Међународни суд правде у Хагу 22. јула износи мишљење о Косову

То је тачно.Међутим после овог фијаска може се очекивати пораст незадовољства пошто је и више него очигледно да они који нас воде нису у стању да сачувају ни свој лични интегритет а камоли интегритет државе коју воде.
Ценим да ће власт наставит са вођењем политике обмана до Генералне скупштине УН-а на јесен и велико је питање шта ће бити када изгубе и ту последњу утакмицу ?
Ovde je zeznuto što čak i kada EU učini neki recimo ekonomski ustupak Državi Srbiji,taj iskoriste samo krugovi bliski nekim partijama na vlasti,a većina ništa pa zato normalno da raste anti-zapadno raspoloženje...:roll:
Драги мој, систем вредности је само један исправан, и ти то знаш. Све остало су варијације на тему "мој је већи"... :cool: и то знаш.

Оно што не знаш, односно - оно чему се не надаш је да амерички полако пада а другима расте :cool:

moguce... ali ono sto gresis je....vama sigurno ne raste, a niti ce u dogledno vreme...a nama...mislim da ipak raste.
Nas na putu ka NATO-u ne blokira ništa i očekuje se da brzo uđemo u NATO
Podgorica, 19. jula – Protiv članstva Crne Gore u NATO-u je 40 odsto građana, učlanjenje u ovu alijansu podržava 32 odsto, dok dve trećine građana Crne Gore misli da je referendum pravi način za donošenje takve odluke, najnoviji su rezultati istraživanja Centra za demokratsku tranziciju (Cedem).

Podgorica, 19. jula – Protiv članstva Crne Gore u NATO-u je 40 odsto građana, učlanjenje u ovu alijansu podržava 32 odsto, dok dve trećine građana Crne Gore misli da je referendum pravi način za donošenje takve odluke, najnoviji su rezultati istraživanja Centra za demokratsku tranziciju (Cedem).


A opet, koalicija koja podržava ulazak u NATO je na svakim izborima sve jača :hahaha:
Резолуцијом 1244 гарантовано је расформирање наоружаних формација на подручју јужне српске покрајине.А лично не верујем да ФБИ некога скида са списка.Ко једном уђе на њихов списак ту и остаје.
I to što kažeš...
Mada mislim da je OVPBM još uvek na spisku gde je stavljena 2002.-ge čini mi se posle one ugušene pobune...
moguce... ali ono sto gresis je....vama sigurno ne raste, a niti ce u dogledno vreme...a nama...mislim da ipak raste.

Тачно, ви тренутно растете, додуше као тумор... :lol:

Видећемо шта ће бити у догледно време. ;)
Pa OVK je kratko čini mi se 98.-me bila na toj listi ali je već 99.-te skinuta...Stvarno je prilično licemerno staviti tamo organizacije poput IRA-e ili Tamilskih Tigrova a izostaviti OVK,OVPBM i ostale navodno samonikle ''usled terora'' grupe u Makedoniji i CG...

malo sam "istrazivao"...

Other Reports » Foreign Terrorist Organizations » 1999 » Background Information on Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Compiled every 2 years

Background Information on Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
October 8, 1999

Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
Aum Shinriykyo
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Hizballah (Party of God)
Japanese Red Army (JRA)
Kahane Chai
Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE)
Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO, NCR, and many others)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Palestine Islamic Jihad-Shaqaqi Faction (PIJ)
Palestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas Faction (PLF)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)
Revolutionary People's Liberation Army/Front (DHKP/C)
Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA)
Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso, SL)
Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
Definition of Terrorist Activity Used in These Designations
Developed by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), the Terrorism Knowledge Base offers in-depth information on terrorist incidents, groups, and trials.

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)

Mothertongue Name:
Ushtria Clirimtare E Koseves (UCK)

Base of Operation: Macedonia, The Republic of; Serbia and Montenegro


Founding Philosophy: The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) formed in Macedonia in 1992 with the goal of uniting the ethnic Albanian populations of Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia into a "Greater Albania." Their name recognized that the province of Kosovo, officially part of the new nation of Serbia, was their most important and difficult target. The KLA was not based on a single rigid, hierarchical structure, but instead operated in dispersed cells. These cells did wear uniforms and maintain some form of chain of command, however. The group remained basically unknown until 1995, when it began carrying out small arms and sabotage attacks against Serbian Police outposts in Kosovo. The KLA also conducted vicious reprisal attacks against Kosovars accused of cooperating with the Serbians. The escalating violence forced the Serbian government to respond, but their response was, by almost any standard, far too aggressive; many innocent men, women, and children died as a result. As the Serbian crackdown against the KLA grew increasingly brutal, the group's ranks swelled. An organization that began 1998 with no more than 500 members was estimated to be 12,000 to 20,000 strong by the beginning of 1999. When the US-led coalition attacked Serbia in defense of the Kosovars in January 1999, the appearance of imminent victory drew even more ethnic Albanians to the KLA flag. The KLA militias played a critical role in the coalition victory, forcing Serbian forces out into the open where American and allied airpower could punish them. Since the end of the war in Kosovo, questions have surfaced about the worthiness of the KLA as a US ally. Accusations of ties to drug-running, foreign terrorism, and organized crime have surfaced, and the UN occupation force has had some difficulty convincing the KLA to lay down its weapons. The point may be moot however, as the de facto autonomy now enjoyed by the Albanians in post-war Kosovo has decreased the urgency of the KLA cause. No terrorist attacks have been claimed by the KLA since the beginning of the war, but isolated reprisals against the handful of Serbs remaining in Kosovo have continued.
Current Goals: The goal of establishing a Greater Albania has been dropped by all but the "hard core" of the KLA. The group has not engaged in a recognized act of terrorism since before the 1999 war, and no future attacks are likely unless the Serbian government attempts to reassert its authority over the province.


Terrorist Organization Profile:

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)

Mothertongue Name:Ushtria Clirimtare E Koseves (UCK)

Aliases:n/aBases of Operation:Macedonia, The Republic of, Serbia and Montenegro

Date Formed:1992Strength:Group is inactiveClassifications:Nationalist/SeparatistFinancial Sources:Kosovar Albanians in Kosovo and Albanians abroad. May also be funded by drug-trafficking and organized crimeFounding Philosophy:The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) formed in Macedonia in 1992 with the goal of uniting the ethnic Albanian populations of Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia into a "Greater Albania." Their name recognized that the province of Kosovo, officially part of the new nation of Serbia, was their most important and difficult target. The KLA was not based on a single rigid, hierarchical structure, but instead operated in dispersed cells. These cells did wear uniforms and maintain some form of chain of command, however. The group remained basically unknown until 1995, when it began carrying out small arms and sabotage attacks against Serbian Police outposts in Kosovo. The KLA also conducted vicious reprisal attacks against Kosovars accused of cooperating with the Serbians. The escalating violence forced the Serbian government to respond, but their response was, by almost any standard, far too aggressive; many innocent men, women, and children died as a result. As the Serbian crackdown against the KLA grew increasingly brutal, the group's ranks swelled. An organization that began 1998 with no more than 500 members was estimated to be 12,000 to 20,000 strong by the beginning of 1999. When the US-led coalition attacked Serbia in defense of the Kosovars in January 1999, the appearance of imminent victory drew even more ethnic Albanians to the KLA flag. The KLA militias played a critical role in the coalition victory, forcing Serbian forces out into the open where American and allied airpower could punish them. Since the end of the war in Kosovo, questions have surfaced about the worthiness of the KLA as a US ally. Accusations of ties to drug-running, foreign terrorism, and organized crime have surfaced, and the UN occupation force has had some difficulty convincing the KLA to lay down its weapons. The point may be moot however, as the de facto autonomy now enjoyed by the Albanians in post-war Kosovo has decreased the urgency of the KLA cause. No terrorist attacks have been claimed by the KLA since the beginning of the war, but isolated reprisals against the handful of Serbs remaining in Kosovo have continued.
Current Goals:The goal of establishing a Greater Albania has been dropped by all but the "hard core" of the KLA. The group has not engaged in a recognized act of terrorism since before the 1999 war, and no future attacks are likely unless the Serbian government attempts to reassert its authority over the province.

Које године по твојој процени може да дође до уласка Црне Горе у НАТО ?

Mislim da je vrlo nezahvalno predviđati takve stvari... Mislim da je period od 2 do 3 godine realan, ali opet, to je samo moje mišljenje, koje možda i nije tačno
Država u kojoj je jedna zajednica 24 sata u kućnom pritvoru a kada izađe je u koncentracionom logoru,ograđena žicom i vojskom nema veze sa državom...A i teško je shvatiti da se priznaje Prootektorat,još uvek...

drzava u kojoj je vecina toliko naivna da veruje svemu sto procita, nema buducnosti... makar ne svetlu
