izraleske patriJote vs srpske patriJote

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We Jews are not immune from having traitors among our own people - in our midst. We remember the ‘Judenrat’ from the days when they served the Nazi regimes. We know them from today, sometimes called Left Liberals, sometimes using the name of "Peace", Kadima, Labor or a dozen other fronts.
Collectively, they have a few things in common. They do not like being Jewish; they do not believe that the Land G-d gave the Jews in perpetuity actually belongs to them - by right and by G-d’s Will. Jews are too quick to kneel before the enemy and will even sacrifice their own kind - their own families - in order to appease Muslim Arabs or Western friends tied to Muslim Arab oil.
The current Olmert government and those who support de-Judaizing Israel are a very sick bunch. Some are in an advanced stage of a "political dementia" - not unlike having gone mad with rabies. They never learned the history of the Jewish people or are anxious to forget it. They are willing to see their own killed IF it will appease the Islamic "Jihadists".
Surely, a compendium should be assembled of those who committed crimes against the Jewish people and the nature of this crime. While it would be preferable to bring them to trial immediately, we Jews are reluctant to mete out Justice - even for the worst of crimes - against our own humanity. So, let this book of dishonor be assembled, with no provisions for exclusions in the future.
The Government of Ehud Olmert, with Ehud Barak, Tzippi Livni and Shimon Peres has made every mistake possible with respect to weakening the Jewish nation.
The unreliable Kadima members are meeting with urgency to maneuver the public into letting them stay in power after Olmert goes. Remember these are the same moles who planned a "coup d’état" while yet inside the Likud Party. Then, the "Party Jumpers", led by Ariel Sharon, subverted Likud by creating Kadima.
Maybe it’s a good idea to vote for Kadima because we will know where all the crooks are and we can keep an eye on them. Besides, in future criminal investigations they can have one pool of criminals to bring to trial instead of separate indictments.
At the moment, they are trying to rescue Kadima from its all encompassing reputation as being the den of corruption by saying the current Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, is squeaky clean...Oh. Really? Was Livni really so dumb, so unaware of her cohorts’ behavior that she didn’t see (or didn’t want to see) their corruption? If she was that deaf, dumb and blind, then this is a mighty strong reason to insure she never becomes Prime Minister.
Livni is reported to want November elections as Teheran signs a coordinated missile agreement with Syria, Hezb’Allah and Hamas. (1) The Crooks wish to stay in power - even in the face of a saturation missile attack - caused by their naive and stupid policies.
One is reminded of Josephus Flavius "War of the Jews" wherein he describes how the Jews of ancient Israel were consumed with fighting each other as the Romans crept up to cut their throats.
Livni is, however, well loved by the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Andrea Merkel, Prime Minister of Germany because Livni has been so malleable. Whatever they say, she repeats like a wooden lap dummy. Most Israelis know she is a slow thinker, but obedient, which is why she was added to Sharon’s staff and kept on by Olmert. Her decisions have been notoriously problematic and dull-witted - especially when she worked with the U.N. and Rice to end the Lebanon War of 2006 on the worst terms possible.
Now, as before, UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon) troops are working with Hezb’Allah, allowing them free access to South Lebanon and the continual build-up of their missile stockpiles.
The Kadima Party became a magnet for the most inept, corrupt politicians who could be gathered in one spot.
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Шта друго очекивати од кроасана. Одмах траже заштитника...

..i ti si spominjao neke babe i striceve..ali ajde..nisu ukucani..(prvo koljeno) ..pa sam ti oprostio..samo da ti kazemm..da sam cinkaros..u takvim..stvrima..ne zbog..toga sto se vredja necija mama bilo ziva ili mrtva..vec zbog....takve boleštine..kužiš...:sanke::bob:
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