Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 08.07.2003. u 11:28 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #2 Kakvo je ovo pitanje na koje sam odgovaras _______________________ SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
Kakvo je ovo pitanje na koje sam odgovaras _______________________ SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
M MatriX Gost 09.07.2003. u 23:22 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #3 To je idiotsko pitanje na koje odgovaraju idioti :x
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 10.07.2003. u 09:47 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #4 ovu temu treba zakljucati SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
ovu temu treba zakljucati SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 10.07.2003. u 22:08 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #6 Zbog ovakvih sr*ja zakljucavam tamu SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
Zbog ovakvih sr*ja zakljucavam tamu SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ _________________
G Gost Obećava Poruka 82 02.08.2003. u 18:40 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #7 Corey ajde zakljucaj je.Ali ne smes
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 02.08.2003. u 19:45 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #8 To sam se zezo ali uskoro nece biti :wink: ______________
M Miloš1043 Zainteresovan član Poruka 127 02.08.2003. u 19:57 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #9 Čovek već šesti put postavja pitanje koje glasi "Ovo ili ono ?"
G Gost Obećava Poruka 82 10.08.2003. u 11:27 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #10 U stvari zakljucaj temu,Corey i mene je ovaj Ufi smorio
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 10.08.2003. u 12:54 - Max Paine ili Hitman 2 #11 I mene je stvarno ______________