Edgar Alan Po


Zainteresovan član
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??? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ??????: ????? ???????, ????? ??? ????? ????????? ??????
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Njegove price...kao "Pad kuce Usera", "Eleonora", "Ligeja" .....Mada je i roman "Dozivljaji Artura G.Puma" vredan pomena...sve sam to odavno procitala sada sam u mnogo svetlijoj fazi a on je previse mracan i te njegove price o smrti mi ne prijaju trenutno.Sve u svemu -genijalan je!
Bas lepo sto ste me podsetili, odoh sada pred spavanje da procitam jos jednom 'The gold bug'...ako vec niste, toplo vam preporucujem da upoznate scaraba sa ljudskom glavom.
kako se zove Po-ova prica gde je ubica - orangutan....tela zena nalaze zgurane u odzak??? fenomenalna!!!!
i pesme obozavam! a teorijska dela - nisam procitala ni jedno (nisam znala ni da postoje, stidim se).
The Raven
But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow will he leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'
Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
`Doubtless,' said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -
Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden bore
Of "Never-nevermore."'

But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -
What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking`Nevermore............
Mene je odusevila prica o Gospodinu Valdemaru ili kako se vec..bese zove...U svakom slucaju,prica o hipnozi i tipu na samrti.U stvari odusevljava me sve sto je on napisao,nisam ni prema jedno prici ili pesmi ostala ravnodusna"Maska crvene smrti"."Gavran"...Po je genijalan,ima nesto sto svakako ni jedan drugi pisac ne poseduje,a to je neodoljivo sarmantno pisanje,ako tako mogu da ga nazovem.
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Које вам је његово дело најдраже, и зашто?

A dream within a dream.
Tu pesmu stvarno treba procitati na engleskom.
I To Helen, ali onu koja pocinje sa
I saw thee once- once only- years ago:
I must not say how many- but not many.
Apsolutna ljupkost od poezije. :D
Iako ne vilom mnogo poeziju Poov Gavran je nesto posebno, mozda jedina pesma koja mi se svidja.
Jak utisak na mene je ostavio i roman "Avanture Gordona Pima" iako je mnogo komplikovan za razumeti i nije samo obicna prica o nesrecnom coveku koji se "samo" bori za zivot.
Prosto ne mogu da verujem da sam zaboravio U MALSTREMSKOM VRTLOGU. :oops: Neverovatna prica. Takav opis snage prirode, i covekove beznacajnosti pred njom nigde nisam video. Fascinantno.
Svima koji vole Gavrana, preporucio bih Poov ogled Filozofija kompozicije, ukoliko mogu da ga nadju. U njemu on pise o stvaranju Gavrana i kompoziciji jednog knjizevnog dela uopste. Sjajno, i toliko razlicito od kritika i analiza Gavrana koje sam tu i tamo sretao.
By the way, ko je po vama najbolje preveo Poove stihove? :?:
Meni je tesko da bas izdvojim neku od prica, ali vrlo bizarna 'Crma macka' i 'Ovalno portret' mozda zasluzuju da budu spomenuti.

O tome ko je najbolje preveo Poove stihove, nazalost, ne mogu nista da kazem...
Prosto ne mogu da verujem da sam zaboravio U MALSTREMSKOM VRTLOGU. :oops: Neverovatna prica. Takav opis snage prirode, i covekove beznacajnosti pred njom nigde nisam video. Fascinantno.
Svima koji vole Gavrana, preporucio bih Poov ogled Filozofija kompozicije, ukoliko mogu da ga nadju. U njemu on pise o stvaranju Gavrana i kompoziciji jednog knjizevnog dela uopste. Sjajno, i toliko razlicito od kritika i analiza Gavrana koje sam tu i tamo sretao.
By the way, ko je po vama najbolje preveo Poove stihove? :?:

Станислав Винавер!
Robert Bloch

[Reprinted from Ambrosia No. 2 (Aug. 1973)]

Comparisons between Edgar Allan Poe and Howard Phillips Lovecraft are, I suppose, inevitable; seemingly, in recent years [writing in 1973] they are also interminable.

I shall not, therefore, repeat the usual recital of similarities to be found within their work -- there will be no mention of black cats, revenants, or Antarctic settings per se.

But at the same time I have no intention of making a calculated bid for attention by deliberately asserting, as some have also declared, that no real resemblance exists aside from superficial employment of stock characters and themes common to virtually all stories in the genre.

To me, this is an untenable statement: Lovecraft, like every writer of fantasy and horror fiction subsequent to Poe, was necessarily influenced by the work of his predecessor -- and to certain extent his work needs must be derivative in some slight sense. Actually, Lovecraft's homage to Poe in his essay Supernatural Horror In Literature, indicates a degree of appreciation and admiration which leaves no doubt as to the profound impression made upon him by the earlier master.

But to me the most fruitful area of comparison lies within an examination of the backgrounds and personalities of the writers themselves.

Consider the facts. Both Poe and Lovecraft were New England born. Both were, to all intents and purposes, fatherless at an early age. Both developed a lifelong affinity for poetry and the elements of a classical education Both utilized archaisms in their writing styles and affected personal eccentricities which in time became consciously cultivated.

Although Poe spent a part of his youth in England and travelled along the Atlantic seaboard in later life -- and while Lovecraft ventured up into Canada and down into Florida on vacations a few years prior to his death -- neither man ever ventured west of the Alleghenies. Lovecraft, on one occasion, did skirt them to visit E. Hoffman Price briefly in his New Orleans home, but essentially he and Poe were Easterners. Their outlook was, to a marked degree, provincial; even parochial.

Both men distrusted "foreigners" in the mass: both retained a profound admiration for the English. These attitudes are plainly evident in their work, which is many particulars removed and remote form the main current of American life.

A reader attempting to capture some glimpse of the United States in the 1830-1850 period would gain small enlightenment from the poetry and fiction of Poe. At a time when the entire nation was engaged in a westward thrust, beginning with the peregrinations of the mountain men and ending with the Gold Rush in the year of Poe's death, one searches in vain for a wet which does not seemingly even exist in his literary compass.

Byronic heroes sequestered in British and continental locales scarcely reflect the American attitudes or aptitudes in the era of Old Hickory, Davy Crockett, the fall of the Alamo, the Mexican War and the growing turmoil over slavery.

Nor would a reader find more typically American protagonists amongst the pendants, professors and regionally-oriented recluses of Lovecraft's tales, in which there's scarcely a hint of the manners and mores of the Roaring Twenties or the Great Depression which followed in the ensuing decade. Aside from a few remarks regarding the influx of immigrants and concomitant destruction of old folkways and landmarks, plus brief mentions of the (intellectually) "wild" college set, Lovecraft ignores the post WW1 Jazz Age in its entirety: Coolidge, Hoover, FDR, Lindbergh, Babe Ruth, Al Capone, Valentino, Mencken and the prototypes of Babbit have no existence in HPL's realm. It is difficult to believe that Howard Phillips Lovecraft was a literary contemporary of Ernest Hemingway.

And yet a further comparison between Lovecraft and Poe remains; one of profound importance in any consideration of their work, because it softens any charge that two writers were totally unaware of the actual world and unrealistic in their treatment of their times.

I refer, of course, to their mutual interest in science. Both Poe and Lovecraft were acute observers of the scientific and pseudo-scientific developments of their respective days, and both men utilized thee latest theories and discoveries in their writing. It is only necessary to cite Poe's use of mesmerism, his employment of the balloon hoax, his detailing of data in the Arthur Gordon Pym novella, to prove the point.

Lovecraft, for his part, relies on scientific background material in his Pym-like At the Mountains of Madness, "The Shadow Out of Time" and other efforts; notable is his immediate adoption of the newly discovered "ninth planet" in "The Whisperer in Darkness."

Lovecraft's interest in astronomy undoubtedly led to his increasing interest in other fields of scientific endeavor, just as Poe's early experiences at West Point must have fostered his preoccupation with codes an ciphers. And both men, as professional writers, were well and widely-read in the contemporary work of their day: Poe as a working critic, demonstrates his knowledge in his nonfictional efforts and Lovecraft, in his correspondence, proves himself no stranger to Proust, Joyce, Spengler and Freud.

But the point is that Poe and Lovecraft deliberately chose to turn their backs on contemporary styles and subject-matter and created their own individual worlds of fantasy. In this above all else they were similar.

And in this, above all else, we readers of Poe and Lovecraft are fortunate indeed. We shall never know, and never care, what Edgar Allan Poe though of Andy Jackson's "kitchen cabinet" or how H. P. Lovecraft regarded the Teapot Dome scandal. Small loss, when both have given us glimpses of worlds peculiarly and provocatively their very own.

For the final similarity is this -- Poe and Lovecraft are our two American geniuses of fantasy, comparable each to the other, but incomparably superior to all the rest who follow in their wake.
PO ( Edgar Alan)
Američki pesnik, pripovedač i kritičar

Umro: 7.oktobra 1849. ( 39-oj god.)
Uzrok: delirium tremens
Mesto: Baltimor, u Merilendu (SAD)
Sahranjen: prezbiterijansko groblje u Baltimoru

Stigavši 29. septembra 1849. god. u Baltimor, Po se našao u jeku predizborne kampanje: u pitanju su bili izbori za Kongres. Gradom su kružile razne skupine koje su plaćale stranke i koje su ljudima najpre nudile piće, a onda ih odvlačile na glasačka mesta. Tako se i pesnik, koji je inače bio uništen alkoholom i kome je jedna jedina čašica bila dovoljna da se opije, našao usred ove gomile i ubrzo bio mrtav pijan. Trećeg oktobra, Poa su pronašli u ¨Cooth and Sergent's Tavern¨, zavaljenog na jednoj od stolica, svog ispovraćanog i sa slamnatim šeširom na glavi. Nakon što su ga prevezli u u Vašington, u Koledž Hospital, nekoliko dana proveo je u bunilu, dozivajući izvesnog ¨Rejnoldsa¨ čiji se identitet još ni danas nije otkrio. U zoru, 7. oktobra, Po se napokon primirio i, nakon što se okrenuo prema zidu i prošaputao: ¨Neka Gospod pritekne u pomoć mojoj napaćenoj duši¨, izdahnuo.
Ali, Po se ni mrtav nije mogao smiriti: zemljište na kom je sahranjen je bilo je toliko klizavo da je grobar bio primoran da tri puta sanduk zasipa zemljom. Kod trećeg puta je prokomentarisao: ¨Čudno, ali izgleda da se gospodin Po ne može smiriti ni na jednom mestu.¨
Po se napokon primirio i, nakon što se okrenuo prema zidu i prošaputao: ¨Neka Gospod pritekne u pomoć mojoj napaćenoj duši¨, izdahnuo.

Cudno, ali sam u nekim od njegovih biografija procitala malo drugacije stvari, a i to da su mu poslednje reci bile: "It's all over now...write:'Eddy is no more.'"
Sto se stvarno i cini u njegovom duhu :?
ja mnog ovolim njegovu baroknu zivopisnost u pripovetkama, secam se kad sam bila tinejdzer,citala sam to pred spavanje,(tad sam se inace lozila na gotiku u svemu, mlados' ludos':) ), i onda se prvo satima patila da zaspim, trzale me senke i sumovi, a posle sanjala ludila...
sto jeste dokaz neposrednog uticaja literature na ljudski zivot...
posle otkrila poeziju. lepa je i anabel li, iz metafore smrti(svuda kod njega, i u pripovetkama i u poez.) obrisana je propadljivost, gadost, smrt je pretvorena u nesto jako estetizovano, kao komad uglancanog, nocno/teget murano stakla.
a avanture gordona pima su mi skJoz u drugacijem fazonu. ne volim te ljudozderske, naturalisticke motive, cak ni kad po pise o njima.(dobro, ako ne racunamo barika)
Meni su interesantna i Poova teorijska razmisljanja.Npr:svi elementi jedne price treba da teze jednom vec unapred zamisljenom efektu i to vec od prve recenice i ni jedna ne sme odudarati od tog cilja.Krajnji efekat je poput praska.
Njegovo delo ima znacaj prekretnice,a ja bih na svoju ruku dodala da je zacetnik horora,SF-a i detektivske price.U svakom slucaju je mnogo uticao na razvoj istih!
I ovde moram da dodam njegov kratak teks iz MARGINALIJA (serija tekstova koje je pisao za novine):

"Kad bi nekom ambicioznom coveku palo na pamet da jednim potezom izvrsi prevrat u podrucju celokupne ljudske misli,ljudskih nazora i ljudskih osecaja,eto mu prilike-put do besmrtne slave prostire se pred njim-ravan,otvoren i bez zapreka.Da bi to postigao mora samo napisati i objaviti jednu malu knjizicu.Njen naziv bi bio vrlo jednostavan-nekoliko obicnih reci-Moje razotkriveno srce.Ali ta knjizica mora biti verna svome naslovu-u tome je problem.Niko se ne usudjuje da je napise.Niko je ne bi mogao napisati ,cak i kad bi se usudio.Papir bi se zgrcio i proplamsao na svaki dodir uzarena pera."

Da li je neko procitao Razgovor Eirosa i Charmione?Dve pokojne duse pricaju o kraju sveta i jedna daje opis kako se odigrao.Kratko,ali efektno!
Шта је на вас оставило најјачи утисак: Поова поезија, приче или можда теоријски списи?
Које вам је његово дело најдраже, и зашто?

Od svoje sesnaeste godine imam veliki poster na vratima koji sam sam napravio tako shto sam kopirao i uvelichao textove dve pesme na engleskom. To su Anabel Li i Gavran. To govori dovoljno o tome koliko ga obozavam. Pripovetke su mu dosta mracne, ja iskreno OBOZAVAM Crnu machku... Ali, u sushtini, on nam najbolje pokazuje kako ljubav moze choveka da natera da nadje savrshenstvo i u najcrnjim mislima, u najdubljoj tami... Pozdrav...
