Venecuela optužila Vašington za "fašistički državni udar"!

Ko je "good guy" u ovoj prici?

  • Amerikanci

  • Maduro i njegovi sledbenici

  • niko

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
CNN Falsely Claims Venezuela’s Guaido Was Elected President in January
There was no election in JanuaryJason Ditz Posted onMay 6, 2019CategoriesNewsTagsCNN
Continuing to try to advance the US narrative that Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido is the “duly elected” president, CNN went to the trouble on Sunday afternoon of inventing an entire election to base this around.

In the CNN report, they declared “pressure is mounting on Maduro to step down, following elections in January in which voters chose opposition leader Juan Guaido over him for president.” There was no election in January.

In reality, Venezuela’s presidential election was held on May 20, 2018. The opposition boycotted the vote, Maduro won with 67.8% of the vote, while Guaido did not participate at all.

Indeed, the only time Juan Guaido participated in a presidential vote of any kind was the 2012 Democratic Unity Roundtable’s presidential primary, which he lost. Guaido’s first claim to the presidency came in January of 2019, when he unilaterally declared himself “acting president.”

Yet the Trump Administration not only endorsed Guaido as president at this time, they’ve begun referring to him as the “duly elected” president despite such an election never taking place. US media outlets have parroted that claim, but CNN took it a step farther to invent the election too.

The CNN article was written by two senior writers, and had four others contribute to it. It is hard to imagine that none of them caught this false claim of a January vote. Yet the article remained unchanged throughout Sunday and overnight, and it was only some time on Monday that it was finally revised to say that Guaido had “declared himself interim president.”
Венецуела има далеко највеће резерве нафте на свету! Није потребно више објашњења
08-05-2019 08:40 Фокус 6 Србија Став
Када је војни удар, подржан од стране ЦИА-а, покушала дугогодишња марионета ЦИА-е, о ком је на сва уста урлао Џон Болтон уз помоћ приватне војске Блеквотер, у земљи са највећим светским резервама нафте, немам никаквих потешкоћа да се одлучим на којој сам страни.

Венецуела има далеко највеће резерве нафте на свету (Фото: илустрација)
Пише: Craig Murray


Хуан Гваидо је већ 15 година негован као дугорочни ЦИА-ин пројекат. Његов покушај преврата, који је до сада деловао да стагнира, био је кулминација напора да се венецуеланске резерве нафте врате америчкој хегемонији.
Чудно је како је хитно успостављање либералне демократије на силу тако често корелацији са нафтним резервама које нису под контролом САД-а, као у Либији, Ираку или Венецуели, док земље са масивним резервама нафте које дозвољавају америчку војну доминацију и усклађивање са Западом и Израелом могу бити недемократске колико желе, нпр. Саудијска Арабија. Венецуела је несавршена демократија, али је далеко, далеко више демократска него Саудијска Арабија и са много боље успостављеним људским правима.
Лицемерје западних медија и политичара одузима дах.
Лицемерје и иронија су сродне душе, а постоји и више нивоа ироније у виђењу “либералних” коментатора који су навијали за неприкосновени војни пуч, а онда се гласно жалили да су људи повређени или убијени сада када њихова страна губи. Мејнстрим медији (МСМ) нису имали потешкоћа да назову покушај државног удара, што је свако са очима и ушима могао јасно да види шта је, покушај војног пуча.
Данас, чудесно, МСМ преноси како није покушан никакав државни удар, већ је то био само спонтани ненаоружани протест, а зла влада Венецуеле покушава да је прикаже као државни удар. Би Би Си Бреакфаст је објавио наслов “Председник Мадуро је оптужио опозицију да је покушала да изврши државни удар” … Иако уопште нема сумње да је то, што је очигледна чињеница, оно што се догодило.
Данас је МСМ препун видеа водених топова против “демонстраната” и ужасног видео снимка војног возила које удара групу. Међутим, све је било врло пажљиво уређено како би се искључили сати снимања истих војних возила која су паљена и гађана молотовљевим коктелима и на која је пуцано. Представљена је заиста шокантна слика.
У свакој цивилизованој земљи покушај да се изведе војни пуч би довео до доживотне робије, а то је оно што би сада требало да се деси Хуан Гваиду. Мора се спречити покушај Запада да заштити своју марионету, претварајући се да се неуспели војни удар никада није догодио, макар само у циљу интелектуалне искрености.
Прибегавање насиљу присиљава на бинарни избор. Био сам и бићу критичар Мадура у многим аспектима. Сматрам да су уставне промене које заобилазе парламент погрешне, а индиректно изабрана конститутивна скупштина није добар облик демократије. Венецуела има проблем корупције. Америчке санкције погоршавају стање, али нису главни узрок лошег економског управљања. Постоје недостаци у вези са људским правима. Али Чавез је направио револуционарне промене у образовању и оснаживању сиромашних и то је много боље вођена земља за већину становништва него што би икада била под америчким ЦИА-иним луткарским режимом. Мадуро је легитимно изабран. Покушај насиља намеће бинарни избор.
Знам на којој сам страни. То нису Гваидо и ЦИА.".
Venezuela and Binary Choice
01.05.2019 - Craig Murray
This post is also available in: Spanish
Venezuela and Binary Choice
(Image by
When a CIA-backed military coup is attempted by a long term CIA puppet, roared on by John Bolton and backed with the offer of Blackwater mercenaries, in the country with the world’s largest oil reserves, I have no difficulty whatsoever in knowing which side I am on.
Juan Guaido has been groomed for 15 years as a long-term CIA project. His coup attempt yesterday, which so far appears to have stalled, was the culmination of these efforts to return Venezuela’s oil reserves to US hegemony.
It is strange how the urgent installation of liberal democracy by force correlates so often with oil reserves not aligned to the USA, as in Libya, Iraq or Venezuela, while countries with massive oil reserves which permit US military domination and align with the West and Israel can be as undemocratic as they wish, eg Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is an imperfect democracy but it is far, far more of a democracy than Saudi Arabia and with a much better human rights record. The hypocrisy of Western media and politicians is breathtaking.
Hypocrisy and irony are soulmates, and there are multiple levels of irony in seeing the “liberal” commentators who were cheering on an undisguised military coup, then complaining loudly that people are being injured or killed now their side is losing. Yesterday the MSM had no difficulty in calling the attempted coup what anybody with eyes and ears could see it plainly was, an attempted military coup.
Today, miraculously, the MSM line is no coup attempt happened at all, it was just a spontaneous unarmed protest, and it is the evil government of Venezuela which attempts to portray it as a coup. BBC Breakfast this morning had the headline “President Maduro has accused the opposition of mounting a coup attempt”… Yet there is no doubt at all that, as a matter of plain fact, that is what happened.
The MSM today is full of video of water cannons against “protestors” and a horrible video of a military vehicle ramming a group. But it has all been very carefully edited to exclude hours of footage of the same military vehicles being pelted and set alight with molotov cocktails, and shot at. The presentation has been truly shocking.
In any civilised country, attempting to mount a military coup would lead to incarceration for life, and that is what should now happen to Juan Guaido. The attempt by the West to protect their puppet by pretending the failed military coup never happened, must be resisted, if only in the cause of intellectual honesty.
The resort to violence forces binary choice. I have been and am a critic of Maduro in many respects. I believe the constitutional changes to bypass Parliament were wrong, and the indirectly elected Constituent Assembly is not a good form of democracy. Venezuela does have a rampant corruption problem. US sanctions exacerbate but are not the root cause of economic mismanagement. There are human rights failings. But Chavez made revolutionary changes in educating and empowering the poor, and it is a far better governed country for the mass of its population than it would ever be under a US installed CIA puppet regime. Maduro was legitimately elected. The attempt at violence forces a binary choice.
I know which side I am on. It is not Guaido and the CIA.
Što ne znači da neko sa strane ima pravo da postavi svoju marionetu na mesto predsednika Venecuele.
Šta ono beše Gnjaido, na kojim izborima je postao predsednik?

On bi pobeduo na svim postenim izborima Madura, od kucnog saveta i mesne zajednice do predsednika drzave.

Maduro je APSOLUTNO NEPOPULARAN, samo ga cuva vojni vrh, pun privilegija koje im je dao.
On bi pobeduo na svim postenim izborima Madura, od kucnog saveta i mesne zajednice do predsednika drzave.

Maduro je APSOLUTNO NEPOPULARAN, samo ga cuva vojni vrh, pun privilegija koje im je dao.

Tako je, Blajbi.
Zato Merikenjci i ne smeju da udare - jer je ceo narod protiv Madura.
Boje se ono malo vojnog vrha, koji ga podržava.
‘Duly elected leader’: Pompeo echoes falsehood about Venezuela’s Guaido

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated the false claim that US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido is the ‘duly elected leader’ of Venezuela. Apparently he reads CNN.
Speaking in London after his meeting with UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Pompeo told reporters that Venezuelans had chosen Guaido to lead them.
“The Venezuelan people have spoken through through constitutional mechanism, they have put Juan Guaido as their interim president, and he is the duly elected leader there,” Pompeo said, adding that “Maduro is on borrowed time.”
Not only did Guiado not win the presidential election in May 2018, he didn’t even run; the opposition boycotted the race. On the basis of a legal technicality, Guaido declared himself “interim president” in January, and was recognized by a number of countries, including the US and many of its allies.
In a recently corrected story, CNN also said Guaido had won an election, but claimed it was in January. There was no election in January, at least not in Venezuela.

Read more:
Ja ne znam sta zaista misli ceo svet, ali znam da je Maduri u Venecieli simbol nepopularnisti....Kao asto je bio Kastro na Kubi.
И као Милошевић овде, па тако "непопуларне" не могу да их уклоне без војне опсаде... :lol:
Не њајке, Блајби; на те лагарије се нико више не пеца...:mrgreen:
Danas u Venecueli je 100X gore neko pre takozvane "revolucije"

I ima mnogo vise sirotinje i bede.

tako je moj BLAJBI
a dal znas i ko je za to kriv
ne znas , jer bo i neces da znas , upravo kao i gradjani USRA drzave i CANADE
izvestaj UN organizacije o uvedenim sankcijama , protivnu svim medjunarodnim zakonima je i dovelo do
zvanicne procene , koliko je i umrlo u VENECUELI

CEO TEKST , koji neces nigde naci u dekokratskurim novinama ili stanicama TV ili...
Leading US Economist: Our sanctions killed over 40,000 people in Venezuela
May 8, 2019
Jeffrey Sachs. Photo:
American sanctions against Venezuela led to the death of more than 40 thousand people. These measures are not only contrary to international law, but also to US law itself. This was stated by a leading economist at Columbia University, Jeffrey Sachs , who for many years cooperates with the UN, reportsFox News.
Sachs was one of the authors of the report “Economic sanctions as a collective punishment on the example of Venezuela”. This document criticizes the restrictions that Washington imposed against the “socialist dictatorship” of Nicolas Maduro in 2017, explains the channel.
“We conclude that the sanctions have inflicted and are increasingly causing very serious harm to people's lives and health. Including, it is estimated that they caused more than 40 thousand deaths in 2017–2018. And we believe that these sanctions fall under the definition of collective punishment of the civilian population, which is contained in the Geneva and Hague international conventions signed by the United States. They are also illegal under international law and treaties signed by the United States, and, apparently, also violate US law, ”the authors note.
Venezuela is not the first year covered by "unrest" and the economic crisis. The situation worsened after opposition leader Juan Guaydo , whom the United States recognized as president of the country, tried to overthrow Maduro, draws attention to Fox News.
According to the channel, the report of Sachs and his colleagues is another attempt by “left-wing-minded” analysts and politicians to “at least partially lay responsibility” for the Venezuelan crisis on Washington. They criticize not only the sanctions of 2017, which deprived Caracas of access to the American financial market, but also the more recent restrictions of 2019, which hit oil exports. The report’s authors insist that US actions exacerbated power outages in Venezuela and deprived the country of the billions of dollars needed to buy vital products such as drugs and food. They are also convinced that the economic recovery of the Latin American country could have already begun, if not for the sanctions.
In addition, in a recent interview, Sachs stated that the United States "deliberately arranges mass suffering" in Venezuela. According to him, we are talking about "the catastrophe, which was mainly created" by Washington. Sachs gained a reputation as the most famous economist in the world, but lately he has also become a prominent critic of Donald Trump . So, after the publication of the report of the Special Prosecutor Robert Muller, he called on Congress to begin the procedure of impeachment against the current president, the channel said.
Trump has been skeptical of the UN since taking office. He suspended US membership in the UN Human Rights Council and UNESCO, and also reduced spending on the Middle East Aid for Palestine Refugees. Recently, the head of the White House announced that he intends to withdraw from the International Arms Trade Treaty, citing a concern about Americans ’right to self-defense, reminds Fox News.

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Ja ne znam sta zaista misli ceo svet, ali znam da je Maduri u Venecieli simbol nepopularnisti....Kao asto je bio Kastro na Kubi.
a jel BLAJBI
zar nijesi rekao da su MEDECINSKO OSOBLJA , KAO I NASTAVNICI , radili u VENECUELI a i jos i u drugim LATINO drzavama, pocevsi , od vremena CAVEZA i uspostave saradnje sa KUBOM.

pitanje za tebe , ako je bilo tako lijepo pod upravom rezima i potpomognut sa usra pomoci
kako je moguce bilo da je 80 posto stanovnika , bilo i nezaposleno i bez zdrastvene zastite i bez obrazovanja.

ih , lahko je tebi bilo da sa znanjem TITOVOGA obrazovanja , oma i postanes kapitaljist u VENECIJI
Danas u Venecueli je 100X gore neko pre takozvane "revolucije"

I ima mnogo vise sirotinje i bede.



A koliko sutra ce Merikenjci i njihovi cankolizi sirom Sveta , da vrate one otete milijarde dolara sa racuna u stranim bankama , da ukinu pretnje i sankcije i da se na taj nacin pomogne gladnim gradjani Venecuele ili mozda nece bas "sutra" , vec kada Gnjido postane ono sto zele njegovi mentori ... ?

Ili ce da zadrze te pare za one "koji nisu gladni" , a neki od njih , nisu cak ni gradjani Venecuele ...?
Poslednja izmena:
Tipicno za sve dikatai
И као Милошевић овде, па тако "непопуларне" не могу да их уклоне без војне опсаде... :lol:
Не њајке, Блајби; на те лагарије се нико више не пеца...:mrgreen:

Tipicno za sve diktatorijalne rezime.

Nenaoruzani narod nemoze sam da smeni naoruzanu bandu koja je uzela vlast.

A da nije Milosevic bio jako populratan t Srbiji?

Sto je mladost Srbije slao negde "tamo daleko" i vracao u sanducuna?

Borba protiv americkog fasizma i imperijalizma mora biti neprestana!


God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
God bless America, my home sweet home
