Blade of darkness

imao sam 2 sata vremena, i ta dva sata sam proveo uz igru, s tim sto sam na pocetku odigrao onu arenu sa drugara..poceo sam da prelazim i stigao sam onamo kad preskocim zid, a tamo me ceka jedan malo veci. Iz prvi put me ubio, ali nisam ga ni strelama gadjao, odmah sam mu naleteo.

Najbolji filing mi je bio, kada sam se u one pecine nalazio. Vidim u drugu sobu senku od onog sto se mrda, naletis mu u sobu i machem popreko :D
labo, ja sam rodjen baxuz..sve u zivotu mi baguje :D e jbg, iznervirao sam se, popodne cu opet, a stigao sam onamo po one kule kad idem po stepenike, skroz gore ima neka kapija od reshetke koja se ne otvara, nigde nazad nema naci cu valjda :) Oni kosturi ne da su naporni...nekad mi treba minut dok ga ubijem, iako me on ni ne pipne :)
bila ti je u istoj prostoriji gdje i plameni kostur, gore kad pogledas na zidu iznad kovcega iz kojeg je izasao. Treba da je pogodis strijelom da bi se otvorila tajna prostorija u kojoj se nalazi .. drugacije ne moze....
mislim da sam svaki put pokupio tu runu iz prve, ali pretpostavljam da su protivnici isti na bilo kojem nivou drugi put... Nisu to klasicni bossovi, to su protivnici koji izgledaju i ponasaju se kao neki bossovi sa kojim si se vec sretao tokom prelazenja nivoa, s tim koliko se sjecam da imaju manje helta i ima ih mnogo i sto je najbitnije, mislim da mozes da bjezis od njih da ne moras nuzno da se boris s njima, ali ce te isto vjerovatno dokaciti malo...
Tu je onaj famozni crveni lik, vjerovatno najzajebaniji protivnik u igri, kad naidjes na njega znaces o kome pricam :)
i jos po neki protivnici koji nisu toliko sjebani ko ovaj vrag.....
kako ide mazi? jel si popravio bug?
mislim da nema, ali ces tu naici na jednu prostoriju u kojoj ti igra objasnjava sta je u stvari tvoj cilj u igri i to oko runa...
Dobar nivo, komplikovan, tezak, na kraju te ceka zajeban boss!

e, nasao sam jednu zajebanciju vezanu za BoD, ja sam imao 90% ovih simptoma :)

You Know You've Been Playing BoD Too Much When...

1. You think about going click, right+left, up+down on people who piss
you off.
2. You stop and make very sure that no one is near enough to strike
before drinking your coffee.
3. Carrying your keys prevents you from picking up your wallet.
4. You're badly injured but decide to bear with it because reloading
the game would take too long.
5. You stand stupidly in front of a locked door waiting for the lock
name to appear.
6. You expect even the smallest candle to throw interesting and sharply
defined shadows.
7. You wonder how to unleash the combo for your butter knife.
8. You figure only women know how to tuck and roll out of harm's way.
9. Water seems far too translucent and just doesn't ripple
10. You beat on any portion of a wall whose color doesn't exactly match
the rest.
11. You name your firstborn son Sargon.
12. You are incapable of side-stepping unless an enemy is nearby.
13. You believe you understand Zoroastrian teachings but don't really
14. You always try to keep your enemies clumped together and off
15. You expect a thrown object to reappear magically in your hand.
16. You destroy anything wooden by sheer force of habit.
17. You think about what a cool looking weapon someone's head would
18. You wonder how to unleash your special abilities.
19. You do your best to fight your enemies through iron bars, wooden
pillars, walls or other circumstances such that they cannot fight back.
20. When someone crosses their arms your immediate reaction is either
to jump forward or strike backward.
21. Life's sound track seems dull and uninteresting.
22. Your Unreal Tournament game is off because you keep triggering
alternate fire when jumping.
23. You expect yellow or red trails behind your limbs when performing
neat moves.
24. You name your only daughter Zoe.
25. Fear of what might happen prevents you from picking up your keys.
26. You expect a 20% improvement in your vertical leap if you stow what
you're carrying.
27. You expect arrows or blades to sally forth from any hole in a wall.
28. You don't even bother trying to stop yourself when sliding down a
29. Anything but weapons, shields, food, bottles, keys and jewelry is
useful only for throwing.
30. You know how to pronounce 'Xshathra' properly.
31. Hovering above and behind yourself seems perfectly reasonable.
32. You expect to lose control of your body to a cut-scene at any
33. Snow just doesn't crunch realistically enough.
34. You try to use or shoot any nearby protrusions you see.
35. You figure a full life potion can fix anything.
36. The bigger someone is, the less they scare you.
37. You know you understand Zoroastrian teachings and still don't
really care.
38. The sound of electricity arcing causes you to spin about wildly
looking for protrusions to shoot.
39. You expect to "absorb" books in a very literal sense.
40. Names like "Ahura Mazda" and "Angra Manyu" [sic] seem perfectly
41. Carrying five enormous weapons, three shields, two quivers, eight
bottles and a number of other miscellaneous items seems a bit too
42. Carrying all that gear seems perfectly reasonable.
43. You name your stockiest son Nagflar.
44. You try to find every opportunity to unleash a combo attack.
45. You immediately pocket any gems you find.
46. You think you can do anything because your stamina bar isn't
47. None of the "textures" in your neighborhood look right.
48. You eat only meat, bread and cheese.
49. You drink only red or glowing liquids and expect miraculous things
from both.
50. You expect to glow when using jewelry.
51. You religiously avoid or jump over any discolorations on the
52. You name your most difficult son Tukaram.
53. You forget what your front side looks like.
54. Your natural reaction to spiders (and small, jumpy, teething
children) is click+down.
55. Enormous pools of deadly lava or acid are just part of a good day's
56. When someone comes at you with a huge meat cleaver, you're not
57. When the ground starts shaking, an earthquake is the farthest thing
from your mind.
58. You run immediately toward any levers you see and pull them.
59. You figure you can always retrieve important books later if you
miss them the first time.
60. You look over every precipice for ledges.
61. Using ranged attacks seems appropriate for the final bosses in a
melee-oriented game.
62. Getting shot with arrows concerns you only because they could be
poisoned or might disrupt what you're doing.
63. You look around for an empty bottle when confronted with holy
64. What excites you most about a woman is her agility.
65. You carry a torch just to watch the shadows its light casts.
66. When someone just stands and stares at you, your first reaction is
to throw a sword at them.
67. You are extremely careful when walking near graveyards.
68. You wonder if you are Ianna's chosen one.
69. The sound of stones rolling sets you to immediate flight.
70. You try to pull yourself up onto any surface lower than two feet
above your head.
71. You live with the constant fear that enormous, heavily-armored
knights carrying full-length shields and nine-foot swords may suddenly
72. You always look to the high ground for archers when entering an
unfamiliar area.
73. You always wait for your enemy to make the first move.
74. You jump into any open sewer without giving it a second thought.
75. You become convinced that you are Ianna's chosen one.
76. You keep looking for the Sword of Ianna around your church.
77. You grant statues a very wide berth.
78. You aren't a programmer by trade but find the Python language
fascinating nevertheless.
79. You expect a magic weapon to be of little use and probably not
worth carrying.
80. You consider whether a slashing or smashing weapon would be most
81. You start overlooking opportunities for combo attacks in order to
prolong combat.
82. You're sure that the solution to all of life's problems somehow
involves a very large sword.
83. You expect confrontations to take place in very narrow, confined
84. What excites you most about a man is his ability to take damage.
85. You stop trying to keep your enemies clumped up and off balance for
more of a challenge.
86. None of the architecture near your home seems remotely interesting.
87. You are very cautious around caskets.
88. The undead hold no fear for you and are only an annoyance.
89. Improving your shield usage is one of life's most basic priorities.
90. You expect to be able to side-step just about any attack.
91. An island just isn't an island without a dragon circling it.
92. You understand the background story.
93. You stop fighting your enemies through iron bars, pillars and walls
because it's too easy.
94. You wonder whether you are the King or merely a miserable thief,
skulking in the shadows.
95. Your to-do list includes items such as "Retrieve the white opal",
"Defeat Dal Gurak" and "Banish the chaos child from the Abyss".
96. What you fear more than anything else in the world can be summed up
in two words: vampire shields.
97. You consider the final cut-scene entirely satisfying.
98.You could have written Blade of Darkness II in the time you've spent
waiting for games to load.
99. You consider the Gladiator mod the most important invention of this
100. Your soul seems like a fair price for better multi-player support.
101. You interpret saving your game as a sign of weakness.
102. When a pesky child runs from you, your natural reaction is to
slice him open to get at the blue gem.
103. A knife covered in blood just seems wrong somehow.
104. You think goblins look like big, pink chickens.
105. You consider learning Spanish just to be able to understand the
developers' comments.
106. You spend time assembling lists of indicators that you've been
playing BOD too much.
107. You know exactly where every screenshot was taken.
108. You actually discuss the pros and cons of major and minor combos.
109. You're ready, waiting and actually anxious for The Chaos Child's
inevitable return.
110. You think goblins taste like chicken.
pa vrati se gore odakle si usao u prostoriju u kojoj su rune. Mora da si previdio neki prolaz, taj nivo je prilicno komplikovan i ne sjecam se svega.... Tu negdje ima jedna prostorija sa 3 rupe u podu i 2 klasicna puta kojim se moze ici, mozda nisi uskocio u te rupe, a cini mi se da tu negdje blizu ima jedna prostorija, mislim da se spustas nekim stepenicama, ispunjena vodom do pasa, tu ces se boriti sa onim zombijima sto su lagani i tu bi trebao da bude jedan kljuc za neku od brava koje su bile zakljucane....
E obrisao sam kngihta....Zabagovalo mi se nesto kod save-a.....Svaki put kad ocu da udjem samo mi stoji ono clearing system i tako 5 min i ugasi mi se igra....Moro sam da reinstaliram....Sada sam uzeo varvarina i stigo sam do onog nivoa pre plamenog kostura......
Barbarin je vrh, jeste da je teze igrati s njim al jeste, i sva oruzja su mu dvorucna, sto znaci da mu je i sword of iana dvorucni. Znaci barb ga drzi sa dve ruke, ali osim toga nema nikakve razlike u macu sto znaci da je mana u odnosu na ostala njegova oruzja sto je kraci i ima manji domet(neracunajuci naravno specijalne napade jer su oni range i jedina magija u igri s tvoje strane). Isto vazi i za vampire sword, koji kad igras s barbarinom nema poente koristiti osim kad hoces da povratis malo helta, ali problem je sto rizikujes da izgubis jos vise...
Barbarin inace ima mnogo cool oruzja i poteze, npr specijalna ledena sjekira, cuvao sam je ko zlato, pola igre sam presao sa njom. Ima jako mali damage pri obicnim udarcima ali kombo bukvalno otkida i glave i ruke i noge. Extemno je mocan, oduzima brdo helta, efikasan i lako se izvodi. Pakleno oruzje i weapon of choice u rukama okorelog barbarina. I plus blago svijetli u mraku.
razocaranje mi je bio big sword, cool izgleda, mozda najljepse oruzje u igri, al za moj pojam prakticno neupotrebljivo... Mocan je jos i shark sword al njega dobijes tek pred kraj.... I naravno rhino club ili tako nesto se zvala, jedino blunt oruzje na barbarina, bice ti od velike koristi kad ga nadjes, combo mu je skoro neodbranjiv jel bije nisko po nogama, a ako ti ga odbrane gotovo sigurno im lomis stit i onda su ranjivi.... Uf kako sam se nalozio sad da odigram malo kuckajuci, a dao sam disk BoD-a drugaru koji je nece ni instalirati.....
