Austrija nacionalizovala Hypo Alpe Adria banku i spasla je bankrotstva


Veoma poznat
Pokazuju se kao tacne price o jako teskom polozaju pre svega austrijskih ali i nekih drugih banaka koje operisu na nasem trzistu.

VIENNA — Austria nationalized troubled financial institution Hypo Alpe Adria, a unit of German public-sector bank BayernLB, on Monday, bank and government officials said.

The decision was taken to prevent Hypo Alpe Adria from sliding into a bankruptcy fueled in part by bad loans, much of them in Eastern Europe.

BayernLB said that Austria is taking its 67.08 percent stake in Hypo Alpe Adria for the symbolic price of euro1 ($1.46).

Bayern LB added that it was maintaining its existing liquidity lines to the bank and waiving a total of euro825 million in receivables due from Hypo Alpe Adria.

Bavarian Finance Minister Georg Fahrenschoen, who heads BayernLB's administrative board, said the deal was needed to "stabilize a bank of systemic importance to Austria and southeastern Europe." He said the German bank was writing euro2.3 billion off its books as part of the deal.

At a news conference in Vienna, Michael Kemmer, the head of BayernLB, called his bank's decision to give up its interest in Hypo Alpe Adria, "a painful step."

Later in the day, Bavarian governor Horst Seehofer said Kemmer — who signed off on the aquisition of Hypo Alpe Adria when he was the company's chief finance officer in 2007 — had resigned as CEO.

Seehofer earlier estimated BayernLB's total losses at euro3.75 billion, taking into account the 2007 sale price, capital increases and the euro825 cash injection.
А данас на РТС дневнику слушам представника привредне коморе УСА који каже да морамо обезбедити привредну и економску сигурност. Јел мислио као на ону код њих?

Добро ми имамо барем да се похвалимо да немамо богзна шта да национализујемо у банкарском сектору :mrgreen:
Убаци паре у пропалу банку

eto kako se lako zaboravljaju principi slobodnog trzista

Znas li sta su sve nacionalizovali Nemci ove godine kod njih?
A ova austrijska bagra od vlade, ima jos jedan razlog da udari na porez jadnih gradjana jos vise...kazu da im je to jedina nada..

Лако ми је за Вас,где су еуропејци и демокате да појасне.....
Sto znaci da nema jaceg lobija od bankarskog!:evil:

Em legalno zelenase.em sada od poreznika otimaju lovu da bi spasavali svoje dupe!

Banditi i lopovi su isti po citavom svetu!

.legalni zelenashi i sektashi ,kad su prichali da smo nesigurno trzishte a napravishe velelepne banke na nbg ,plus toliko poslovnog prostora ,svaka ulica u centru ima barem 5 banaka .....................:neutral:
Al zato je austrijski vojnik Mladjo Dinkic vec dao izjavu povodom Hypo banke da smiri pokorene Srblje da ne brinu za svoje devize u istoj :)


