Neće više biti ni progona ni traktora!

Ajd samo sjedite par minuta i promislite da li vas neko može natjerati da odete iz svoje kuće u kojoj ste živjeli decenijama na traktoru bez igdje ičega u nepoznato u izbjeglištvo bez da ste duboko uvjereni da vam je ugrožen život. Da sigurno reko Martić mora se ići i 250 hiljada ljudi reklo "ma ja ajmo negdje gdje ne znamo nikoga i ne znamo šta će sa nama biti ali tebe moramo poslušat". Jedan hrvatski vojnik koji je rekao "ne morate ići" pred kamerama vidno uplašenom čovjeku. I Mladić je dijelio čokoladu djeci pred kamerama.
Isto kao što si u Srbiji oduzeo hrvatske firme i da ih Srbima i Srbiji.
To nije privatno vlasništvo.
Jesu firme ljudi otjerani ratom? Sam si rekao da je u Oluji sprovedeno etničko čiščenje. Srbi otišli i nova vlast naselila Hrvate i sad se Srbi ne mogu vratiti gdje su prije živjeli. Jel svaki taj što je otjeran bio bradati četnik koji je sprovodio "agresiju"?
SPORAZUM je sklopljen u Oluji...
Pisano je garantirano da Srbi mogu ostat...
Odma je sve prenošeno svijetu kamerama na licu mjesta, da se garantira ostanak onima koji žele...
Evo ti...

Ma bravo srećice na priznanju. PRED KAMERAMA. Normalno da se pred kamerama glumi sve u skladu sa Tuđmanovim planom da se Srbima TOBOŽE garantuju građanska prava. A kad se kamere ugase? Pa pored hrane zaspete kolonu i bombama.

"One year ago, on August 4, 1995, the Croatian Army launched "Operation Storm," an offensive to retake the Krajina region, which had been controlled by separatist ethnic Serbs since early 1991. The offensive, which lasted a mere thirty-six hours, resulted in the death of an estimated 526 Serbs, 116 of whom were reportedly civilians, and in the displacement of an estimated 200,000 who fled in the immediate aftermath.[1] However, while the Croatian military committed violations of humanitarian law during the course of the offensive such as the bombardment of a column of retreating Serbian civilians and soldiers which caused deaths among the civilians, the vast majority of the abuses committed by Croatian forces occurred after the area had been captured. These abuses by Croatian government forces, which continued on a large scale even months after the area had been secured by Croatian authorities, included summary executions of elderly and infirm Serbs who remained behind and the wholesale burning and destruction of Serbian villages and property. In the months following the August offensive, at least 150 Serb civilians were summarily executed and another 110 persons forcibly disappeared.

In addition to those who fled during the offensive itself, those who remained in their homes or returned to their homes in the weeks after the offensive were ultimately forced to flee the area because of the widespread and systematic nature of abuses by Croatian government agents.

Ali da, rekao onaj jedan "ma ne morate vi ići". Fuj.
Jesu firme ljudi otjerani ratom? Sam si rekao da je u Oluji sprovedeno etničko čiščenje. Srbi otišli i nova vlast naselila Hrvate i sad se Srbi ne mogu vratiti gdje su prije živjeli. Jel svaki taj što je otjeran bio bradati četnik koji je sprovodio "agresiju"?
Ništa ja tebe ne razumijem.
Svaki Srbin se mogao vratiti na područje RSK, obnoviti BESPLATNO svoju kuću i živjeti u tom bespuću ako baš želi.
Činjenica je da se većina snašla u BiH i Srbiji, prodali ili zamijenili svoje kuće i zemlje i tu je priči kraj.
Ništa ja tebe ne razumijem.
Svaki Srbin se mogao vratiti na područje RSK, obnoviti BESPLATNO svoju kuću i živjeti u tom bespuću ako baš želi.
Činjenica je da se većina snašla u BiH i Srbiji, prodali ili zamijenili svoje kuće i zemlje i tu je priči kraj.
Je đavla mogao.
"To date, although Croatian authorities claim that Serbs are welcome to return to their homes, their actions indicate otherwise, including the refusal to recognize the citizenship of Serbs from the Krajina region; the expropriation, systematic burning and destruction of Serbian property; and the unwillingness of the Croatian authorities to provide for the safety of Serbs who remained in the Krajina region following the offensive. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the Croatian government appears intent on eliminating or substantially decreasing the presence of Serbs in post-war Croatia. Although using the methods that often are less brutal than those of Serbian authorities, the Croatian government's policies and practices nevertheless demonstrate an intent to create an "ethnically pure" state. Unless the Croatian government reverses its recent actions by allowing the safe return of Serbian civilians to the Krajina area, holding accountable those responsible for war crimes against both Croats and Serbs, and genuinely promoting inter-ethnic coexistence and reconciliation it will also have to answer to the charge of "ethnic cleansing" that is often levied against Serbian forces."
Ma bravo srećice na priznanju. PRED KAMERAMA. Normalno da se pred kamerama glumi sve u skladu sa Tuđmanovim planom da se Srbima TOBOŽE garantuju građanska prava. A kad se kamere ugase? Pa pored hrane zaspete kolonu i bombama.

"One year ago, on August 4, 1995, the Croatian Army launched "Operation Storm," an offensive to retake the Krajina region, which had been controlled by separatist ethnic Serbs since early 1991. The offensive, which lasted a mere thirty-six hours, resulted in the death of an estimated 526 Serbs, 116 of whom were reportedly civilians, and in the displacement of an estimated 200,000 who fled in the immediate aftermath.[1] However, while the Croatian military committed violations of humanitarian law during the course of the offensive such as the bombardment of a column of retreating Serbian civilians and soldiers which caused deaths among the civilians, the vast majority of the abuses committed by Croatian forces occurred after the area had been captured. These abuses by Croatian government forces, which continued on a large scale even months after the area had been secured by Croatian authorities, included summary executions of elderly and infirm Serbs who remained behind and the wholesale burning and destruction of Serbian villages and property. In the months following the August offensive, at least 150 Serb civilians were summarily executed and another 110 persons forcibly disappeared.

In addition to those who fled during the offensive itself, those who remained in their homes or returned to their homes in the weeks after the offensive were ultimately forced to flee the area because of the widespread and systematic nature of abuses by Croatian government agents.

Ali da, rekao onaj jedan "ma ne morate vi ići". Fuj.
"... such as the bombardment of a column n civilians and soldiers which caused deaths among the civilians"

Ti si svjestan činjenice da vojska nema šta raditi među civilnom kolonom? Svjestan si da je takva kolona legitimna meta i da je za civilne žrtve kriva vosjka koja ih je koristila kao živi štit?
Još da nisi polupismen i da znaš šta znači ono što pročitaš bio bi skoro trol, ovako si lošim sendvičem za ručak i užegli kikiriki ti daju za nagradu...
Evo ih glavni organizatori vojnog dela Oluje...

"... such as the bombardment of a column n civilians and soldiers which caused deaths among the civilians"

Ti si svjestan činjenice da vojska nema šta raditi među civilnom kolonom? Svjestan si da je takva kolona legitimna meta i da je za civilne žrtve kriva vosjka koja ih je koristila kao živi štit?
"If Croatian soldiers directly attacked fleeing civilians near Bosanski Petrovac, Dvor or elsewhere, such an act would constitute not only a serious violation of international humanitarian law but also a "grave breach" or war crime. However, if military personnel and material were interspersed with the refugee column or in one of the aforementioned pockets, and if civilian casualties were incidental to fighting between Serbian and Croatian forces as appears to have been the case in some of the encircled pockets in Sector North the death of civilians may not have been a violation of the laws of war, but "collateral" or "incidental" to an attack on an otherwise legitimate target. However, even under those circumstances, further investigation is required to determine whether attacking forces fulfilled their obligation to take all feasible precautions to minimize civilian harm.[42]

A second bombing incident by the Croatian, and possibly the Bosnian, army appears to have taken place against fleeing refugees and a medical vehicle belonging to the RSK military between the towns of Glina and Dvor, but closer to Dvor. All attacks on humanitarian vehicles irrespective of whether they belong to a civilian or a military humanitarian entity are strictly forbidden under the Geneva Conventions.[43] B.N., a thirty-five-year-old woman from Petrinja,[44] fled toward Dvor in her car on August 4 at approximately 10:00 a.m. with her two children, her godmother, and the godmother's two children.
"If Croatian soldiers directly attacked fleeing civilians near Bosanski Petrovac, Dvor or elsewhere, such an act would constitute not only a serious violation of international humanitarian law but also a "grave breach" or war crime. However, if military personnel and material were interspersed with the refugee column or in one of the aforementioned pockets, and if civilian casualties were incidental to fighting between Serbian and Croatian forces as appears to have been the case in some of the encircled pockets in Sector North the death of civilians may not have been a violation of the laws of war, but "collateral" or "incidental" to an attack on an otherwise legitimate target. However, even under those circumstances, further investigation is required to determine whether attacking forces fulfilled their obligation to take all feasible precautions to minimize civilian harm.[42]

A second bombing incident by the Croatian, and possibly the Bosnian, army appears to have taken place against fleeing refugees and a medical vehicle belonging to the RSK military between the towns of Glina and Dvor, but closer to Dvor. All attacks on humanitarian vehicles irrespective of whether they belong to a civilian or a military humanitarian entity are strictly forbidden under the Geneva Conventions.[43] B.N., a thirty-five-year-old woman from Petrinja,[44] fled toward Dvor in her car on August 4 at approximately 10:00 a.m. with her two children, her godmother, and the godmother's two children.
I šta s time želiš reći, koja je poanta?
****** га Олуја.

Зато је аболирао сУсједе за оно што су урадили после Олује.

Побили су све што је остало, а сад као серу како су Срби могли да се врате, само ето да су хтели.

Добро се багра издиловала...
****** га Олуја.

Зато је аболирао сУсједе за оно што су урадили после Олује.

Побили су све што је остало, а сад као серу како су Срби могли да се врате, само ето да су хтели.

Добро се багра издиловала...
Nije rat počeo 1995. s Olujom, nego puno prije kada su braća Srbi mislili da će goriti samo hrvatske kuće, i da će samo Hrvati nazivani ustaše biti protjerivani i ubijani kao kerovi.
Ako misliš kao svoj idol Vučić da je RH "neoustaška" onda obojica o ustašama imate daleko ljepše mišljenje od mene.
Данашња Хрватска је монструм држава. Исто као и НДХ. Зло и наопако! Настале на злочину, обе творевине вољом западних сила.

Ненормално је да се то подржава. Мада, ти си се већ ,,прославио" подржавањем и оправдавањем злочина и геноцида, тако да ово ништа не чуди од тебе.
Nije rat počeo 1995. s Olujom, nego puno prije kada su braća Srbi mislili da će goriti samo hrvatske kuće, i da će samo Hrvati nazivani ustaše biti protjerivani i ubijani kao kerovi.

Добро, и шта с тим? То је оправдање за месеце дивљања после Олује, и бацања баба у бунаре?

Уосталом, ко је тебе позвао да ти коментаришеш мене, за нешто што се тиче односа нас Срба према тој читавој причи.

Ви сте у овој причи епизодисти. Ја се у ваше прославе Олује нећу петљати, нит ми сметају, нит ме интересују.

Иначе, нисмо браћа никад били, нити ћемо бити.
