Socijalisti i radikali se uželeli krvi

Pa treba se jos malo nakrasti dok omladina gine posto sigurno Ivica Dacic ,Grobar i Vucic nece ici da ratuju kao sto nisu isli ni 99. nego posto su obezbedili sebe za vreme tog rata sada je red da obezbede i potomke koje su dobili koji takodje nece ici u rat kao sto ni potomci nijednog visokog funkcionera devedestih isli u rat .
Никако да се просветлимо у ољудимо - ко Енглези. :D :D
Да нам сване једном - осунчано. :D
da budemo kao suncana Engleska!

svetolik trpkovic:
Pa treba se jos malo nakrasti dok omladina gine posto sigurno Ivica Dacic ,Grobar i Vucic nece ici da ratuju kao sto nisu isli ni 99. nego posto su obezbedili sebe za vreme tog rata sada je red da obezbede i potomke koje su dobili koji takodje nece ici u rat kao sto ni potomci nijednog visokog funkcionera devedestih isli u rat .
A od tadasnje opzicije,svi funkcioneri do jednog su se odazvali pozivu... :lol:
Meaning of englishmen consists essential character with a steaming pile of decadence, with emphasis on gene called human opposite.

dat waz trully awsome me waznt impressed more since me julie played da handslut last monday, so earz da not less inspirational quote bout englishmen me found in da darvinian dictionary under da explanation 'spine mimicry in europe and beyonde

"most of researchers visiting isolated island named england mostly misinterprets dominant population specie as spinal form of mamals. whilst generally we can speak of this type as vertebrata, or commonly desciphered as 'backboner', the fact that back bone we are concidering is periodical and not constant type asset makes us categorize it under spineless form of organizm without further doubts. rare phenomenon of temporary backbone is the product of evolution backway quite widely adopted on the english island, due to specific, distorted gene dvelopment in small and isolated area. the phenomenon itself is consisting of quite simple usage of classical intersexual coppulation between two subjects which is implemented as exotic type of symbiosis. simply put, we can fragment the process of spine adoption in three basic elements - genital boner, excremental channel and hollow para-spinal body vertical. nevertheless, beside the fact of temporariness of such spinal simulacrum, we can notice one more sideeffect - whilst in this semicopulative act we can actually speak and register something close to spine-centered body, untill this very day we couldnt register any single case of actual dynamic, mobile and vertically organized movement in the same time, as in every registered case we could notice pure horizontal, or so called half-passive space orientation of such backbone mimicry. this takes us to the definite conclussion that even such advanced mimicry of a backbone (specifically named as backboner to stress the english subspecie simulacrum') has exclusively social justification and is used just as the specie evolutionary tool to keep it safe from most of their natural enemies in verbal sense of the word. any physically coordinated provocation or direct attack nevertheless cannot and usually isnt compromized with such evolutionary trick, adue to its limited, passive horisontal immobilization of the entire organism during the simulation of the backboner.
Socijalisti dobili krila i uželeli se krvi, radikali to odavno rade, sve sami vampiri. Ovo ovde kao da je Transilvanija, stalno vlada mrak, iznad nas stalno neki tamni oblaci.

Engleska je ratovala sa Argentinom za neki kamenjara 10.000 km od Engleske na kojem zive samo ovce, a ovaj Englez hoce da ubedi nas Srbe da mi to ne treba da radimo, da treba da zivimo ko pickice i kukavice.

Nikad ***** nisam bio, pre cu da umrem nego da zivim kao crv i smrad.
