Čak i Bugarska ima more; oj Srbijo, šta si dočekala...




Ahahaha jos jedan bugarski kompleksas :D Pazi ja nigde nisam nalazio na tekstove gde neki Srbin poredi Srbiju s Bugarskom i dokazuje kako je Srbija mocnija. Zato sto za time nema potrebe. A ovi kompleksasi nastoje da dizu svoju cenu sireci lazi :D pa moze se i tako podici cena samo mora dugo da se laze. Samo nastavi mozda budes imao uspeha.

Inace Bugarska me odmah asocira na sledece

- siromastvo
- lopovluk
- neki mali crni ljudi, koji drze nozeve zadenute za pojas
- romska marginalizovana grupa
- nehigijena

Ako cemo nesto lepo o Bugarima u cemu ih podrzavam to je sah! Topalov je majstor, a njegov menadzer Danailov je dovukao u Beograd sediste evropske sahovske unije. Mislim da su Bugari bas dosta ucinili na popularizaciji saha i svaka im cast na tome. :)


I am still waiting for comments on "Gyurza" class RAAB... sadly this beautiful, agile little ship that would be ideal modern counterpart to old monitors is mostly unknown, and doesn't even have a Wiki page.

But, images suggest that it has one modified & modernized BMP-style forward turret, while in the back it may have another or options for various missile or gun systems. Imagine that baby patrolling Danube... conquest of Vienna now looks more tangible, eh? :P

I am still waiting for comments on "Gyurza" class RAAB... sadly this beautiful, agile little ship that would be ideal modern counterpart to old monitors is mostly unknown, and doesn't even have a Wiki page.

But, images suggest that it has one modified & modernized BMP-style forward turret, while in the back it may have another or options for various missile or gun systems. Imagine that baby patrolling Danube... conquest of Vienna now looks more tangible, eh? :P



I'm afraid that Vienna lies beyond your grasp, you are surrounded by allied countries, members of NATO, therefore your army with its pathetic river boats (which are perfect targets for any coast gun or missile) is irrelevant...
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