Najbolji Film Ikad Gledan






Ti bas gotivis istocnjacke filmove.
Nisam gledao 8 1/2
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evo sad preturam po inboxu nema ništa od tebe. nisam brisao

moguće da si poslala na nick Arnold_Layne, koji mi je pukao i ne mogu da se ulogujem na njega.

ti treba titl i dalje?

Trebao mi je titl jer sam pisala neki rad o filmu, a gledala sam film odavno na tv-u, pa mi je znacilo da se podsetim... Na kraju sam gledala sa nekim cudnim titlom koji mi je dao neko drugi sa foruma :D

Ajde posalji mi taj tvoj titl da vidim hoce li on odgovarati. Volim film, pa bih zelela da imam i normalan titl za njega :D

hvala u napred ;)
I wanted to finish the film
with a scene in a Mexican restaurant,
which is my idea of paradise.
The Thief, his wife
and the monkey would be there
and watch a woman we'd hired
as she gave birth for real.
But the woman backed out at the last
minute and we couldn't shoot the scene.
I wanted to finish the film
with a real birth,
the new life, the new man.
The master, like a Roshi Zen,
hits the disciple on the back
to restore her energy.
The master makes them meditate
After meditating, he makes them twirl
around because their legs are numb.
The Zen scenes were too realistic.
I did not include them because they took
the mystery away and were not perfect.
Here the master, relentlessly,
makes them twirl around,
like in a dance of the planets
or the nine symbols of the Eneagram.
They dance until they faint
from exhaustion.
This dance of the planets
is an altered version
of "The Whirling Dervishes".
They all whirl around
holding the symbol of their planet
They dance
to some ancient Mexican music.
When the disciples are exhausted,
the master gives them rice as a reward.
When we went to film in the mountain,
this woman arrived.
I think she was a real magician.
She made us smell a plant, which
we then had to look for in the mountain.
There were scenes I couldn't use
because the guy who played the Thief
would take drugs while we filmed,
and then he would take the scenes
and do useless, stupid things.
While I was learning to climb, I fell.
Luckily, nothing serious happened,
but it was dangerous.
It's exciting to see things
I had forgotten about.
The wild girl with the ape follows them
and imitates everything she sees.
When she saw them rubbing themselves
against the plants to gather pollen,
she did the same thing to get high
and have spiritual visions.
She did the same thing to get high
and have spiritual visions.
In this foggy mountain,
the master says to them,
"If you learn how to climb a single rock,
you can climb the mountain."
In a moment of general delirium, where
they confront their demons and phobias,
she, who is dark-skinned,
has a phobia for skin.
So she feels
as if she were covered in tumors.
Marilyn Manson,
the great rock singer,
saw a photo of this scene, I suppose,
and used it at a music festival.
He used this cross.
The scene of the millionaire's son
was taken out
because we feared
it might be considered as child abuse,
as pedophilia.
So we thought it was...
I didn't think it was necessary.

Ovo sam izvukao titlove iz "deleted scenes" iz "The holy mountain"
To Kill A Mocking Bird(Ubiti Pticu Rugalicu remek dijelo)
Glass Manegerie(Staklena menazarija ali verzija iz 50ih ovu novu nisam gledala,steta sto ne mogu nigdje da je nadjem u videoteci,odlican film,procitala sam i komad Terensa Vilijamsa ali posle gledanja filma)
Departed(Dvostruka igra,ubijte me ako 'ocete ali meni je ovo odlican film i glupost je kad neki kazu da je Skorseze dobio Oskara za Departed samo jer je ucinjena nepravda prema njemu proslih godina)
Indiana Jones (svi djelovi)
Blade Runner(jako jako jako dobar film)
LOTR III(jedino mi se drugi dio nije bas pretjerano svidio,remek dijelo 21 vijeka)
To su neki.Ima jos samo treba da se sjetim 8)

kako nisam stavila L.A. Confidential :shock:
mada je lista u principu ostala ista...
samo bi skinula drugi i treci dio Indiane Jones-a,dodala Taxistu,naravno L.A. Confidential bla bla la...
mora da sam bila pod uticajem alkohola taj dan :shock:
Taxistu ja ne volim nesto ali meni se cini da je tu de niro bio odlican , mozda i najbolji (ajte sad da vas cujem :roll: )

Meni je taj film odlican, ali dobro to je stvar ukusa.
A sto se De Nira tice... pa imao je u zivotu mnogo dobrih uloga, tako da je bar meni tesko da kazem koju je najbolje odigrao.
Jedino znam da je njegova gluma sigurno doprinela, ako ne i donela filmu status kultnog.
Takvom filmu, jednoj psihoanalizi, je prosto neophodna dobra gluma. Ako toga nema sve pada u vodu.
A De Niro je bio bolesno dobar. Samo zamisli nekog prosecnog glumca umesto njega i shvatices da utisak o samom filmu nikako ne bi bio isti.
Znaci, on je bio preko potreban.
Poslednja izmena:
E dali znate mozda koji film je bio sinoc na oko 2 ujutru.To je tinejdzerski film sa nekim ucenicima koji idu da upoznaju predsednika i da mu kazu kakav je skolski program,ili tako nesto.Pa su se na putu do Vasingtona napili,napravili zurku u autobusu,Komirali Direktora,nasminkali ga,...PLEASE POMOC!!!!!!!
