Type O Negative


Seems three years - though maybe four
someone drops dead - whom i adore
you love someone - there will be grief
the kiss of death - lips of a thief - goddammit

A dusty stack of photographs
of times i cried - but mostly laughed
commit the past - into blue flame
acrid smoke - cowardly shame - goddammit

At times i'm truly terrified
cause dope and booze - don't help to hide
they're used to mask - a weakling's hurt
it's just like painting - over dirt

Everyone i love is - dead - everyone i love is - dead - all dead

life's a game i cannot win
both good and bad - must surely end
the mirrors - always tell the truth
i love myself for hating you

Everyone i love is - dead - everyone i love is - dead
everyone i love is - dead - everyone i love is - dead - goddammit


All dead - all dead
all dead all dead all dead all dead all dead all dead all dead
all dead - all dead

Sta jos reci. Fenomenalan bend, odlican vokal......Kazu da svaka devojka koja slusa Gothic slusa i Negative...ima tu istine:)
Ja ih obozavam
Iskreno kada sam prvi put video Petera, bukvalno sam se uplasio.
Pre svega, to nije gothic band nego dark. Za ove nove muzicke pridoslice, to je ona vrsta muzike koju sviraju The Sisterhood, The Sisters Of Mercy, The Mission, Tiamat i mnogi drugi sto je devedesetih preimenomavano bez ikakvog razloga u gothic.

Type O Negative su se totalno srozali sa "October Rust" albumom, i totalno ispali iz fazona stalno preteci da ce da se raspadnu.
Mada, svaka im cast na obradi cuvene i legendarne Black Sabbath pesme na "Nativity In Black - A Tribute To Black Sabbath" iz 1994. godine. Pesma pocinje kao da izvire iz mocvare, dajuci joj jos tezi i mracniji zvuk nego sto su to cak i sami Black Sabbath uradili.
T0N su jedan od inventivnijih bendova koji su se pojavili 90-ih godina i definitivno su uticali na mene i moj muzicki ukus
ne znam koliko vas zna da su nastali iz pepela benda Carnivore [hard-core bend P_Steele-a], a mogu da se cuju odredjeni uticaji na prvom albumu T0N
za sve one koje taj bend zanima, imam kompletnu diskografiju + video After Dark
