Predvidja se potpuni slom ostatka bankarskog sektora Amerike??


Veoma poznat
Americki senatori predlazu uvecanje fonda federalne agencije za osiguranje depozita. Jedini razlog za tako nesto je ako se predvidja slom preostalih banaka i neophodnost kakvog-takvog pokrivanja stednih depozita gradjana.

Bill Seeks to Let FDIC Borrow up to $500 Billion
WASHINGTON -- Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd is moving to allow the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to temporarily borrow as much as $500 billion from the Treasury Department.


The FDIC's deposit-insurance fund has fallen precipitously with 25 bank failures in 2008 and 16 so far in 2009. Some bank failures have a bigger impact on the fund than others, as IndyMac's failure cost the fund more than $10 billion, while many others cost the fund less than $100 million.
