Pirotehnika-Pirotehnicke supstance(obavezno procitati prvi post)

Winkler ... usrao sam stvar. Moj Cale je nehotice prosipao H2SO4 sve. Pomislio je da nije neka tecnost za prskanje jer sam je stavio u garazi zbog mirisa i on sve to bacio kad su prolazili iz gradske cistoce .... poludeo sam i nemogu da vrsim sintetizovanje Aceton-peroxida.

Postoji li zamena za H2SO4 ili ne, jel moze da se proba sa Azotnom ? i kakav bi efekat imala ?
A u bre a jel ima mozda neko amonijum-perhlorata??
E bre ljudi jeste li vi normalni??
Pricate o visoko zapaljivim materijama koje su izuzetno opasne ukoliko samo primirisu plamen!!
Znas li da NH4ClO4 (amonijum-perhlorat) predstavlja osnovnu supstancu za raketno gorivo
KClO4 se takodje nalazi u jednacini!!
Nemoj da se igras inace upalices i kucu i par kilometara oko kuce ako ti se zapali KClO4!!!!!!
Ja sam uspeo ovako: Prvo alkohol i KMnO4, pa sipam konc. sumpornu, uspelo je nije sad bog zna kako ali je ok, probacu kako si rekao.
Ali sto sam nesto skoro naucio, verovatno je stara fora, ali ipak cu da napisem:
Sipa se malo H2O2, ali ne onog 3% iz apoteke nego jaci, pa malo detrdzenta za sudove, i na kraju KJ, i ne stedite kod KJ. Pocne da peni i pena izleti iz epruvete. Nije lose, samo izdvaja dosta otrovnog gasa J2...
Al - aluminum is used to produce silver n white flames n sparks. it is a common component of sparklers.
Ba - barium is used to create green colors in fireworks n it also can help stabilize other volatile elements.
C - carbon is one of the main components of black powder, which is used as a propellant in firework. common forms include carbon black, sugar or starch.
Ca - calcium is used to deepen firework colors. calcium salts produce orange fireworks.
Cl - chlorine is an important component of many oxidizers in fireworks. several of the metal salts that produce colors contain chlorine.
Cu - copper compounds produce blue colors.
Fe - iron is used to produce sparks. the heat of the metal determines the color of the sparks.
K - potassium helps to oxidize firework mixtures. potassium nitrate, potassium chlorate n potassium perchlorate r all important oxidizers.
Li - lithium is a metal that is used to impart a red color to fireworks. lithium carbonate, in particular, is a common colorant.
Mg - magnesium burns a very bright white, so it is used to add white sparks or improve the overall brilliance of a firework.
Na - sodium imparts a gold or yellow color to fireworks, however, the color is often so bright that is frequently masks other, less intense colors.
O - oxygen. fireworks include oxidizers, which r substances that produce oxygen in order for burning to occur. the oxidizers r usually nitrates, chlorates, or perchlorates. sometimes the same substance is used to provide oxygen n color.
P - phosphorus burns spontaneously in air n is also responsible for some glow in the dark effects. it may be a component of a firework's fuel.
S - sulfur is a component of black powder n as such, it is found in a firework's propellant/fuel.
Sb - antimony is used to create firework glitter effects.
Sr - strontium salts impart a red color to fireworks. strontium compounds r also important for stabilizing fireworks mixtures.
Ti - titanium metal can be burned as powder or flakes to produce silver sparks.
Zn - zinc is a bluish white metal that is used to create smoke effects for fireworks n other pyrotechnic devices.
