shadowrun 2063

Zahvaljujem Oxi
Evo ti jedna kleka pa je podeli sa Caletom

streetname - sandman
name - uzumaki tomoe

born - November of 9th 2038, Tokio

pale white skin
moon white hair
crystal white eyes

1.80m, 80kg, type: 0 negative

"I was born in Tokio – the city between tradition and technology. I grew up under the great and bright shining light of a star – the Fuchi corporation logo, the physical definition of compliance, diligence and honour.
My father was a Mr. Johnson on high position in the corporation and I was his carefully hidden secret. The reason was, that my mother was one of the last Ainu. The Ainu are the original Japanese, like the Indians in America, but they were always treatened like a lower class of the human race, like the untouchables in India. When I was old enough to realize that other children have mothers and I don't. I began to ask certain questions, and my fathers answer was, that she died a few days after my birth. Supposedly she was attacked by a wendigo, while she was in the 7th month of pregnancy and started mutating. The doctors had to take me out. My mother didn't survive the mutation.
It was up to my father to educate me – at the age of 3 I was sent to a traditional japanese boarding school in Osaka. Beside normal school subjects I was educated in using traditional japanese weapons and had to train Kendo, Tai-Chi and other martial arts.
With 11 my father finally decided to take me home again, where I continued my studies. Everything was right – my behaviour was reputable and obedient, and my tryings pure diligence. I was the perfect child.
As my father informed me about his decision to let me be his personal bodyguard, I was honoured and proud of myself. The following year I spend with the cyberdocs in Tokio. A big part of my body became more efficient, faster, stronger and tougher – I was a living killing machine, and my father was a little more satisfied.
On my 12th birthday I was finished and sent home. The birthday I will remember for the rest of my life.
That night he came into my room and woke me with the words up that he has a present for me. He took my hand. In the living room I got a nearly transparent white dress. Glassy eyes looked at me, while I was changing clothes. He took my hand another time. Freezing cold air and white roses awaited me in the garden. White snow glistened under the big pale moon.
Inbetween razorsharp thorns, beneath white broken roses, beside a torn dress and freezing moonlight my father took me – urging out my childhood, pushing out my humanity and finally leaving my broken little body lying out there in the cold on bloody snow.
I never said a thing – and so he came every night to "take care" of me. I was obedient, I had to be. During the days I was doing my job as his silent guard, a shadow, and the rest of the time I had to fulfill my duties as his lover. So it went for years ...
... and then I found out that it wasn't a wendigo, that attacked my mother, it was the old creepy man on his own. I was allready born, but still a baby.

She was his personal slave, a human toy. He has beaten her to death, after he got sick of her.

I left my home in a sea of blood. I am my fathers carefully hidden secret – and dead men use to shut up forever ..."

Turbo, sad jos i ostali, pustite masti na volju, budite kreativni itd

Bufla ako oces da vodis reci :), ja cu da se trudim da bude ok ali prilicno sam nov.
samo ti izvoli ja se samo zezam

ko kaze da sam ja iskusan vidi kako sam zelen :mrgreen:
dok sam procitao Sprawl_Survival_Guide hteo sam da poludim
imam osecjaj da cu nastradati u prvih 5 min :)
Aha ok, zelenilo onda :) Nego ako vam se taj Seattle dopada moze to da bude mjesto u kojem ste se obreli :) i sad da ne bude mnogo cimanja oko karaktera samo nastavljate pricu povezujuci je sa pricom prethodnog karaktera.

Znaci Shinanain karakter je recimo leader grupe i ona je dosla po zadatku u taj gradic, a vi ste je upoznali i formirali neku grupu koja ima ciljeve po vasoj zelji :)

Znaci ovo je neka smjernica, najbolje da se pocne sto prije, recimo po izboru Shinanai, gdje ona smatra da je vasa baza ili vec gdje vam se svidja, a sto se tice same price predlazem da kad budemo igrali koristimo ovu temu i za iic i ooc igranje znaci prvo iic pa ooc a izmedju nekolko crtica tipa --------

znaci recimo post bi izgledao npr ovako:

Perica je krenuo niz ulicu...


Gledam dal ima nekih sumnjivih faca ako ne krecem do restorana..., ps> mozda sutra necu moci da postujem, sorry
izvinjavam se, IG nije izvršijo izmenu na prethodnom textu:

neću ja da budem lider grupe - neka bude ko hoće, ja neću.

nego dajte da se dogovorimo gde i kako ćemo, i stavite za sad barem rasu, izgled, streetname i zanimanje i kratak opis vašeg karakter online, da bi znali ko, kako i šta.

da bi mogli da krenemo. da ovde ide nešto dalje. ako vam treba konkretna pomoć oko karaktera, to jest oko detalja, kao što su izbor oružija, implanta, rase, onda mi se obratite preko PP i ja ću da vam odradim to, ako vas mrzi.

ja sam za to, da mi za početak svako za sebe napiše gde je upravo i šta radi. i ubuduće ako ima dodatnog komentara van toga za GM uvezi nekog bacanja kocke ili tako nešto onda udarite crtice (---). tipa:

"sandman je sedela u svom omiljenom kafiću i pila svoju standardnu kafu - crnu kao noć i slatku kao greh. [...]
odjednom joj se učinilo kao da je neko posmatra. obazrivo je krenula da gleda oko sebe ...


GM, daj baci mi kocke na heightened awareness, dali ću nešto da vidim, ili ne."

u tom smislu. :D

kad svako postavi svoj početak, GM će krenuti da nas spaja ... itd. videćemo onda šta će biti.

ja sam za to, da mi otvorimo novu temu za igranje, a ovo da ostane za druga dogovaranja i za postavljanje karaktera. :D
Bravo drustvo, lepa ideja...
Voleo bih da vam se pridruzim, ali na zalost nemam vremena da tome posvetim koliko bi trebalo.
A i zadnji put sam rpg na tabli igrao pre nekih 20 godina pa su mi vestine debelo zastarelo.

U svakom slucaju samo napred, mi ostali cemo navijati.
Bravo drustvo, lepa ideja...
Voleo bih da vam se pridruzim, ali na zalost nemam vremena da tome posvetim koliko bi trebalo.
A i zadnji put sam rpg na tabli igrao pre nekih 20 godina pa su mi vestine debelo zastarelo.

U svakom slucaju samo napred, mi ostali cemo navijati.

pa, pošto se nevidi toliko od kockanja, više će da liči na pričanje priče. :D
