Tko to terorizira Britance?

British newspapers report diffent versions of the terror alert story

A comparative review of British press this morning reveals much about standards of journalism in the mass media. The newspapers have not yet got their story straight, and instead blatantly report different versions of the same facts and figures. Even the front pages of today's newspapers disagree, to such an extent that any intelligent person who cares to glance at a few of them in their local shop today will question the credibility of the daily news that we are fed each day. A random sample will be sufficient to demonstrate the point.

The headline on the front page of The Times is a typical: "Five planes and the plot to commit Britain's 9/11". Inside The Times, we learn that police have thwarted a "plot to detonate suicide bombs on five US-bound aircraft". A hi-tech picture shows us what the bomb might look like, and the title "invisible bomb" was not intended to be ironic.

The Guardian claims that twice as many aircraft were involved, declaring on its front page "up to 12 aircraft to be blown up" and "Five US cities targeted".

The number of planes changes again in The Sun "news" paper, which reports: "A TERROR plot to blow up nine jets using explosives in drinks bottles was smashed yesterday." A big line of text at the top of the front page proclaims "Plot to blow up 9 jets foiled", amid the usual pictures of half-naked women and celebrities.

In the Daily Telegraph we learn that the only "as many as 10 transatlantic jets" were targets. The attack "could have been executed within 48 hours", reminding us of Blair's infamous speech about Saddam Hussein's ability to attack British targets with Iraqi WMD at short notice, all of which was blatantly a pack of lies.

On its front page the Daily Mirror informs us that "police foiled a plot to blow up NINE planes" but "over EIGHT cities" rather than only five. The numbers are confidently emphasised as bold red capital letters and red text for extra impact. On the top-right corner of the page "10/8 the liquid bombs plot" appears in yellow text. Inside we learn about "A HORRIFYING wave of suicide bomb attacks on nine packed holiday jets that would have killed tens of thousands was foiled yesterday - with just 48 hours to spare." This version of events would make 12/10 the date of the attack.

In London, the front of the Evening Standard claims "Next Wednesday was bombing day" in big bold capital letters at the top of the page, with a dramatic red rubber-stamp-style date "16/8" filling the entire lower-right quarter of the page.

The Daily Star "news" paper carries a front page with the headline "50 terrorists, 10 airliners" beneath an unrelated soft porn banner showing a girl naked except for a thong. An inside page headline captures one key fact about the terrorists: "Every one a Brit Muslim".

The front page of The Independent is dominated by a huge red date "10/8" beneath which a disturbing question is posed "Was this going to be the next date on the calendar of terror?" The answer is no, if you read a different newspaper. Whatever the "calendar of terror" is supposed to be, the other newspapers are apparently not using it. This newspaper already seems to have decided that the arrested suspects were part of a "British-based al-Qaeda cell".

The "TEN jets" and "48 hours" version of the story is maintained by the front page of the "Daily Express" (whose web site is seemingly connected to the Daily Star's in some way judging by the similarities in structure and content).

The Financial Times describes "A terrorist plot to blow up as many as six US-bound aircraft", and this is the first sentence of the first paragraph of text. As usual, there is no indication that the facts and figures reported here as "news" might be spurious.

As always, it is clear that truth and accuracy are less important than a sensational story, especially when the headlines service the needs of state propaganda.

Ha ha ha...

Gdje nam je sad Major_TOM, da se izgalami na "The Insider", kao na rasisticko glasilo...
Covjek je znao da unese zivosti na forum. Steta sto nije vise sa nama,izgubio je forum
na kvalitetu. No, iznaci ce se zasigurno nekakova zamjena za ovog konstruktivnog diskutanta.
...i jos malo zabave...

Unlikely UK terror alert makes news headlines around the world but no evidence is offered

The British regime has claimed that a terrorist attack was prevented yesterday, and this claim has been among the top news headlines around the world, ever since the news broke.

No evidence or specific details whatsoever have been offered to support the official story, but this obstacle has not deterred the mass media from engaging in wild and sensational speculation to fill the vacuum that might otherwise have been occupied by news and facts.

We now know that the detonator was either "an iPod, digital watch or mobile phone" or any other "electronic device". The raw "explosives" could be either "colourless, pale yellow or brown" or any other colour depending on what explosive was used, and could have been a "liquid" or "powder" disguised as "baby milk", "fizzy drinks", "baby formula", "medicines", or "food". The "ingredients" for the explosives could have included either "fuel" and "fertilizer" or anything else that an "Islamic fascist" could "manufacture" in his "kitchen". Indeed anything at all that any "expert" willing to speak to a "journalist" can think-up becomes newsworthy.

So what type of bomb, or equipment, exactly, if any, has been found in the possession of the 21 Muslims arrested so far? There is no doubt about the nature or existence of the mass-produced weapons and ammunition which have been used to kill civilians all week long in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, by used by Israel, the US, and UK .

The "scale" of the "prevented" attack, had it ever occurred, is said to be "unimaginable", though politicians, officials, and journalists have succeeded in imagining both the mechanism and effect of the plot in vivid and specific detail, from the "iPod" detonator to the final death-toll which probably would have "surpassed" 9/11, as extensively reported around the world.

The authorities in the UK have allowed flights to continue today, despite the "unimaginable" danger. British Airways warns that "some" flights to the US may be disrupted, but their online arrivals/departures feature shows most flights to the US departing on schedule, including the next flight from Heathrow to Washington (flight BA0229 at 1300 BST).

The terror alert clearly serves the propaganda requirements of allies of the British regime and the regime its self, not least by perpetuating the myth that we in the west are all engaged in a "war" against "terrorism", therefore any strategy is justified.

Along with related reports and commentary, the story has replaced escalating Israeli war crimes and atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine, continuing with full support from the US and UK, as the big news topic of the day.
Ja ne znam sto stalno miniraju avione,kada ima gomila drugih stvari koja je mnogo laksa za miniranje. :D

Sad bre da bi usao u avion moras 2 sata pre da budes na terminalu,a pre toga moras da prodjes kompletnu kontrolu.
Sto to,kad mozes da sednes u autobus (bez problema i kontrole) opasan dinamitom i da razneses pola autobuske stanice.
Ili samo da stavih u box kofer pun dinamita i da kzes shoferu: Majstore,ovo ce tetka u Lesteru da sacheka,evo ti za pivo".


Cuj stari, mogla bi i tegla domacega srpskoga ajvara posluzit svrsi.
@marlon... hvala, a i volela bih da mogu da kazem da bih volela da se vratim u Srbiju :? ali necu to reci

ne znam da li je sredina otrovna ili meni ne prija... ja samo znam da ne vidim sebe u Srbiji... i jako je tuzno to sto su me stranci prihvatili bolje nego ljudi u Srbiji i sto ovde u inostranstvu gledam da se ne druzim sa Srbima :?

Mozes si zamislit kak je meni na ovome forumu!!!
Pravi sam mazohist.
Сваки пут кад се нешто деси што може да се повеже са тероризмом, сви муслимани који живе у ЕУ јебу јежа у леђа. Ови их пола похапсе и изинтервијуишу, онако демократски. Нас су зајебавали како угњетавамо Бошњаке, а касније иста прича понављана са Албанцима на Косову, тражили да постанемо демократско друштво... А они сад тек има да виде како ће да најебу са толиким турцима... Прошле године, планула Француска и још пола ЕУ к'о шибица, ал' још ништа нису научили из тога... Кад ови једном попизде, а има их на милионе... цела Европа је најебала, а не верујем да ће и нас да заобиђу...
