Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Aktivan član

„Οτι εν τή βαπτισμένη Σερβλία είσίν κάστρα οίκούμενα' το Δεστινίκον , το Τζερναβουσ κέη, το Μεγυρέτους , το Δρεσνεήκ, το Λεσνήκ, το Σαληνές και εις τo χωρίον Βόσονα το Κάτερα και το Δεσνήκ”.

И ПРЕМА СЕЛУ БОСОНА (και εις το χωριον Βοσονα) Катера и Десник (το Κατερα και το Δεσνηκ)”.

The first mention of the name "Bosnia" is in the De Administrando Imperio of Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus in 958. Heading 32 of the De Administrando Imperio describes the territories under Serbian control, in which he mentions the "small region" (χοριον) of "Bosona" (Βοσωνα), in which lie the two inhabited cities, Kotor and Desnik.

Kazu da mjesto grada Desnika jos nije odredjeno. Jedni ga lociraju ovdje, drugi ondje, a treci kazu: Desnik je bio u blizini danasnjeg Kaknja! A Petko N. Vidusa je od Kaknja, sa Viduse, odmah ispog ostataka zidina drevnog grada Desnika
Pa da prosetamo malo do "nelociranog" grada Desnika.

Geografski polozaj grada Desnika:

Geografski polozaj grada Desnika: Kicin Greb je mala zaravan od koje se istocno uzdize Kulen, mjesto grada Desnika: http://www.fallingrain.com/world/BK/1/Kicin_Greb.html

Selo Bosna (Konstantinova Bosona), 100% cisto srbsko selo etnicki ocesceno i popaljeno u zadnjem ratu). Tu u zivjeli Srbi sa prezimenom Bosnjaci:http://www.fallingrain.com/world/BK/1/Bosna.html

Selo Desetnik (prije rata vecinsko muslimansko selo) jos nosi ime po gradu Desniku (nalazi se na oko 1,5 km sjeveroistocno od grada Desnika):

Pogled iz sela Viduse na vis Kulen, mjesto grada Desnika (oznaceno strelicom).

Ostaci temelja zidina grada Desnika

Ostaci zidina Desnika

Ostaci temelja zidina grada Desnika.

Vrh Kulena

(Tekst i snimci Petko Nikolic Vidusa) :wink:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
According to the census of 22 April 1895, Bosnia has 1,361,868 inhabitants and Herzegovina 229,168, giving a total population of 1,591,036. The number of persons to the square mile is small (about 80), less than that in any of the other Austrian crown provinces excepting Salzburg (about 70). This average does not vary much in the six districts (five in Bosnia, one in Herzegovina). The number of persons to the square mile in these districts is as follows: Doljna Tuzla, 106; Banjaluka, 96; Bihac, 91; Serajevo, 73, Mostar (Herzegovina), 65, Travnik, 62. There are 5,388 settlements, of which only 11 have more than 5,000 inhabitants, while 4,689 contain less 500 persons. Excluding some 30,000 Albanians living in the south-east, the Jews who emigrated in earlier times from Spain, a few Osmanli Turks, the merchants, officials. and Austrian troops, the rest of the population (about 98 per cent) belong to the southern Slavonic people, the Serbs. Although one in race, the people form in religious beliefs three sharply separated divisions: the Mohammedans, about 550,000 persons (35 per cent), Greek Schismatics, about 674,000 persons (43 per cent), and Catholics, about 334,000 persons (21.3 per cent). The last mentioned are chiefly peasants. The Mohammedans form the mass of the population in the region called the Krajina in the north-west, in the district of Serajevo and in the south-eastern part of the territory; the Greek Schismatics preponderate in the district of Banjaluka. The Catholics of the Latin Rite exceed the other two denominations only in the district of Travnik and in northern Herzegovina. There are in addition 8,000 Jews and 4,000 Protestants. Divided according to occupation 85 per cent of the population are farmers or wine-cultivators (1,385,291). There are 5,833 large estates, the owners of which are chiefly Mohammedans, 88,970 cultivators of land not their own (kmeten), 88,867 free peasants who own the land they till, and 22,625 peasants who own farming-land and also cultivate the land of others. The population of the towns is small.
VJEKOSLAV, Gesch. Bosniens von den dItesten Zeiten bis zum Verfalle des Konigreiches, Germ. tr. from the Croatian by VON BOJNICIC (Leipzig, 1885), SUPAN, Oesterreich-Ungarn in landerkunde von Europa (Vienna, Prague, and Leipzig, 1889), pt, l, Div. II; Bosnia und Herzegovina in Die osterreich.-ungar. Monarchie in Wort und Bild (Vienna, 1901); SCRWEIGERLERCHENFELD, Bosnien, das Land und seine Bewohohner (Vienna, 1879); Die Occupation Bosniens und der Herzegovina durch k. k. Truppen, from tho royal and imperial war-archives (6 pts. Vienna, 1879, 1880), T. VON ASBOTH, Bosnien und Herzegovina (4 pts., Vienna, 1888). Wissenschaftl. Mitteilungen aus Boanien und der Herzegovina, publication of the National Museum at Serajevo (13 vols., Vienna, 1893 - 1905); HORNES, Altertumer der Herzegovina und der sudl. Tei1e Bosnnens (Vienna, 1882); SCHNELLER, Die staatsrechtl. Stellung von Bosnien und der Herzegovina (Leipzig, l892); Correspondence Reapecting Affairs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Eng. Foreign Office, 1876 ) ;MILLER, Travels and Politics in the Near East (London, 1899), Statesman's Year Book, (London, 1907).
Transcribed by Joseph E. O'Connor
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume II
Copyright © 1907 by Robert Appleton Company
Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight
Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
