deljenje pasosa Srbije

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Patata Caliente

Buduća legenda
pre nekog vremena sam otvorio temu, kako je bivsi rumunski premijer dosao u posed srpskog pasosa

inace u Rumuniji mu se sudi za korupciju pronevere itd

jos jedan gospodin sa interpolove poternice, ima gle cuda, srpski pasos. osudjivan za pronevere, korupciju, kradje para iz fondova ionako super siromasnog palestinskog naroda itd, itd.

inace gospodin, je svercer oruzja, blizak teroristickoj organizaciji Hamas, posrednik u transportu naseg oruzja preko SDPR u Emirate, Jordan, Saudiju i gde vec, a sve je to zavrsilo tamo negde po iraku i siriji.

o beogradu na vodi i Alabaru necu ni da pocinjem

Palestine to seek Dahlan's arrest through Interpol, officials say
Exiled rival of Mahmoud Abbas, convicted of corruption in 2016, will be 'on top of the list' of names of fugitives sought by PA through Interpol


Exiled Palestinian politician Mohammed Dahlan and two of his associates will head a long list of fugitives that the Palestinian Authority will ask Interpol to pursue after gaining membership of the international policing body earlier this week, PA officials have told Middle East Eye.

“Mohammed Dahlan, Mohammed Rashid and Walid Najab, are going to be on top of the list,” an aide to PA President Mahmoud Abbas said.

The official, who preferred to remain anonymous because he was not authorised to discuss the issue, said: “The main purpose of the PA joining the Interpol was to have a membership of this very important international organisation and pursue dozens of criminals who escaped justice and resorted to other countries, particularly the ones who stole public funds, and Dahlan and his group are no exception."

Dahlan, the PA's security chief in Gaza prior to Hamas gaining control of the strip in 2007, has been in exile in Dubai since 2010 and was suspended by Fatah because of his alleged involvement - denied by Dahlan - in a plot to overthrow Abbas.

He was subsequently convicted in absentia by an anti-corruption court in Ramallah in December 2016 of stealing public funds along with Rashid, a former economic adviser to the late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat, and Najab.

He was sentenced to three years in prison and fined $16m, but said that the trial was political and a consequence of his rivalry with Abbas.

“The trial came as an attempt of President Abbas to get rid of his political foes,” he said at the time.

The conviction came two days after Abbas lifted the immunity of five members of the Palestinian parliament, including Dahlan, opening them up to prosecution.

The lifting of parliamentary immunity was condemned at the time by a coalition of Palestinian human rights organisations who called the move "an act of aggression against the popular will".

Since his exile Dahlan has established close links with the UAE's rulers as well as the government of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

He is also considered to retain significant political influence in Gaza. In July he claimed to be in the process of negotiating a power-sharing deal with Hamas, with the UAE reported to be pumping up to $15m a month into the besieged enclave in support of his efforts.

Palestine was elected as a member of Interpol earlier this week following a two-year application process during which the global policing organisation closely scrutinised its police apparatus and judiciary system.

da stvar bude jasnija, to je ovaj ovde gospodin

verovatno jer im je lakse da dobiju radnu vizu kod Angele nego da odu u Zenevu

jel ti palo to na pamet da zato Srbi idu u Nemacku a ne u Francusku ili Svicu,

mislim znas valjda da Nemacka prima radnike u nekim strukama iz inostranstva potpuno legalno i da broj tih radnih mesta nije mali?

ima li Svajcarska takve imigracione zahteve? nesto nisam bas cuo.
verovatno jer im je lakse da dobiju radnu vizu kod Angele nego da odu u Zenevu

jel ti palo to na pamet da zato Srbi idu u Nemacku a ne u Francusku ili Svicu,

mislim znas valjda da Nemacka prima radnike u nekim strukama iz inostranstva potpuno legalno i da broj tih radnih mesta nije mali?

ima li Svajcarska takve imigracione zahteve? nesto nisam bas cuo.

Evo i to sam čuo.Jedno vreme mnogo lekara je došlo u Švajcarsku i to Nemci.Čak sam jednog Nemca pitao šta traže u CH
kad Nemačka ima jaku tehnologiju? Odgovorio mi je: kakve aparate ima CH to je nešto poslednje.
Evo i to sam čuo.Jedno vreme mnogo lekara je došlo u Švajcarsku i to Nemci.Čak sam jednog Nemca pitao šta traže u CH
kad Nemačka ima jaku tehnologiju? Odgovorio mi je: kakve aparate ima CH to je nešto poslednje.

ne znam kakve vize trebaju Svabama da se presele u Svajcarsku ili ako samo zele da rade, onda samo radna viza, ali sigurno su im uslovi mnogo laksi za dobijanje viza i legalnih papira, nego za Balkance

to znas sigurno
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
