Stotine hiljada izbeglica iz Latinske Amerika hrli prema SAD



Da, cuo sam. Bacali dimne bombe na izbeglice jer su prorezali zicu. Cuo sam i da je macho poslao vojsku na te jadne ljude.

Jel i sada Amerika razdvaja decu izbeglica od svojih roditelja ili je smislila nesto drugo.

Genocidasi,,,pravda za migranyte...multi kulti i tolerancija i ljudska prava se MORAJU POSTIVATI,,,i medjunarodne konvencije.
U.S.-Mexico border near Tijuana closed as migrants attempt to breach fence

Some demonstrators on the Mexico side of the border "split off to heard towards multiple locations along the border," and some attempted to enter the U.S. in areas "directly east and west" of the border crossing, the release stated. Some also attempted to enter the U.S. through northbound and southbound vehicle lanes at the port of entry, but they were "stopped and turned back to Mexico," according to CBP.

The attempts to "illegally enter the U.S." continued, and CBP agents responded to them, it said.

U.S. border officials have temporarily closed a port of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border as thousands of Central American migrants wait in Tijuana to apply for asylum in the U.S.

The port of entry at San Ysidro, north of Tijuana and south of San Diego, have been closed since about 11:30 a.m. Sunday, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said in a statement.

A group of Central American migrants climb the border fence between Mexico and the United States
U.S.-Mexico border near Tijuana closed as migrants attempt to breach fence

Some demonstrators on the Mexico side of the border "split off to heard towards multiple locations along the border," and some attempted to enter the U.S. in areas "directly east and west" of the border crossing, the release stated. Some also attempted to enter the U.S. through northbound and southbound vehicle lanes at the port of entry, but they were "stopped and turned back to Mexico," according to CBP.

The attempts to "illegally enter the U.S." continued, and CBP agents responded to them, it said.

U.S. border officials have temporarily closed a port of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border as thousands of Central American migrants wait in Tijuana to apply for asylum in the U.S.

The port of entry at San Ysidro, north of Tijuana and south of San Diego, have been closed since about 11:30 a.m. Sunday, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said in a statement.

A group of Central American migrants climb the border fence between Mexico and the United States
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Nevenice seko draga drugosrbijanska NVO, LDPovska, sto zboris i romoris na ovi SADisticki potezi, kontra Soros ideologije "Otvorenog drustva", multija, toleriranja razlicitosti, suzivota???
zanimljivo je da svi beze iz svojih levicarskih rajeva u surovi kapitalizam. nesto se to blajbi ne uklapa. valjda bi trebalo da ljudi iz surovog kapitalizma, gde rade u robovskom polozaju beze za venecuelu i slicne levicarske rajeve

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Najgore je sto te izbeglice i dalje cuvaju svoje levicarske stavove.

Evo i mi iz Srbije bezimo a belezimo svake godine sve veci ekonomski rast ...
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