"Ne,ovaj svet nije stvoren da chovek u njemu ima mira.
Nema sata, nema dana bez nevolje i bez mana.Ali su tezha od spoljnih ona iskushenja koja dolaze iz samog choveka, iz njegovog mozga, njegovog srca."

Izgleda da niko ne zna odgovor na tvoj zadatak, pa ako želiš reši nam misteriju i postavi nov zadatak. :)
Viral je čini se padobranac. :confused:

Meni jedino na pamet pada Singer, ali zaista ne znam ko je to napisao.
Poslednja izmena:
Kad noću dišeš, ja u polutami
Osećam kako tišina svetluca,
Dok slušam kako pored uzglavlja mi
Na slepom oku tvoje bilo kuca;
I tek u zoru kapke takne san mi,
Kad tvoj se tanji od blizine sunca:
Već godinama u sinkopi snimo,
A naša ljubav stari kao vino.
Ivan V. Lalic

Ne znam da li mozhe neshto na engleskom. Ako mozhe, evo :

You buy my spirit with those shameless eyes
That burn my soul, you loose the torrent stream
Of my desire, you make my lips your prize,

And on them burns the whole life's hope: you deem
You buy a heart; but I am well aware
How my damnation dwells in that supreme

Passion to feel upon your shoulders bare,
And pass the dewy twilight of our sin
In the intolerable flames of hair

That clothe my body from your head; you win
The devil's bargain; I am yours to kill,
Yours, for one kiss; my spirit for your skin!

O bitter love, consuming all my will!
O love destroying, that hast drained my life
Of all those fountains of dear blood that fill

My heart! O woman, would I call you wife?
Would I content you with one touch divine
To flood your spirit with the clinging strife

Of perfect passionate joy, the joy of wine,
The drunkenness of extreme pleasure, filled
From sin's amazing cup. Oh, mine, mine, mine,

Mine, if your kisses maddened me or killed,
Mine, at the price of my damnation deep,
Mine, if you will, as once your glances willed!

Take me, or break me, slay or soothe to sleep,
If only yours one hour, one perfect hour,
Remembrance and despair and hope to steep.

In the infernal potion of that flower,
My poisonous passion for your blood! Behold!
How utterly I yield, how gladly dower

Our sin with my own spirit's quenched gold,
Clothe love with my own soul's immortal power,
Give thee my body as a fire to hold--
O love, no words, no songs--your breast my bower!
Ivan V. Lalic

Ne znam da li mozhe neshto na engleskom. Ako mozhe, evo :

You buy my spirit with those shameless eyes
That burn my soul, you loose the torrent stream
Of my desire, you make my lips your prize,

And on them burns the whole life's hope: you deem
You buy a heart; but I am well aware
How my damnation dwells in that supreme

Passion to feel upon your shoulders bare,
And pass the dewy twilight of our sin
In the intolerable flames of hair

That clothe my body from your head; you win
The devil's bargain; I am yours to kill,
Yours, for one kiss; my spirit for your skin!

O bitter love, consuming all my will!
O love destroying, that hast drained my life
Of all those fountains of dear blood that fill

My heart! O woman, would I call you wife?
Would I content you with one touch divine
To flood your spirit with the clinging strife

Of perfect passionate joy, the joy of wine,
The drunkenness of extreme pleasure, filled
From sin's amazing cup. Oh, mine, mine, mine,

Mine, if your kisses maddened me or killed,
Mine, at the price of my damnation deep,
Mine, if you will, as once your glances willed!

Take me, or break me, slay or soothe to sleep,
If only yours one hour, one perfect hour,
Remembrance and despair and hope to steep.

In the infernal potion of that flower,
My poisonous passion for your blood! Behold!
How utterly I yield, how gladly dower

Our sin with my own spirit's quenched gold,
Clothe love with my own soul's immortal power,
Give thee my body as a fire to hold--
O love, no words, no songs--your breast my bower!
Alister Krouli
evo i ovde da postavim.. da li neko zna kako se zove pesma (mislim u prozi) Desanke Maksimovic u kojoj ona govori kako zivotinje umiru za svojima a ona je prezivela smrt svojih i njeni prijatelji su u tami, a ona jos stoji i zivotu se raduje... ni u jednoj antologiji koju sam procitala nisam nasla tu pesmu, a jako je dobra.
Hvala Milunka:)

"Ljepota je oblik genija, uistinu više od genija, jer nju nije potrebno objašnjavati. Ona pripada velikim činjenicama svijeta, kao sunčana svjetlost ili proljeće ili ogledanje srebrne školjke, koju nazivamo mjesecom, u tamnim vodama. Nju nikada ne može niko osporiti."
