da li arheologija ukazuje da su sloveni rasa definisana jezikom sa vise kultura?


Primećen član
znam da ce ovo da bude kontroverzno ali morao sam da ovo otvorim kao temu za diskusiju jer moze da bude jako vazno za razumevanje "slovenstva". prepisano sa "gde su slovenske kuce..."

najnoviji arheoloski nalazi otvaraju mogucnost da je bilo vise originalnih slovenskih kulturnih centara i da je polabska oblast jedan od tih centara i da su polabljani oduvek bili bas tu ispod jutlanda. to bi znacilo da su sloveni ustvari genetska grupa (rasa, rasi, rusi...) koja je imala vise paralelnih kultura. sta to znaci po pitanju kontakata slovena i skandinavaca i slovenskog uticaja na skandinavce? to znaci da je kontakt postojao verovatno i u bronzanom i gvozdenom dobu, mnogo pre "seobe naroda", jer se polabski sloveni nisu niodakle doselili. doselili su se neki drugi sloveni, ruski. dosli u goste. to takodje otvara mogucnost da su i na balkanu pre 7 veka postojali balkanski sloveni kojima su u goste dosli balticki sloveni...

Both Balts and Slavs were known for building wooden forts or earthworks at unstable times or as means of defence against nomadic steppe tribes. 20-30 years ago it was assumed that Slavs originated from Zarubintsy-Kiev cultures (the so called Godlowski hypothesis). However, in the past 10 year new archeological evidence concerning the Przeworsk and Zarunbintsy cultures instigated a new debate. There is some evidence which might suggest origins in the Pommeranian culture. Late Przeworsk settlements survive as far as VII century AD in Grosspoles. On the same area the lechitic Sukow-Szeligi culture forms in late V early VI century, expanding into Vorpommern. The material culture of late Przeworsk and Sukow-Szeligi is very similar and many modern scholars suggest some form of continuity. Also other Slavic cultures like Feldberg and Tornow, closely resemble cultures from Poland in antiquity. There are striking differences between these cultures and the largest Slavic culture of Prague-Korchak. At the same time, Ukrainian and Russian scholars (Siedow, Tretiakow, Baran, Pobol, Oblomski, Terpilovski and many others) established in the past 20 years that Kiev culture descends directly from Zarubintsy, while Zarubintsy from the Pommeranian. This is also supported by some Lithuanian scholars (like Petrauskas and Gimbutas).

Now... it might be possible that Slavic-Scandinavian contacts reach as far as antiquity and arrival of Goths, Vandals, Gepids in Pomerania, and the Chernyakov culture.

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