

Zainteresovan član
Where are you, sick = Ðe si, bolan
Boys from the end = Momci iz kraja
Dark of the job = Taman posla
Meat Community = Mjesna zajednica
I am working with a full dime = Radim punom parom
Big knife tomorrow = Kama Sutra
I am talking alone with the room = Pricam sam sa sobom
Who Washes, Him Two = Ko umije njemu dvije
Come to me go to me = Idi mi, dodji mi
What has? = Šta ima?
Who cuts your hair = Ko te šiša
Why yes no = Zašto da ne
He beat him on dead name = Prebio ga na mrtvo ime
Would you translate me on the other page in face = Da li biste me preveli na drugu stranu ulice
A little bit tomorrow = Malo sutra
Only killer = Samoubica
How where = Kako gdje
How when = Kako kad
How yes no = Kako da ne
I am on five (on five alone) = Napet sam
I am all on five = Sav sam napet
Let's play tickets = Hajde da igramo karti
Two eggs on eye = Dva jaja na oko
If I only had little more weather = Kad bih imao
samo malo više vremena
She is in second stage = Ona je u drugom stanju
On the face of the place = Na licu mjesta
He translated him thirsty across the water = Preveo ga zednog preko vode
I wish to elephant myself on you = Zelim da se naslonim na tebe
He was put on wall paper = Stavili ga na tapet
He lives on high leg = Zivi na visokoj nozi
He salts his brain = Soli mu pamet
What is falling on your brain = Šta ti pada na pamet
We were shooting from laughter = Pucali smo od smijeha
Spitted father = Pljunuti otac
She turned his brain around = Zavrtjela mu je mozak
Neither a relative nor help me God = Ni rod ni pomoz' bog
Beat your worry on the joy = Udri brigu na veselje
He is drunk as a mother = Pijan je ko majka
Out of clean peace = Iz cista mira
Let's eat something from the legs = Da pojedemo nešto s nogu
Photo-whodrinks = Foto-kopije
Just-Steel = Baš-Celik
The In-fall of Little Mice = Upala mišica
Hello for ready = Zdravo za gotovo
Whochicken = Kopile
On-elephant = Naslon
Arerailway = Supruga
Treasure to you = Blago tebi
Fade, see, joke = Veni, vidi, vic(i)
I have to fish the floor = Moram da ribam patos
Priest singer = Pop-pjevac
On those mothers = Natenane
Everything is up and up = Sve je gore i gore
I've been assing in the screen all day = Citav dan buljim u ekran
To be of pricky fortune = Biti ku*ate srece
To piss against the wind = Pišati uz vetar
Shitting through a dense bush = Sranje kroz gusto granje
He screwed a hedgehog = **** je ježa
Onfu*k = Najebati
Forfu*k = Zaje*ati
Offu*k = Odje*ati
Underfu*k = Podje*avati
Forescratch = Zagreb
Sarah Is An Ox = Sarajevo
Grass City = Travnik
Naked Island = Goli otok
Port Resort (Spa Harbor) = Banja Luka
Notmind = Neum
And That Fox = Italija
Plan and no = Planine
I-Chorus-and-on = Jahorina
Edge Except = Ivica Osim
Nemoj faco reci nekom ovi ilices se provaliti!!!

Where are you, sick = Ðe si, bolan
Ðe si, bolan = Where is your pain!

How yes no = Kako da ne
Kako da ne = Ofcourse

Offu*k = Odje*ati
Odje*ati = *uck off
