border, Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


View of Agram or Zagreb, capital of Croatia​

View of Agram or Zagreb, capital of Croatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.

Works (Engliish titles):

Works exhibited at the Salons of:​

Unless otherwise stated, the works are paintings exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français. The indications (student of, domicile, etc.) are those mentioned in the booklets of the salons that the artist had to specify when submitting his works.

Residence: 2 rue Chauveau-Lagarde in Paris

, “ Interior of a Flemish guardhouse ” (n°1711)

1842 , " Portraits of M. Charlet and his wife " (drawing)

Portrait of Mlle de Saint M …” (pencil drawing)

Residence: 18 rue Neuve-de-Luxembourg in Paris

, “ The Critical Position ” (n°4360)

Crayfish Fishing ” (n°4361)

Kennel interior ” (Watercolor, n°4362),

Calabrian family ” (Watercolor, n°4363a),

The Apprentice Blacksmiths ” (Watercolor, n°4363b),

" The Pontine Marshes " (Watercolor, n°4363c),

" Memories of the surroundings of Naples " (Watercolor, n°4364a),

Columbarium, road to Pozzuoli ” (Watercolor, n°4364b),

" A Street in Rome " (Watercolor, n°4364c),

Residence: 22 rue du Luxembourg in Paris

, Twenty-four Ethnographic Studies in Watercolour:

Hungarian herdsman on the banks of the Theus ” (n°4107),

" Egyptian Dervish, Army of the Danube " (n°4108),

« BachiBozouck, Silistrie » (n°4109),

Gypsy woman from Servia ” (n°4110),

" Turkish Coast of the Black Sea " (No. 4111),

Turk of the Morea ” (n°4112),

" Arab chief from around Damascus " (n°4113),

" Kurdish leader " (n°4114),

Hungarian Gypsy ” (n°4115),

Hungarian Gypsy ” (n°4116),

Gypsy woman from Hungary ” (n°4117),

Gypsy woman from Servia ” (n°4118),

Hungarian peasant from Szolnok ” (n°4119),

Hungarian peasant from Szolnok ” (n°4120),

Hungarian peasant from the country of the Jazigers ” (n°4121),

Hungarian peasant from the Matra mountains ” (n°4122),

" Egyptian outpost in the Dobruscha " (n°4123),

Serbian woman from Belgrade ” (n°4124),

Albanian BashiBozouck, Danube army ” (n°4125),

Wallachian peasant ” (n°4126),

Hungarian shepherd from the Carpathians ” (n°4127),

" Married woman from Arokszallas " (n°4128),

Croatian woman from the borders of Bosnia ” (n+4129),

Gypsy blacksmith from the Matra mountains ” (n°4130)

Six original etchings:

" Young girl from the county of Hevès " (n°4774a),

" Farmer of the county of Hevès " (n°4774b),

" Serrachamer of the border regiment of Ottochez " (n°4774c),

" Serrachamer of the frontier regiment of Illum " (n°4774d),

" Juhasz of the great Kumania " (n°4774e),

Gypsy woman from Uyzasz ” (n°4774f),

1857 , “ Gypsy Musicians (Hungary)” (n°2580)

" Bashi-Bouzoucq negro: army of the Danube" (Watercolor, n°2581a),

" Bashi-Bouzoucq negro: army of the Danube " (Watercolor, n°2581b),

" Serbian Peasant " (Watercolor, n°2581c),

" Serbian Peasant " (Watercolor, n°2581d),

Arnaute ” (Watercolor, n°2582),

" Cavas of the Prince of Servia " (Watercolor, n°2583),

« Pandoure de l’herzegowine » (Aquarelle, n°2584),

" Bashi-Bouzoucq Kurdish " (Watercolor, n°2585) (Saint-Etienne Museum),

Slovak women and children (Hungary)” (Original etching, n°3280a),

" Albanian leader of Kalafat camp " (Original etching, n°3280b),

Gypsy children ” (Original etching, n°3280c),

" Arnautes " (Original etching, n°3280d),

" Starring Arab horsemen " (Original etching, n°3280e),

" Bashi-Bouzoucq of the Army of Anatolia " (Original etching, n°3280f),

1859 , " Fishermen of the Theiss, in the interior of the steppes (Hungary)" (n°2915),

Wallachian Gypsies from the borders of Transylvania ” (n°2916),

The young mother, memory of Nice (Piedmont)” (n°2917),

A young girl from Belgrade ” (Watercolor, n°2918),

Wallachian peasant woman ” (Watercolor, n°2919),

Seven original etchings:

Serb Musician ” (n°3664a),

Serrechaner of military borders ” (n°3664b),

Bachibozoucq Kurdish ” (n°3664c),

" Shepherd on the banks of the Koros (Hungary)" (n°3664d),

Hungarian prisoner ” (n°3664e),

" Slovak Shepherd of the Carpathians " (n°3664f),

" Tsikos des bords de la Koros (Hongrie)" (n°3664g),

Domicile: 22 rue de Luxembourg in Paris, and at ML Delarue at 19 rue de Chaillot in Paris

, “ The Ghetto of Siena (Italy)” (n°3027),

Fortunata (Siena)” (n°3028),

Young woman from Siena weaving straw ” (n°3029),

The Bird (Sienna)” (n°3030),

" Woman of Siena " (Drawing, n°3031),

" Hungarian Fishermen " (Original etching n°3884),

A Pusta (Hungary)” (Original etching n°3885),

A Gypsy Musician (Hungary)” (Original etching n°3886),

1863 , " A Winder " (n°1824),

" Peasant Woman of Assisi " (n°1825),

" The Herb Market of Assisi " (n°1826),

Residence: 22 rue de Luxembourg in Paris

, " Keeper of weapons, pipes and cradles at the entrance to the monastery of Cettigne (Montenegro " (n°1887),

Study of a Gypsy woman (Bosnia)” (Watercolor, n°2463)

" Study of a Gypsy woman (Bosnia)" (Watercolor, n°2464)

" Keeper of arms and cradles at the door of a Montenegrin church " (Original etching, n°2999),

Shepherd of the Military Borders of Montenegro ” (Original etching, n°3000)

1865 , " Montenegrin family mourning their dead after a fight at the entrance to the monastery of Cettigne " (n°2109, Musée de Metz),

" Peasant Woman of Assisi " (Watercolor, n°2819),

" Montenegrin from the borders of Herzegowine " (Aquarelle, n°2820),

" Interior of a Hungarian village " (Original etching, n°3478),

Merchant of Cettigne (Montenegro)” (Original etching, n°3479),

1866 , " Encampment of nomadic gypsies from Transylvania " (n°1879),

" Morlacan musicians, from the borders of Herzecowine " (n°1880)

" Guards of the Prince of Montenegro " (Original etching, n°)

1867 , " Montenegrin family mourning their dead, memory of the monastery of Cettigne " (Watercolor, n°2089),

Albanian holding a horse ” (Watercolor, n°2090),

1868 , " Convoy of wounded bachi-bozoucks, crossing a swamp " (n°2429),

" Keeper of weapons, pipes and cradles at the entrance to a monastery in Cettigne (Montenegro)" (n°2430).

1869 , " Kurdish chief and his escort crossing a ford around Ruscsuk, souvenir of the Danube in 1854 " (n°2299),

" Blind Bretons, memory of the pilgrimage to Sainte-Anne la Palude " (Watercolor, n°3182),

Dancer from Bosnia ” (Watercolor, n°3183),

Six original etchings under the same number 4156:

" Breton beggars, remembrance of the pilgrimage to Sainte-Anne la Palude ", (four under this title)

" Arnaut leading a horse ",

" Montenegrin Sentinel ",

1870 , “ Breton horses on the cliffs of Ris, in breezy weather, bay of Douarnenez ” (n°2803),

Breton coupling at rising tide, memory of the beach of Tresmalouen, bay of Douarnenez ” (n°2804),

Kurdish leader and his escort, memory of the Danube in 1854 ” (Watercolor, n°4163),

" Memories of Dalmatia and Montenegro " (Six original etchings under the same number 5366),

" The Kelp Harvest, Souvenir of Brittany " (Original etching, n°5367),

1872 , “ The Druidic Stones of Carnac (Morbihan)” (n°),

" Breton horses at watering hole, memory of the Kermario moor (Morbihan)" (n°),

1873 , " The Watering Place, Souvenir of Carnac (Morbihan)" (n°1418)

1874 , " The Seaweed Cup at the high tide of August, souvenir of the beach of Saint Colomban (Morbihan)" (n°1745),

" The Shepherdess of the Manor of Kermo, near Carnac " (n°1746)

1875 , “ A well of fresh water, by the sea, surroundings of Carnac (Morbihan)” (n°1910),

" The Departure for the fields, memory of Saint-Colomban (Morbihan)" (n°1911),

La Coupe du goémon, souvenir of the rocks of Kermarie, at low tide ” (n°1912),

The Rocks of Carnac (Morbihan) at low tide ” (Watercolor, n°2792),

" Druidic stones from Kermario to Carnac " (Watercolor, n°2793),

Low tide, rocks of Carnac ” (Watercolor, n°2793),

1876 , " Memory of the beach of Tresmalouen (Finistère) in stormy weather ",

" wine-winners, women from around Carnac ",

" Italian Peasant Woman " (Watercolor)

1877 , " Montenegrins in prayer before the walls of the monastery of Cettigne " (Watercolor, n°3500)

1878 , “ Souvenir of the Ploumarch wash house (Finistère)” (n°2172),

" Young Montenegrin girls coming to draw water from the Cettigne cistern " (n°2173),

" Peasant women of Assisi (Italy)" (Four sketches, n°3920),

1879 , “ La Coupe du goémon à Carnac (Morbihan)” (n°2894).
Bosnian gypsies, Bosnian border

Bosnian gypsies, Bosnian border​

Bosnian gypsies, Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 41, October 13, 1878.

Gypsy girl, From the Bosnian border

Gypsy girl, From the Bosnian border​

Gypsy girl, From the Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


Gypsy girl, From the Bosnian border​

Gypsy girl, From the Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


Croatian peasant, From the Bosnian border​

Croatian peasant, From the Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 39, September 29, 1878.


Bosnian farmer and horse​

Bosnian farmer and horse, drawing by Theodore Valerio, engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 3, No 3, November 14, 1875.

Woman from the province of Riethska, life drawing​

Young woman from the province of Riethska, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.


Woman from the Berda mountains, life drawing​

Woman from the Berda mountains, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 18, October 4, 1877.


Sellers at Cetinje market, life drawing​

Sellers at Cetinje market, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 18, October 4, 1877.


A shepherdess on the border with Albania​

A shepherdess on the border with Albania, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 20, October 18, 1877.


Women guarding the weapons, life drawing​

Women guarding the weapons at the entrance to a monastery, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 18, October 4, 1877.


Family originally from the mountains of Montenegro​

Family originally from the mountains of Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877. Digitally colorized image.

Montenegrin soldiers in action, life drawing​

Montenegrin soldiers in action, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 20, October 18, 1877.


Montenegrin man, life drawing by Theodore Valerio​

Montenegrin man originally from the Herzegovinian border region, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 19, October 11, 1877.


Montenegrin Pope, life drawing by Theodore Valerio​

Montenegrin Pope wearing battle dress with the flag of the Orthodox church, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 19, October 11, 1877.


Lamentations and prayers for the dead​

Lamentations and prayers for the dead, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 19, October 11, 1877.


Young Montenegrin pope, life drawing​

Young Montenegrin pope, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 19, October 11, 1877.


Family of the Vladika (Bishop), drawing​

Family of the Vladika (Bishop), upper gallery of Cetinje monastery, Montenegro, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 19, October 11, 1877.

Lamentations before the walls of Cetinje monastery​

Lamentations before the walls of Cetinje monastery, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 18, October 4, 1877.


Women around a well, Cetinje cistern, life drawing​

Women around a well, Cetinje cistern, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 18, October 4, 1877.


Man originally from the area around Cetinje​

Man originally from the area around Cetinje, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.


Man originally from Grahovatz, life drawing​

Man originally from Grahovatz, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from the tour of the world, based on Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), Journal of Geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.


Slavic peasants from the border at Grahovatz​

Slavic peasants from the border at Grahovatz, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877


Man of the province of Riethska, life drawing​

Man of the province of Riethska, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.

Preparation of castradina, life drawing​

Preparation of castradina, dried mutton or sheep meat, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


A village near Cottigne, Montenegro, life drawing​

A village near Cottigne, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.


A senator from Montenegro, life drawing​

A senator from Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 17, September 27, 1877.


Portrait of a Montenegrin man with his weapons​

Portrait of a Montenegrin man with his weapons on the mountains, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 16, September 20, 1877.


Guards of the Prince of Montenegro, life drawing​

Guards of the Prince of Montenegro Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 16, September 20, 1877.


View of Lake Shkoder and Albania, life drawing​

View of Lake Shkoder and Albania from the Cetinje road, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 16, September 20, 1877.

A boy carefully cooking Albanian mutton on a spit​

A boy carefully cooking Albanian mutton on a spit, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


Montenegrins going to the Kotor market, Montenegro​

Montenegrins going to the Kotor market, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


Young boy from Niegosch, life drawing​

Young boy from Niegosch, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


Montenegrin girl from Niegosch, life drawing​

Montenegrin girl from Niegosch, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Montenegro, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


A Montenegrin shop in Kotor bazaar, Montenegro​

A Montenegrin shop in Kotor bazaar, Montenegro, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 15, September 13, 1877.


Mule driver bringing merchandise to Dubrovnik​

Turkish mule driver from Herzegovina bringing merchandise to Dubrovnik, Croatia, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 14, September 6, 1877.

Peasants from the area around Dubrovnik​

Peasants from the area around Dubrovnik, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 13, August 30, 1877.


Peasant near Salona, Dalmatia​

Peasant near Salona, Dalmatia, life drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume VI, Issue 10, August 9, 1877.


Countrywoman from Split area (x2)​

Countrywoman from Split area, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 23, May 4, 1876.


Portico of the Diocletian's palace temple, Split​

Portico of the Diocletian's palace temple transformed into the cathedral, Split, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.

Paysan Morlaques des environs de Spalato . 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)​

Peasant Morlach around Split,Dalmatia. 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)


Paysannes Morlaques des environs de Spalato . 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)​

Morlachan peasant women from around Split, Croatia. 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)


Paysan Morlaques des environs de Spalato 2, 1864​

Morlach peasants from the surroundings of Split, Dalmatia 2, 1864


Musiciens Morlaques (Salone, Dalmatia) . 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)​

Morlach musicians (Solin, Dalmatia). 1864. Théodore Valério (1819–1879)


Boy from near Trogir​

Boy from near Trogir, Dalmatia drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876


The coast of the castles around Trogir,​

The coast of the castles around Trogir, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876.
Poslednja izmena:

Dalmatian coastal village, on the Gulf of Sibenik​

Dalmatian coastal village, on the Gulf of Sibenik, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.


St John's fortress, Sibenik, drawing​

St John's fortress, Sibenik, Croatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.


Caravans arriving at the customs station, Sibenik​

Turkish caravans arriving at the customs station, Sibenik, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876.


City guard, Sibenik, drawing by Theodore Valerio​

City guard, Sibenik, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876.


Young Sibenik woman, drawing by Theodore Valerio​

Young Sibenik woman, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.


Young Sibenik woman spinning wool, drawing​

Young Sibenik woman spinning wool, Dalmatia drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.


Sibenik woman spinning wool, drawing​

Sibenik woman spinning wool, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 22, April 27, 1876.

Turkish mule driver, drawing by Theodore Valerio​

Turkish mule driver, Damlatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876

Bosnian horse caravan, Zadar, drawing​

Bosnian horse caravan, Zadar, Croatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 20, April 13, 1876.


Turkish mule driver, drawing by Theodore Valerio​

Turkish mule driver, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876.


Morlak farmer from the Zadar district, drawing​

Morlak farmer from the Zadar district, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 19, April 6, 1876.


Morlak musicians from the Zadar district, drawing​

Morlak musicians from the Zadar district, Dalmatia, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 19, April 6, 1876.


Shepherdess from near Knin, or Tinin, drawing​

Shepherdess from near Knin, or Tinin, Dalmatian Hinterland, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832-1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 20, April 13, 1876.


Dalmatian landscape in Lisane Ostrovicke​

Dalmatian landscape in Lisane Ostrovicke, between Zadar and Tinin (Knin), Dalmatian Hinterland, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879) from a sketch by Yriarte, from Dalmatia, 1874, by Charles Yriarte (1832- 1898), from Il Giro del mondo (World Tour), Journal of geography, travel and costumes, Volume III, Issue 21, April 20, 1876.

A soldier from Serres, Bosnian border​

A soldier from Serres, Bosnian border, drawing by Theodore Valerio (1819-1879), engraving from L'Illustrazione Italiana, Year 5, No 41, October 13, 1878.

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Théodore Valerio - Little Shepherdess and Flocks​


Pravoslavna seljanka iz okoline Zavalja(Femme grecque des environs de Zavaglie),1854​




du régiment frontière d’Ottochez


Božo Raatić, Oberbascha, des Serreschaners,1854​


Aram-bascha des Serechaners d'Ogulin,1855​

Poslednja izmena od moderatora:

A senator from Montenegro

Мирко Петровић Његош (војвода)


Мирко Петровић Његош (Његуши, 19. август 1820 — Цетиње, 20. јул 1867) је био црногорски војвода, дипломата, пјесник, старији брат кнеза Данила, а отац краља Николе. Мирко Петровић Његош се прославио након побједе над Турцима у бици на Граховцу 1. маја 1858. у којој је заповиједао црногорском војском


Poslednja izmena:
théodore valerio

herserange 1819 - vichy 1879



Of Italian origins, Théodore Valério was born in the Moselle region of eastern France, not far from the border with Luxembourg, and entered the Parisian studio of Nicolas-Toussaint Charlet in 1834. The two artists soon became friends, and in 1836 travelled together on a sketching tour of Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Valério made his public debut in 1838, at the age of nineteen, at the Salon des Artistes Vivants. He continued to exhibit at the Salons until his death, winning a third-class medal in the category of engraving in 1859. A painter, engraver and draughtsman, he produced landscapes, genre scenes and military subjects. He was an inveterate traveller, and in the 1840s and 1850s made extensive tours of Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania, as well as the Balkans and Turkey. During the Crimean War Valério was attached to the Ottoman army commanded by Omar Pasha, and produced drawings and watercolours of the conflict, notably the siege of Sebastopol, as well as of the multitude of soldiers and civilians from across the Ottoman Empire who made up the Sultan’s army. Valério made numerous drawings and studies of the exotic costumes and features of the peoples that he saw on his travels, particularly in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Austro-Hungarian empire. He was far, however, from being a pampered tourist. Travelling either on foot or horseback, and venturing far from major cities, the artist lived and dined among the rural peasantry and nomadic peoples of the region, of which he produced many insightful and sympathetic drawn portraits. These documentary works were praised by the critic Théophile Gautier, who saw Valério as an artist-ethnographer, and a large group of drawings and watercolours by the artist – mainly portraits executed on trips to Hungary and the Balkans between 1851 and 1854 - were exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1855, to considerable acclaim, and were purchased by the State; these are today in the collection of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Many of Valério’s drawings and genre scenes were also reproduced in the form of albums of lithographs or etchings, notably Les Populations des provinces danubiennes en 1854, published in Paris around 1855. Valério also published an account of his travels, entitled ‘Essais ethnographiques sur les populations hongroises’, in the magazine L’Artiste in 1858. The artist spent much of his later years in Brittany, which he had first visited in 1843, and also spent some time in England before his death in 1879. The following year, a sale of some of the contents of his studio, including sixty paintings and numerous drawings, was held in Paris.

Pogledajte prilog 1268446

Works (Original/French titles):
Stavite u naslov ARTIST a ne bosanski UMJETNIK kad je već poslije cijeli tekst na Njemačkomu
Теодор Валерио 1819 - 1879 Мoлитвa у параклису pеке Таре 1867 акварел.
Pogledajte prilog 1268921

одлична слика! Ево оригиналне црно-беле верзије.

Screenshot_20221211-184302_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

1. Мислите ли да су у на Острогу или Цетињском манастиру?

2. Колико је вероватно да су боје њихове одеће реалне?
одлична слика! Ево оригиналне црно-беле верзије.

Pogledajte prilog 1268924

1. Мислите ли да су у на Острогу или Цетињском манастиру?

2. Колико је вероватно да су боје њихове одеће реалне?
Тешко је рећи.

Мада си постављао и цртеж испред Цетињског манастира, изгледа да је то била раширена појава коју је Валерио овековечио.

Плач пред зидинама Цетињског манастира
Следећа уметност није Валарио, али има сличан стил. Првa слика је Перјаник Вук Голубов -- али нисам сигуран да ли је Вукo Голубов Перовић или мој чукун-пра-пра-пра деда Никола Голубов брат Вукo Голубов Кривокапић. У наслову пише 'Ускок од Риђана', али то не помаже јер су обојица били ускоци из Цуца који су се доселили у Риђане поред језера Крупе. Вукo Голубов Перовић завршио је лудим и на крају потурнцио. Свако је био јунак. Фотографија заиста приказује човека као прилично ружног и мршавог - можда постоји разлог за то.





Француски умјетник Теодор Валерио овјековјечио је личности и крајолике наших крајева, као и других земаља гдје би нашао инспирацију да употпуни свој умјетнички опус, његова остварења одишу духом тих минулих времена.

Valério_3 (1).jpg

Тржиште биља у Асизију


Три фигуре у разговору


Побједнице, жене око Карнака


Printer and publisher: Heinrich Mercy Sohn
Published: Prague, 1870-78

Oktav, XVI, 248 pages, 3 color plates, 1 illustration, 1 photograph.

45 plates with color lithographs based on Ludwig Salvator's watercolours.

Collection of costume and type pictures of the Serbs on the Adriatic Sea in the area between Rijeka and northern Albania.


For the ethnologist and the archaeologist, as well as for the artist, the study of the various folk costumes of the peoples is not only of great interest, but also of scientific and artistic value. At the same time, conclusions can be drawn from the peculiar folk costumes about their related descent, about their intercourse with each other. They offer the painter's brush material for attractive pictures.

No people on earth can boast of having such beautiful costumes, distinguished by their composition of form and colour, as the South Slavs. They owe it partly to their immediate contact with the Ottomans, partly to their own national genius, two elements from which a very fortunate combination has arisen between the opulent luxury of the Orientals and the Christian earnestness of those rough Slavic mountain-dwellers.

But among the tribes of the South Slavs, spread over long stretches of land, there is none who made themselves known through a greater variety of costumes than that Serb people who inhabit the entire stretch of coast of the Adriatic Sea from the south of Fiume to the northern borders of Albania. Almost every village, every mountain valley has a different kind of clothing, which again shows extraordinary variety according to the status and age of the inhabitants.
While national costumes are unfortunately disappearing more and more in most European countries and are only worn as a Sunday decoration or at special festivities, namely bridal journeys, the leveling modern culture has not yet penetrated the isolated, southern Slavic mountain regions, but one with true piety and conscientious rigor he still clings to the traditional costumes as to an inherited good and a precious advantage of his homeland.

Archduke Ludwig Salvator set himself the task of presenting a complete collection of these costumes. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown to us, the task was not completely solved and the work remained unfinished. The present illustrations were all executed on the basis of watercolor paintings made on site by the author and under his direction by the painters Emil Lauffer, Guido Manes and Peter Maixner. They all represent portraits and serve the dual purpose of being able to serve as costume and type images at the same time. In addition, most of them show the scenic character of the region in question in the background.

The 45 drawings that were published show an almost equal number of men's and women's costumes.

The men's clothing, in which the colors red and blue predominate in the most varied combinations, are essentially similar to one another and are often reminiscent of the costumes of the Moslems. The robes are usually tight, but the wide Turkish pants are also often represented; Jacket, waistcoat, trousers are richly decorated with embroidery and sewn-on metal buttons. Fez or a turban-like coiled cloth form the headgear.

The women's costumes give us a much more varied and peculiar sight. Many of them are of a decidedly Slavic character; when we see the women's costumes from Pago, Budino St. Eifemia, we are vividly reminded of the folk costumes in Bohemia; the women in Vertica and Zengg in their white, sleeveless robes embroidered in red or dark, a kind of kaftan, are reminiscent of Little Russia. Very peculiar and common to almost all are the peculiar, wide, richly fringed aprons, which also belong to the Romanian folk costume; they give the whole thing a special, picturesque charm. wealth of jewelry of all kinds, especially the large ones.

The girls' costumes from Obernik probably arouse the greatest interest; The prayer book and fan mark her as a holiday robe, perhaps also as a wedding dress; it is worth attempting a more detailed description. A 25-30 cm high, apparently braided straw in the form of a basket with multiple indentations, surmounted by a multitude of white, red and blue feathers, and surrounded by a wreath of roses at the lower edge of the forehead, which entwine in the indentations like crown prongs, sits on the dem with a richly veiled head. A yellow-silk neckerchief, the triangular corner of which lies straight in front of the white bib, a narrow bodice connected to a blue skirt with a wide red stripe at the bottom, and a short sleeved jacket with a green pattern make up the clothes. to which is added the above-mentioned jewelery in the form of necklaces and the large antique earrings. A lovely picture; the peculiar headdress might arouse the envy of some of our ladies of fashion, who also cannot keep their hats high and conspicuous enough.


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