Black(death?) metal

Ozloglasena grofica Bathory?!
Kakve sam stvari procitao o njoj, to je prosto nevjerovatno. Kakva zena!!! Jeste da je srednji vijek najmracnije doba u istoriji covjecanstva, a ujedno i period o kom se najmanje zna, ali stvari koje je krvava kontesa radila... Kakvo ludilo!!! Definitivno jedna od najintrigantnijih licnosti koje se ugledale svjetlo dana, ili mozda je bolje da kazem tminu noci...
Jeli neko ovdje slusa bend Bathory? To je pravi i iskonski black metal, kad vec govorimo o tome. Mnogo dobar bend!
Ja ih mnogo gotivim, mislim, ja i metal... ali ponesto znam, cisto zarad sirine vidika. Najbolja, naravno, Ring of gold... Ono sto me odusevljava je sto su im melodije tako fantasticne, pevljive, predivne. I Woodwoman. Ona je naprosto sjajna, sjajna, sjajna...
One Crimson Knight:
Ozloglasena grofica Bathory?!
Kakve sam stvari procitao o njoj, to je prosto nevjerovatno. Kakva zena!!! Jeste da je srednji vijek najmracnije doba u istoriji covjecanstva, a ujedno i period o kom se najmanje zna, ali stvari koje je krvava kontesa radila... Kakvo ludilo!!! Definitivno jedna od najintrigantnijih licnosti koje se ugledale svjetlo dana, ili mozda je bolje da kazem tminu noci...
Jeli neko ovdje slusa bend Bathory? To je pravi i iskonski black metal, kad vec govorimo o tome. Mnogo dobar bend!

ona je najgora,najsujetnija a sve to sakriveno pod jednom ljupskom fasadom...ona mi je idol :lol: ne zaista,...moze vise neko da mi kaze kako da promenim nick ili da postupim kao bartholy??????????????????
One Crimson Knight:
Ozloglasena grofica Bathory?!
Kakve sam stvari procitao o njoj, to je prosto nevjerovatno. Kakva zena!!! Jeste da je srednji vijek najmracnije doba u istoriji covjecanstva, a ujedno i period o kom se najmanje zna, ali stvari koje je krvava kontesa radila... Kakvo ludilo!!! Definitivno jedna od najintrigantnijih licnosti koje se ugledale svjetlo dana, ili mozda je bolje da kazem tminu noci...
Jeli neko ovdje slusa bend Bathory? To je pravi i iskonski black metal, kad vec govorimo o tome. Mnogo dobar bend!

ona je najgora,najsujetnija a sve to sakriveno pod jednom ljupskom fasadom...ona mi je idol :lol: ne zaista,...moze vise neko da mi kaze kako da promenim nick ili da postupim kao bartholy??????????????????
Odes pa se registrieas opet, kao Moon Child
Na Avengeru nisam bio, ustvari nisam bio ni na jednoj svirci u Srbiji vec 2-3 mjeseca jer sam se nedavno preselio na drugi kraj svijeta tj. Australiju. Posljednji dogadjaj na kom sam bio je 202-in koncer na trgu ljetos. To mi je bilo onako za srecan put i bilo je mnogo dobro. Alogia posebno!
Za Falkenbah nisam ni cuo nazalost. Sta oni sviraju?
Jel neko slusao novi album The Stone "Zakon Velesa"?
Ja sam cuo samo naslovnu pjesmu koju sam skinuo sa njihovog sajta. Odlicna pjesma! Ludilo!
E da, zaboravio sam da odgovorim na pitanje.
Children of Boddom jesu black, ali ne samo black. Zapravo oni su jedinstven slucaj na danasnjoj sceni. Trenutno na svijetu ima najvise power i black metal bandova koji su potpuno dijametralno suprotni jedni od drugih. CoB su jedini uspjeli da pomire ova dva pravca! Znaci oni sviraju Power-Black Metal, ako moze tako da se kaze.
Cvrsto, extremno, brutalno, brzo, a opet nevjerovatno melodicno.
Jedan od mojih omoljenih bendova, sta drugo da kazem!
One Crimson Knight:
Na Avengeru nisam bio, ustvari nisam bio ni na jednoj svirci u Srbiji vec 2-3 mjeseca jer sam se nedavno preselio na drugi kraj svijeta tj. Australiju. Posljednji dogadjaj na kom sam bio je 202-in koncer na trgu ljetos. To mi je bilo onako za srecan put i bilo je mnogo dobro. Alogia posebno!
Za Falkenbah nisam ni cuo nazalost. Sta oni sviraju?
Jel neko slusao novi album The Stone "Zakon Velesa"?
Ja sam cuo samo naslovnu pjesmu koju sam skinuo sa njihovog sajta. Odlicna pjesma! Ludilo!
Onda cete zanimati ako ti kazem da May sprema nov album. Jedan moj druga je slusao snimke i kaze da su OK
about "her":
Elisabeth Bathory, known as "The Blood Countess", has been recorded as a real-life vampress. She was born in 1560 in Hungary, into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Transylvania. Several of her relatives were princes of Transylvania, and her cousin, Count Gyorgy Thurzo was prime minister of Hungary. However, the family had its own preoccupations - one uncle was a diabolist, an aunt a lesbian, and a brother a satir.

Aided by her old nurse, Ilona Joo, Elizabeth began torturing some of the servant girls at the castle. Her other accomplices includes the major-domo Johannes Ujvary, her manservant Thorko, a witch Dorottya Szentes, and a forest witch named Darvula. In 1600 Ferencz died. Elizabeth sent her mother-in-law away, and then she turned to running the household for her own pleasure.
Elizabeth was afraid of becoming old and losing her beauty. One day a maid accidentally pulled her hair while combing it. Elizabeth instincively slapped the girl hard - so hard that she burst her nose, and the blood which spurted onto her own hand. It immediately seemed to Elizabeth as if her skin in this area took on the freshness of that of her young maid. Blood - here was the key to an eternally beautiful skin texture. The Countess then summoned Johannes Ujvary and Thorko. They stripped the maid, cut her, and drained her blood in it in order to beautify her entire body.

Over the next ten years, Elizabeth's henchman provided her with new girls for the blood-draining ritual and her literal blood baths. When she suspected that peasant blood was not having a great enough effect, she began searching for girls of low nobility. Unfortunately for her though, one of her potential victims escaped and informed the authorities about the gruesome going -ons at Castle Csejthe.

Upon hearing the news, King Mathias of Hungary ordered action. Elizabeth's own cousin, Count Gyorgy Thurzo, governor of the province, led a band of soldiers and guards in the rain of the castle during the night of December 30th 1610. In the main hall they found one dead girl, drained of blood, and another alive whose body had been pierced with tiny holes; in the dungeon they discovered "a number" of other living girls, some of whose bodies had been pierced. Below the castle, the authorities exhumed the bodies of approximately 50 girls. According to John Paget in his book Hungary and Transylvania (1839), "Three hundred maidens were sacrificed at the shrine of vanity and superstition"

Countess Bathory's supposed elixir influenced Lord Lytton within his poem 'The Vampire' (1886) about a man who reanimates a beautiful corpse with caresses:

For the misery worst of all miseries
Is Desire eternally feeding Despair
On the flesh, or the blood, that forever supplies
Life more than enough to keep fresh in repair
The death ever dying, which yet never dies.

lisabeth Bathory was born in Hungary in 1560. At the age of 15 she married to Count Ferencz Nadasdy and took residence in castle Csejthe. The Countess Bathory and her husband took part in black magic and demonic rituals.

The Count Nadasdy often left the castle to go to war. It was at these times Elisabeth had lesbian orgies mixed with sado-masochism.

Elisabeth was at her middle age when her husband had died. One day she struck one of her servants for carelessness. blood lay on her hand which gave it a youthful appearance. The Countess then thought that blood made her look younger so she took to killing girls. At her castle she had dungeons where girls were kept and being fattened up for blood, she also had people kidnapping girls and taking them back to the castle where they were killed. Elisabeth Bathory believed herself to be a vampire, by this she drank blood and bathed in it.

Over the years the Countess and her associates killed over 600 girls, all of which were used for their blood. The villagers were aware but could not act upon it as she had powerful friends. Prime Minister Thurzo of Hungary who was a cousin of the Countess decided to do something and stormed the castle with soldiers to arrest the Countess and her associates. They were amazed at what they saw in the castle, such torture practices that were far more gruesome than the usual, dead corpses filled the castle.

Countess Bathory and her associates were arrested. All but the Countess were sentenced to death. The Countess herself was put into a sealed room with small spaces for ventilation and the passing of food. She died on the 21 August 1614 at the age of fifty-four. It is said that the Countess' life story inspired Bram Stoker to write 'Dracula'.
imam i textove na nemackom jer to bolje od engleskog razumem...ako ti znaci,reci!
Zao mi je sto cu te razocarati, ali Children of Boddom jesu black, tacnije power-black metal. Ima tu tragova death-a ali vrlo malo. Kao sto sam ranije vec rekao oni su stekli svjetsku slavu i ime kombinovanjem power-a i black-a. To je opste poznato, svaki malo bolje informisani metalac ce ti reci to isto.
Samo jos nesto da dodam o grofici Bathory. Tacan broj zrtava se ne zna, ali se krece od 300 do 500, zavisi od izvora. Prica je kako to vec ide godinama prerasla u legendu tako da tu vjerovatno ima i malo pretjerivanja, pogotovo kad su u pitanju njene vampirske sklonosti.
Po nekim izvorima ona se cak i nije kupala u krvi vec je samo uzivala da muci te djevojke. Kad su je konacno uhvatili kazu da su u njenom dvorcu nasli mnoge ,danas vec legendarne, sprave za mucenje. Medju njima i cuvenu Gvozdenu Djevicu.
Takodje po nekim istorijskim izvorima ona nije bila zazidana u jednoj sobi, vec je mogla da se krece slobodno po dvorcu. To je vjerovatno zasluga njene porodice i uticaja koji je imala na kraljevski dvor tada. Za razliku od nje, njene zenske saucesnice su zive spaljene,a njenom slugi Fizcko-u je odrubljena glava, azatim je i njegovo tijelo spaljeno.
Jos samo nesto. Po legendi grofica je bila neizmjerno lijepa, iz toga vjerovatno i proizilaze sve price o potrazi za vjecnom mladosti. Legenda kaze da ju je mrtvu nasao jedan strazar koji je zelio da vidi koliko je stvarno lijepa. Kazu da je izgledala kao da ima ne vise od 30 godina. No opet to su price koje su vjerovatno malo preuvelicane tokom godina.
Grofica je bila inspiracija mnogim bendovima do danas. Samo da spomenem neke.
Dakle jedan od rodonacelnika Black metal pravca Quorthon je dao svom bendu ime po njoj. Bathory ostaje do danas vjerovatno najveci black metal bend. Tu su i naravno i neizbjezni Cradle of Filth sa njihovim albumom Cruelty an the Beast koji je u potpunosti posvecen krvavoj grofici. Jos da spomenem power metal bend Kamelot na cije se najboljem albumu po imenu Karma nalaze tri pjesme koje ukratko opisuju zivot vec toliko [puta pominjane kontese. To su ako me sjecanje dobro sluzi Elizabeth I-Mirror, Mirror; Elizabeth II-Fall From Grace i Elizabeth III-Requiem For The Inocent.
Ima tu jos zanimljivih stvari ali me mrzi da ih sad sve pisem. Ako nekog zanima neka se javi.

E sad da odgovorim onom sa tri tackice (oces nam reci kako se zoves?). Znam da May Result snima novi album. To je bilo najavljeno jos poslije izdavanja U Slavu Rogova Nasih, koji je trebao da bude kao neki most izmedju albuma Tmina i ovog novog ciji je radni naziv Svetogrdje. The Stone je vec presao potpuno na srpski jezik, a nadam se da ce iso uciniti i MR sa ovim albumom, pogotovo sto su im dosad najbolje pjesme na srpskom Jata Moja Crna i Kultus Usnulih Bogova.
about "her":
Elisabeth Bathory, known as "The Blood Countess", has been recorded as a real-life vampress. She was born in 1560 in Hungary, into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Transylvania. Several of her relatives were princes of Transylvania, and her cousin, Count Gyorgy Thurzo was prime minister of Hungary. However, the family had its own preoccupations - one uncle was a diabolist, an aunt a lesbian, and a brother a satir.

Aided by her old nurse, Ilona Joo, Elizabeth began torturing some of the servant girls at the castle. Her other accomplices includes the major-domo Johannes Ujvary, her manservant Thorko, a witch Dorottya Szentes, and a forest witch named Darvula. In 1600 Ferencz died. Elizabeth sent her mother-in-law away, and then she turned to running the household for her own pleasure.
Elizabeth was afraid of becoming old and losing her beauty. One day a maid accidentally pulled her hair while combing it. Elizabeth instincively slapped the girl hard - so hard that she burst her nose, and the blood which spurted onto her own hand. It immediately seemed to Elizabeth as if her skin in this area took on the freshness of that of her young maid. Blood - here was the key to an eternally beautiful skin texture. The Countess then summoned Johannes Ujvary and Thorko. They stripped the maid, cut her, and drained her blood in it in order to beautify her entire body.

Over the next ten years, Elizabeth's henchman provided her with new girls for the blood-draining ritual and her literal blood baths. When she suspected that peasant blood was not having a great enough effect, she began searching for girls of low nobility. Unfortunately for her though, one of her potential victims escaped and informed the authorities about the gruesome going -ons at Castle Csejthe.

Upon hearing the news, King Mathias of Hungary ordered action. Elizabeth's own cousin, Count Gyorgy Thurzo, governor of the province, led a band of soldiers and guards in the rain of the castle during the night of December 30th 1610. In the main hall they found one dead girl, drained of blood, and another alive whose body had been pierced with tiny holes; in the dungeon they discovered "a number" of other living girls, some of whose bodies had been pierced. Below the castle, the authorities exhumed the bodies of approximately 50 girls. According to John Paget in his book Hungary and Transylvania (1839), "Three hundred maidens were sacrificed at the shrine of vanity and superstition"

Countess Bathory's supposed elixir influenced Lord Lytton within his poem 'The Vampire' (1886) about a man who reanimates a beautiful corpse with caresses:

For the misery worst of all miseries
Is Desire eternally feeding Despair
On the flesh, or the blood, that forever supplies
Life more than enough to keep fresh in repair
The death ever dying, which yet never dies.

lisabeth Bathory was born in Hungary in 1560. At the age of 15 she married to Count Ferencz Nadasdy and took residence in castle Csejthe. The Countess Bathory and her husband took part in black magic and demonic rituals.

The Count Nadasdy often left the castle to go to war. It was at these times Elisabeth had lesbian orgies mixed with sado-masochism.

Elisabeth was at her middle age when her husband had died. One day she struck one of her servants for carelessness. blood lay on her hand which gave it a youthful appearance. The Countess then thought that blood made her look younger so she took to killing girls. At her castle she had dungeons where girls were kept and being fattened up for blood, she also had people kidnapping girls and taking them back to the castle where they were killed. Elisabeth Bathory believed herself to be a vampire, by this she drank blood and bathed in it.

Over the years the Countess and her associates killed over 600 girls, all of which were used for their blood. The villagers were aware but could not act upon it as she had powerful friends. Prime Minister Thurzo of Hungary who was a cousin of the Countess decided to do something and stormed the castle with soldiers to arrest the Countess and her associates. They were amazed at what they saw in the castle, such torture practices that were far more gruesome than the usual, dead corpses filled the castle.

Countess Bathory and her associates were arrested. All but the Countess were sentenced to death. The Countess herself was put into a sealed room with small spaces for ventilation and the passing of food. She died on the 21 August 1614 at the age of fifty-four. It is said that the Countess' life story inspired Bram Stoker to write 'Dracula'.
imam i textove na nemackom jer to bolje od engleskog razumem...ako ti znaci,reci!

ooooooh my.....
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: god?
zena je...nemam reci... :shock:

a za nemacki mi ne znaci bas,ne znam ga dobro... :wink:
Countess of Transylvania, vampire: Born 1560/61; died, August 21, 1614.

In order to improve her complexion and also to maintain her failing grasp on her youth and vitality, she slaughtered six hundred innocent young women from her tiny mountain principality...

The noble Báthory family stemmed from the Hun Gutkeled clan which held power in broad areas of east central Europe (in those places now known as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania), and had emerged to assume a role of relative eminence by the first half of the 13th century. Abandoning their tribal roots, they assumed the name of one of their estates (Bátor meaning 'valiant') as a family name. Their power rose to reach a zenith by the mid 16th century, but declined and faded to die out completely by 1658. Great kings, princes, members of the judiciary, as well as holders of ecclesiastical and civil posts were among the ranks of the Báthorys.

Adopting an exalted name did not alter some basic familial preferences among lesser lights however, and in order to consolidate more tenuous clingings to influence there was considerable intermarriage amongst the Báthory family, with some of the usual problems of this practice produced as a result. Unfortunately, beyond the 'usual problems' some extraordinary difficulties arose (namely hideous psychoses) and several "evil geniuses" appeared, the notorious and sadistic Erzsébet the most prominent of them.

Truly, she was evil enough to be recognized as one of the original "vampires" who later inspired Bram Stoker to write the legend of Dracula -- but unlike Stoker's story, she was real.

Unusual for one of her social status, she was a fit and active child. Raised as Magyar royalty, as a young maid she was quite beautiful; delicate in her features, slender of build, tall for the time, but her personality did not attain the same measure of fortuitous development. In her own opinion her most outstanding feature was her often commented upon gloriously creamy complexion. Although others were not really so equally impressed with the quality of her rather ordinary skin, they offered copious praise if they knew what was good for them, as Erzsébet did not accept unenthusiastic half-measures of adulation; and she was vindictive.

She was only 15 when she was 'married off' for political gain and position to a rough soldier of (nevertheless) aristocratic stock and manner. By reason of the marriage, she became the lady of the Castle of Csejthe, his home, situated deep in the Carpathian mountains of what is now central Romania, but which then was known only as Transylvania. Located near no exciting urban center, the castle was surrounded by a village of simple peasants and rolling agricultural lands, interspersed with the jagged outcroppings of the frozen Carpathians.

While the picturesque setting embraced a bucolic tapestry of ideal small fields, meandering stone walls, quaint cottages, a few satisfied brown cows, and goats with tinkling bells about their necks scampering amongst the chickens, life here was uneventful. The castle was typical for its day and place: cold, dun, gloomy, damp, dark; unlike the cozy thatched houses of the peasants below.

While her husband was pursuing his passion, the soldier business, and off on various campaigns, for Elizabeth -- who did not wish to amuse herself in the out-of-doors where those loutish peons were grubbing in the mud -- life became poundingly boring in very short order. Being an energetic teenager, although one with a view and experience of life which was 'special,' she set about finding novel amusements to occupy her days.

Her tastes were of a certain slant, and consequently she began to gather about herself (as her ample financial resources readily accommodated) persons of peculiar and sinister arts. These she welcomed into her presence, affording them commodious lodging and lavish attention to each of their most singular needs and interests. Among them were those who claimed to be witches, sorcerers, seers, wizards, alchemists, and others who practiced the most depraved deeds in league with the Devil and too painful to mention even in a story such as this. They taught her their crafts in intimate detail and she was enthralled. But learning such unspeakable things was not enough.

War in the 16th century was a brutal affair. While fashionably fighting the Turks and attempting to gain information from prisoners captured, her husband employed a horrid device of torture: clever articulated claw-like pincers, fashioned of hardened silver; which, when fastened to a stout whip would tear and rip the flesh to such an obscene degree that even he, a cruel man, abandoned the apparatus in disgust and left it at the castle as he departed on yet another heroic foray.

Elizabeth was not alone in her 'unusual' interests. Aware of Elizabeth's complex preoccupations, and amused by them, her aunt had introduced her also to the pleasures of flagellation (enacted upon desolate others of course), a taste Elizabeth quickly acquired. Equipped with her husband's heinous silver claws, she generously indulged herself, whiling away many lonely hours at the expense of forlorn Slav debtors from her own dungeons. The more shrill their screams and the more copious the blood, the more exquisite and orgasmic her amusement. She preferred to whip her 'subjects' on the front of their nude bodies rather than their backs, not only for the increased damage potential, but so that she could gleefully watch their faces contort in horror at their most grim and burning fate.

Her husband died in 1604 (some say 1602) of stab wounds imposed on him by a harlot in Bucharest whom he had not paid, and Elizabeth immediately dreamed of a lover to replace him, since she never cared for him in the first place -- so much for her mourning. However, the mirror showed her that her prurient indulgences, as well as time, had taken their toll on her appearance. Her 'angelic' complexion had long since faded to something less than perfection; she had reached 43. Her desire for a lover did not fade; she raged deep within, cursing time.

Such a simple interest as a new husband was not to rule the day, it was merely a detail. With the demise of her husband, prowling highly placed men began to smell a ripe opportunity to seize the power and influence encapsulated in the Báthory name; likely by acquiring her and then eliminating her. As well, she was next in line to become King of Poland, and she wanted the job. This seeming anomaly was possible within the governing constructs of the time, and the office of queen held no political weight. At the same time, she was educated beyond all those around her, reading and writing four languages while the prince of Transylvania was an illiterate boor (who bathed regularly -- every year on his birthday).

Maintaining her youth and vitality became central to this developing plot; the absolute divine right to power she understood was hers to keep and protect would be essential to the attainment of all that she sought. Vanity, sexual desire, drive for political power all were seamlessly blended into a central primordial passion. If she lost her youth, she could forfeit all.

Her mood deteriorated markedly and one day, as she viciously struck a servant girl for a minor oversight, she drew blood when her pointed nails raked the girl's cheek. The wound was serious enough that some of the blood got onto Elizabeth's skin. Later, Elizabeth was quite sure that that part of her own body - where the girl's blood had dropped - looked fresher somehow; younger, brighter and more pliant.

Immediately she consulted her alchemists for their opinion on the phenomenon. They, of course, were enjoying her hospitality and did not wish to disappoint, so, fortunately, they did recall a case many many years before and in a distant place where the blood of a young virgin had caused a similar effect on an aged (but generous) personage of nobility and good grace.

With such clear evidence at hand, Elizabeth was convinced that here was a brilliant discovery; a method to restore and preserve her youthful glow forever, or at least until she got what she wanted. The advice of her 'beauty consultant,' a woman named Katarina, concurred that her clever realization was most surely sound.

Elizabeth reasoned that if a little was good, then a lot would be better: she firmly believed that if she bathed in the blood of young virgins -- and in the case of especially pretty ones, drank it -- she would be gloriously beautiful and strong once again.

For years, Elizabeth's trusted helper in her various secret pleasures had been Dorotta Szentes. Now with her, and other 'witches' to help carry the load, Elizabeth roamed the countryside by night, hunting for suitable virginal girls as raw material for her difficult quest.

When back in the castle, each batch of young girls would be hung, alive and naked, upside-down by chains wrapped around their ankles. Their throats would be slit and all of their blood drained for Elizabeth's bath, to be taken while the heat of their young bodies still remained in the thickening and sticky crimson pool.

And every now and then, a really lovely young girl would be obtained. As a special treat, Elizabeth would drink the child's blood: at first from a golden flask, but later, as her taste for it increased, directly from the stream, as the writhing and whimpering body hung from the rafters, turning pale.

Although she had held off her political foes, after five years of this enterprise Elizabeth at last began to realize that the blood of peasant girls was having little effect on the quality of her skin. Obviously such blood was defective and better blood was required.

In early 17th century Transylvania, parents of substantial position wished their daughters to be educated in the appropriate social graces and etiquettes, so that they might gain the 'right' connections when ripe. Here was an opportunity.

In 1609, Elizabeth established an academy in the castle, offering to take 25 girls at a time from proper families, and to correctly finish their educations. Indeed, their educations were finished.

Assisted by Dorotta Szentes (known also by the graceful diminutive "Dorka") these poor students were consumed in exactly the same beastly fashion as the anguished peasant girls who preceded them. This was too easy, and Elizabeth became careless in her actions for the first time in her dreadful career. During a frenzy of lust, four drained bodies were thrown off the walls of the castle.

The error was realized too late, for villagers had already seen, collected, and begun to identify the girls. The disappearance of all those young women began to be solved; the secret was finished.

Word of this horror spread rapidly and soon reached the Hungarian Emperor, Matthias II, who immediately ordered that the Countess be placed on public trial. But, her aristocratic status did not allow that she be arrested. Parliament at once passed a new Act to reverse this privilege of station (lest she slip from their hands) and Elizabeth was brought before a formal hearing in 1610. Interestingly, no authority seemed inclined to offer any form of attention to these matters when merely peasant girls had been the subject of Elizabeth's blood-letting for five years previous.

By the final count, 600 girls had vanished; Elizabeth admitted nothing. Dorka and her witches were burned alive, but the Countess, by reason of her noble birth, could not be executed. Katarina was somehow seen as another victim, and was set free.

So, Elizabeth was damned to a death while alive. Sealed into a tiny closet of her castle -- and never let out -- she died four years later.

Elizabeth did not ever utter even a single word of regret, or remorse.

A note of interest: When Elizabeth was 25 years old, Stephan Báthory (a prince of Transylvania and her uncle) was elected King of Poland.

The last regularly scheduled trans-Atlantic passenger ocean liner ship in operation was named the "Stephan Batory" (a typical spelling variation.) It ceased operation in 1991, and its ports of call were Gdansk, Poland, and Montréal.

© Jerome C. Krause
