~ FANTASTICNI ~ citati

Evo nekih iz Dine, tacnije sveta Dine, posto je ovo radio Frenkov sin u svom prequelu.
Bar sto se tice citata, nije los.

Discovery is a dangerous … but so is a life. A man unwilling to take risks is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.
An Arrakis Primer, written for his son Liet

Nature commits no errors; right and wrong are human categories.
Arrakis Lectures

Before us, all methods of learning were tainted by instinct. Before us, instinct-ridden researchers possessed a limited attention span – often no longer than a single lifetime. Projects stretching across fifty or more generations never occurred to them. The concept of total muscle/nerve training had not entered their awareness. We learned how to learn.
- Bene Gesserit Azhar Book

‘Xuttuh’ is a word that means many things. Every Bene Tleilax knows it was the name of the first Master. But just as that man was more than a mere mortal , so there are depths and complexities in the appellation. Depending upon tone and vocal inflection, ‘Xuttuh’ can mean ‘hello’ or ‘blessing be upon you’. Or it can constitute a prayer encompassed in a single word, as devotee prepares to die for the Great Belief. For such reasons, we chosen this as a new name for the conquered planet formerly known as Ix.
- Tleilaxu Training Disk

Military victories are meaningless unless they reflect the wishes of the populace. An Emperor exists only to clarify those wishes. He executes the popular will, or his time is short.
- Principium, Imperial Leadership Academy

What is this Love that so many speak of with such appears familiarity? Do they truly comprehend how unattainable it is? Are there as many definitions of Love as there are stars in the universe?
- The Bene Gesserit Question Book

Religion is the emulation of the adult by the child. Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in a search of personal power … all mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always the ultimate unspoken commandment is ‘Thou shall not question!’ But we do anyway. We break this commandment as a matter of course. The work to which we have set ourselves is the liberating of the imagination, the harnessing of imagination to humankind’s deepest sense of creativity.
- Credo of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood

Learn to recognize the future the way a Steersman identifies guiding stars and corrects the course of his vessel. Learn from the past; never use it as an anchor.
- - SIGAN VISEE, First Head Instructor,
Guild Navigator School

The Unknown surrouonds us at any given moment. That is where we seek knowledge.
Oratory Against Fear

Thinking, and methods by which thoughts are communicated, inevitably create a system permeated by illusions.
- Zensunni Teaching
It come's up in waves,wave after wave after wave... I never told anybody but this ship knowed about it
it know's my fears,my secrets,gets in side yor head,show you."Look if what up you been telling is truth, this ship was beyound boundaries of our universe of a known scientific reality.

Event Horizon

sorry for errors :wink:
"You will drive the scum away from this holy land,you will retake the Imperal Grounds from the filth,you will stand and fight the Emperor's foes,you will do this,or you will face my wrath."

Last words of Captain Angar of the Ultramarines 7th company
"Tamne reflektirajuce naocari bile su totem pokreta od rane `82. Razloge nije tesko shvatiti. Skrivajuci oci reflektirajuce naocari onemogucuju snage normalnosti da shvate da je neko lud i moguce opasan. One su simbol vizionara koji gleda u sunce, motociklista, rokera, policajaca odmetnika. Reflektirajuce naocari, po mogucnosti hromirane i mutnocrne, totem-boje pokreta, pojavljivale su se u prici za pricom, poput neke literarne znacke."

Brus Sterling u predgovoru za zbirku prica "Mirroshades: A Cyberpunk Anthology." (1986.)
''....Rec je o razlici izmedju nepoznatog i nesaznatljivog, izmedju nauke i fantazije - to je sustinsko pitanje. Cetiri tacke kompasa su logika, znanje, mudrost i nepoznato. Neki od nas se priklanjaju tom poslednjom pravcu. Drugi ga pak koriste da bi napredovali dalje. Prikloniti se bilo kom od pravaca znaci izgubiti iz vida ostala tri. Ja mogu da se predam nepoznatom, ali nikada i nesaznatljivom. Covek koji se predaje tom konacnom pravcu je ili svetac ili budala. A ja nemam koristi ni od jednog ni od drugog. ''

Jama - Darma u "Gospodar Svetlosti", Rodzera Zelaznija
One pretty woman means fun at the dance. Two pretty women mean trouble in the house. Three pretty women mean run for the hills.
- Matrim Cauthon

"A bloody hero. Thom, if I ever look like acting the hero again, you kick me." "And what would you have done differently?" "Just kick me!"
-Matrim Cauthon and Thomdril Merrilin
:lol: :lol: :lol: Wheel of time ili ti Tocak vremena
Postoji teorija koja kaže da će, ukoliko ikada iko bude otkrio koja je svrha univerzuma i zašto on postoji, ovaj smesta iščeznuti i biti zamenjen nečim još neobičnijim i neobjašnjivijim.
Postoji i druga, koja tvrdi da se sve to već desilo.

Restoran na kraju univerzuma, Daglas Adams
