Влада похвалила члана Јеврејског Комитета

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Влада србије је предала захвалницу Арију Ливину, садашњем специјалном саветнику Светског Јеврејског Конгреса. Ари Ливини је рођен 1921 у Војводини а емигрирао је у Израел 1956. био је члам јеврејског комитета, заслужног за стварање Израела, као његов члан залагао се за Српски народ, па је стога одликован медаљом части Републике Српске 1. Степена за помоћ Српском народу. Лично се залагао за престанак НАТО агресије 1999.

Belgrade, Feb 5, 2007 - Serbian Minister for Diaspora Vojislav Vukcevic today presented Arie Livne with a special letter of thanks for his merits in strengthening friendly ties between the Serb and Jewish people, and for the contribution to mutual respect and cooperation between Serbia and Israel.

Vojislav Vukcevic, left, and Arie Livne
Photo: Fonet

A statement by the Ministry for Diaspora says that apart from Vukcevic, Israeli Ambassador to Serbia Yaffa Ben-Ari and former Serbian ambassador to Israel Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov also spoke at the ceremony, which was attended among others by rabbi of the Belgrade Synagogue Isak Asiel and President of the Association of Jewish Municipalities Aca Singer.

Livne has been given a letter of thanks at the proposal of former Serbian ambassador to Israel Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov.

Arie Livne was born in 1921 in Vojvodina and emigrated to Israel in 1956. He worked at the Jewish agency for 40 years - an institution which by strengthening ties between the Jewish Diaspora and Israel largely contributed to the creation of the present day Jewish state.

In the past 10 years Livne has participated in all activities aimed at developing good relations between Serbia and Israel. He used his numerous international contacts to help Serbia achieve its international interests and in 1999 he lobbied for the termination of bombing of Serbia.

His interest in improving relations between Serbs and Jews is not limited only to Serbia. He is economic representative of Republika Srpska in Israel and he was bestowed with the Order of Honour of Republika Srpska of First Degree for his merits in helping the Serbian people. Livne is also a special advisor at the World Jewish Congress for the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
