Mapa sveta prema prosečnom koeficijentu inteligencije: Na kom mestu se nalazi Srbija?

Mislim da si pobrkao Nepal i Tajvan. Inače, Nepal po ovom "istraživanju" spada u zemlju čiji su stanovnici u kategoriji umerene mentalne retardacije. Doduše, to više govori o relevantosti "istraživanja", nego o Nepalu. Kako može postojati zemlja čije je stanovištvo kompletno mentalno retardirano, to valjda najbolje znaju intelektualne novinarske gromade sa N1.

Nisam pobrkao i Nepalci isto vuku korene od Kineza i isto su kosooki.
Inace navodno imaju IQ oko 45 a fazon vec tamo negde oko 70-80 smatra se granicom blage retardacije, pa sad ispade da su svi retardirani sto je apsurd i sto ti kazes moze vise da govori o samom testu ili autoru teksta nego o Nepalcima ili nekoj kompletnoj naciji.

Uostalom ti Japanci, Kinezi i ti koji su navodno na vrhu, oni su zapravo mozda i najograniceniji ljudi, jer razmisljaju vrlo linearno, cesto su im socijalne vestine nikakve, slabo se snalaze u improvizaciji i veoma su podlozni manipulaciji.
Nisam pobrkao i Nepalci isto vuku korene od Kineza i isto su kosooki.
Inace navodno imaju IQ oko 45 a fazon vec tamo negde oko 70-80 smatra se granicom blage retardacije, pa sad ispade da su svi retardirani sto je apsurd i sto ti kazes moze vise da govori o samom testu ili autoru teksta nego o Nepalcima ili nekoj kompletnoj naciji.

Uostalom ti Japanci, Kinezi i ti koji su navodno na vrhu, oni su zapravo mozda i najograniceniji ljudi, jer razmisljaju vrlo linearno, cesto su im socijalne vestine nikakve, slabo se snalaze u improvizaciji i veoma su podlozni manipulaciji.

covek sa IQ 45 bi bio drustveno nesposoban
to je gluparija cista sve nekog WOKE belog LGBT trockiste.
koji je jedno jutro seo i pokazao kako ume lepo da sara u adobe ilustratoru
i da lupeta brojke nasumicno.

a zuta rasa je dobra samo za racunovodstvo i integralni racun
nista vise
NISTA nisu u stanju da smisle sami
al zato precrtavaju do besvesti.
Uostalom ti Japanci, Kinezi i ti koji su navodno na vrhu, oni su zapravo mozda i najograniceniji ljudi, jer razmisljaju vrlo linearno, cesto su im socijalne vestine nikakve, slabo se snalaze u improvizaciji i veoma su podlozni manipulaciji.
Ma gde su uopšte rađena ta "istraživanja, ispitivanja, šta već"?
Da bi se dobio reprezentativan uzorak, trebalo bi da se uradi ispitivanje po
nekoj poznatoj (i priznatoj) metodi.
Kineza i Indijaca ima 700 puta više nego nas, amera 50 puta više.
Ako je uopšte rađeno to "istraživanje" (kao što nije), recimo na 1000 slučajnih
ispitanika u Srbiji, trebalo je ispitati 700.000 Kineza i Indijaca i 50.000 amerikanaca
da bi rezultati uopšte mogli biti smatrani reprezentativnim.
Pa da li neko iole normalan (i inteligentan) veruje da je to urađeno?

A te priče da su Hrvati inteligentniji od nas ili da smo mi inteligentniji od njih,
su čist idiotizam.
Poslednja izmena:
Источну азију треба гледати издвојено јер њихов образовни систем је другачији, деца уче од јутра до сутра.
А за остатак света је ништа друго до стандард живота, што је сиромашнија земља, лошије се котира.
aj na muti vodu...
i pogotovo se ne uklapa sa MENSINIM BROJEVIMA NA lestvici.
aj dalje.....
Znam da mi je starije dete pre polaska u skolu radilo nesto slicno testu inteligencije.Za mladje se ne secam.
Sto se mene tice radio sam u skoli, negde oko 15-e godine.Znam da je bilo u srednjoj skoli.
Ja u ovom clanku ne videh nista osim proste statistike, nikakve implikacije na bilo sta navedeno u opisu ove teme.

Nigde se ne pominje ni taj Richard Lin, niti se igde implicira ni u tragovima povezanost IQ-a sa bogatstvom zemlje.

Tema totalno nebulozna.

Pa kad slediš linkove ostavljene na N1 članku, onda vidiš da je izvor za te podatke studija Ričarda Lina. A kad se raspitaš o biografiji i naučnoj reputaciji Ričarda Lina, onda shvatiš da N1 zapravo prenosi notornu neo-nacističku i rasističku pseudonauku.

O Ričardu Linu:

Extremist Info​




Pioneer Fund


White Nationalist

About Richard Lynn​

—Review of Raymond Cattell’s A New Morality from Science: Beyondism, 1974​

Since the 1970s, Richard Lynn has been working tirelessly to place race, genes, and IQ at the center of discussions surrounding inequality. Through his own writings and those published by his Ulster Institute for Social Research, in Northern Ireland, Lynn argues that members of different races and nations possess innate differences in intelligence and behavior, and that these are responsible for everything from the incarceration rate of black Americans to the poverty of developing nations. Lynn is also an ethnic nationalist who believes that countries must “remain racially homogenous” in order to flourish.
Lynn, along with other “race researchers,” divides the world’s population into three main racial groups: “Mongoloid,” “Caucasoid,” and “Negroid,” referring to east-Asians, white Europeans, and black people of African descent, respectively (Lynn considers other ethnic groups to be mixtures of these three categories). Lynn’s “studies” of race and IQ purport to show that “Mongoloids” have the highest average IQ (100-106), closely followed by “Caucasoids” (100), with “Negroid” having a much lower average intelligence (70).
Lynn uses this framework not only to explain and justify the present-day wealth and poverty of nations, but the entire course of human history, asking, “Who can doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made any significant contribution to civilization[?]” Lynn goes beyond arguing for differences between these three groups, however; he also recycles Nazi-era arguments for Nordic superiority within the “Caucasoid” group, claiming that a “north-south continuum” exists, with people from northern Europe having evolved to be more intelligent than their southern neighbors.
Lynn believes that “racial differences in intelligence are one of the most important reasons for the differences in the wealth and poverty of nations that are present throughout the world (the other main reason being the presence of a market economy or of some form of socialism or communism). Intelligence is a major determinant of competence and earning capacity, so inevitably the European and Far Eastern peoples whose populations are intelligent achieve higher standards of living than other peoples who are less intelligent.” His estimates of national IQ, for example, bode “rather poorly for the potential of black Africans for democracy and economic development.” This is because, according to Lynn, IQ correlates not only to wealth, but also to “democracy and associated political institutions of civil liberties, political freedom, property rights, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the efficiency of government bureaucracy,” presumably because “people in countries with low national IQs are not as able to organize themselves, to take part in national politics, and to defend their rights against those in power as people in countries with higher national IQs.”
Not only does Lynn argue that nations without a white majority are incapable of self-governance and economic success, he believes that minorities, especially immigrants, threaten western nations’ success as well: “The single most important issue [facing western society] is the increasing immigration of low-IQ third-world peoples into the United States, Canada, and Europe. The effect of this, combined with their higher fertility, is that they are replacing Europeans. By the end of the twenty-first century Europeans will become minorities in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe.” This represents, to Lynn, a “demographic catastrophe” in which “the European peoples are… being dispossessed in their own countries by the influx of non-European peoples.”
Although Lynn claims that continued immigration is the biggest threat to “western society,” he also uses his pseudo-scientific arguments to argue against policies aimed at helping immigrants and ethnic minorities who already reside in western countries. Lynn claims that such policies are futile because “when non-European peoples migrate to Europe and North America their lower IQs make it difficult for them to cope in economically developed societies.” On education policy, Lynn bemoans the idea that “t is impossible to envision the president saying that nothing can be done to advance the blacks, Native American Indians, and Hispanics because of their low IQs and personality characteristics.”
By “personality characteristics,” Lynn is referring to his belief that racial groups have genetically determined behavioral patterns, and that crime, disruptiveness, and antisocial behavior are part of minorities’ genetic makeup. In this way, Lynn has provided a veneer of scientific respectability to long-discredited racist theories like those popularized by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve. Lynn insists — along with Murray and Herrnstein, who used Lynn’s work as the foundation their book that “[h]igh rates of crime seem to be a universal characteristic of Blacks,” and most other “non-Europeans.” Lynn has since tried to extend arguments about race differences beyond intelligence and into questions of mental illness, arguing that ”[t]he issue of race differences in personality is one of the big problems that still has to be tackled. I attempted to make a start on this in 2002 with a paper in which I assembled evidence suggesting that psychopathic personality is highest among blacks and Native Americans, next highest in Hispanics, lower in whites, and lowest in Orientals.”
Lynn is one of the few remaining “race scientists” who is willing to explicitly endorse addressing these supposed problems through eugenic policies. While authors like Murray and Herrnstein emphasize the threat posed by groups with “inferior” genes for intelligence and behavior, they shy away from arguing that the government should be involved in people’s reproductive decisions. Lynn, on the other hand, unabashedly suggests just that, favoring a “parental licensing scheme” in which “couples would have to apply for and obtain a license to have children.” He also believes that there is “a good case for reviving the sterilization of the mentally retarded and criminals,” and has promoted a “commendable scheme” targeting poor mothers which “would require sterilization as a condition of receiving welfare.”
Unsurprisingly, Lynn’s arguments that minorities and immigrants lower national IQ, cause increased crime, and pose an existential threat to “European civilization” have made him a favorite among white supremacists. He has contributed to several white supremacist publications including, The Occidental Quarterly, and American Renaissance. He also sits on the editorial committee of Mankind Quarterly, a pseudo-scholarly journal dedicated to publishing “articles in controversial areas, including behavioral group differences and the importance of mental ability for individual outcomes and group differences” — a thinly veiled admission that they primarily print racist pseudoscience.
Lynn is the current president of the notoriously racist Pioneer Fund. Prior to becoming president in 2012, he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in Pioneer Fund grants, both directly, and through the Ulster Institute for Social Research. Lynn is the founder and president of the Ulster Institute, “a think tank for the support of research on social issues and the publication of works by selected authors in this field.” According to its website, “The Ulster Institute for Social Research specialises in the application of psychology to the analysis of social problems,” which translates to promoting racist research by Lynn and several of his colleagues and collaborators.
Like many “race scientists,” Lynn also believes in inherent differences between the sexes, arguing that “one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.” As with his work on race, Lynn insists that the disagreement of the overwhelming majority of geneticists and psychologists is nothing more than “the forces of political correctness” which has “made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.” (Ironically, this accusation of censorship appeared in an article he wrote for The Daily Mail, the second largest newspaper in the United Kingdom.)
Despite his claims of persecution, Lynn has successfully translated his status as a scientist and open racist into a high-profile and profitable career, even though other scientists have repeatedly found his work to be riddled with methodological flaws and bias. Critics have noted that “an important drawback of Lynn (and Vanhanen)'s reviews of the literature is that they… do not adhere to systematic methodology to control for potential biases in the many choices made by the reviewer,” while prominent psychologist Leon Kamin stated that "Lynn's distortions and misrepresentations of the data constitute a truly venomous racism, combined with the scandalous disregard for scientific objectivity.”
Poslednja izmena:
Pa kad slediš linkove ostavljene na N1 članku, onda vidiš da je izvor za te podatke studija Ričarda Lina. A kad se raspitaš o biografiji i naučnoj reputaciji Ričarda Lina, onda shvatiš da N1 zapravo prenosi notornu neo-nacističku i rasističku pseudonauku.

O Ričardu Linu:

Extremist Info​




Pioneer Fund


White Nationalist

About Richard Lynn​

—Review of Raymond Cattell’s A New Morality from Science: Beyondism, 1974​

Since the 1970s, Richard Lynn has been working tirelessly to place race, genes, and IQ at the center of discussions surrounding inequality. Through his own writings and those published by his Ulster Institute for Social Research, in Northern Ireland, Lynn argues that members of different races and nations possess innate differences in intelligence and behavior, and that these are responsible for everything from the incarceration rate of black Americans to the poverty of developing nations. Lynn is also an ethnic nationalist who believes that countries must “remain racially homogenous” in order to flourish.
Lynn, along with other “race researchers,” divides the world’s population into three main racial groups: “Mongoloid,” “Caucasoid,” and “Negroid,” referring to east-Asians, white Europeans, and black people of African descent, respectively (Lynn considers other ethnic groups to be mixtures of these three categories). Lynn’s “studies” of race and IQ purport to show that “Mongoloids” have the highest average IQ (100-106), closely followed by “Caucasoids” (100), with “Negroid” having a much lower average intelligence (70).
Lynn uses this framework not only to explain and justify the present-day wealth and poverty of nations, but the entire course of human history, asking, “Who can doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made any significant contribution to civilization[?]” Lynn goes beyond arguing for differences between these three groups, however; he also recycles Nazi-era arguments for Nordic superiority within the “Caucasoid” group, claiming that a “north-south continuum” exists, with people from northern Europe having evolved to be more intelligent than their southern neighbors.
Lynn believes that “racial differences in intelligence are one of the most important reasons for the differences in the wealth and poverty of nations that are present throughout the world (the other main reason being the presence of a market economy or of some form of socialism or communism). Intelligence is a major determinant of competence and earning capacity, so inevitably the European and Far Eastern peoples whose populations are intelligent achieve higher standards of living than other peoples who are less intelligent.” His estimates of national IQ, for example, bode “rather poorly for the potential of black Africans for democracy and economic development.” This is because, according to Lynn, IQ correlates not only to wealth, but also to “democracy and associated political institutions of civil liberties, political freedom, property rights, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the efficiency of government bureaucracy,” presumably because “people in countries with low national IQs are not as able to organize themselves, to take part in national politics, and to defend their rights against those in power as people in countries with higher national IQs.”
Not only does Lynn argue that nations without a white majority are incapable of self-governance and economic success, he believes that minorities, especially immigrants, threaten western nations’ success as well: “The single most important issue [facing western society] is the increasing immigration of low-IQ third-world peoples into the United States, Canada, and Europe. The effect of this, combined with their higher fertility, is that they are replacing Europeans. By the end of the twenty-first century Europeans will become minorities in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe.” This represents, to Lynn, a “demographic catastrophe” in which “the European peoples are… being dispossessed in their own countries by the influx of non-European peoples.”
Although Lynn claims that continued immigration is the biggest threat to “western society,” he also uses his pseudo-scientific arguments to argue against policies aimed at helping immigrants and ethnic minorities who already reside in western countries. Lynn claims that such policies are futile because “when non-European peoples migrate to Europe and North America their lower IQs make it difficult for them to cope in economically developed societies.” On education policy, Lynn bemoans the idea that “t is impossible to envision the president saying that nothing can be done to advance the blacks, Native American Indians, and Hispanics because of their low IQs and personality characteristics.”
By “personality characteristics,” Lynn is referring to his belief that racial groups have genetically determined behavioral patterns, and that crime, disruptiveness, and antisocial behavior are part of minorities’ genetic makeup. In this way, Lynn has provided a veneer of scientific respectability to long-discredited racist theories like those popularized by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve. Lynn insists — along with Murray and Herrnstein, who used Lynn’s work as the foundation their book that “[h]igh rates of crime seem to be a universal characteristic of Blacks,” and most other “non-Europeans.” Lynn has since tried to extend arguments about race differences beyond intelligence and into questions of mental illness, arguing that ”[t]he issue of race differences in personality is one of the big problems that still has to be tackled. I attempted to make a start on this in 2002 with a paper in which I assembled evidence suggesting that psychopathic personality is highest among blacks and Native Americans, next highest in Hispanics, lower in whites, and lowest in Orientals.”
Lynn is one of the few remaining “race scientists” who is willing to explicitly endorse addressing these supposed problems through eugenic policies. While authors like Murray and Herrnstein emphasize the threat posed by groups with “inferior” genes for intelligence and behavior, they shy away from arguing that the government should be involved in people’s reproductive decisions. Lynn, on the other hand, unabashedly suggests just that, favoring a “parental licensing scheme” in which “couples would have to apply for and obtain a license to have children.” He also believes that there is “a good case for reviving the sterilization of the mentally retarded and criminals,” and has promoted a “commendable scheme” targeting poor mothers which “would require sterilization as a condition of receiving welfare.”
Unsurprisingly, Lynn’s arguments that minorities and immigrants lower national IQ, cause increased crime, and pose an existential threat to “European civilization” have made him a favorite among white supremacists. He has contributed to several white supremacist publications including, The Occidental Quarterly, and American Renaissance. He also sits on the editorial committee of Mankind Quarterly, a pseudo-scholarly journal dedicated to publishing “articles in controversial areas, including behavioral group differences and the importance of mental ability for individual outcomes and group differences” — a thinly veiled admission that they primarily print racist pseudoscience.
Lynn is the current president of the notoriously racist Pioneer Fund. Prior to becoming president in 2012, he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in Pioneer Fund grants, both directly, and through the Ulster Institute for Social Research. Lynn is the founder and president of the Ulster Institute, “a think tank for the support of research on social issues and the publication of works by selected authors in this field.” According to its website, “The Ulster Institute for Social Research specialises in the application of psychology to the analysis of social problems,” which translates to promoting racist research by Lynn and several of his colleagues and collaborators.
Like many “race scientists,” Lynn also believes in inherent differences between the sexes, arguing that “one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.” As with his work on race, Lynn insists that the disagreement of the overwhelming majority of geneticists and psychologists is nothing more than “the forces of political correctness” which has “made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.” (Ironically, this accusation of censorship appeared in an article he wrote for The Daily Mail, the second largest newspaper in the United Kingdom.)
Despite his claims of persecution, Lynn has successfully translated his status as a scientist and open racist into a high-profile and profitable career, even though other scientists have repeatedly found his work to be riddled with methodological flaws and bias. Critics have noted that “an important drawback of Lynn (and Vanhanen)'s reviews of the literature is that they… do not adhere to systematic methodology to control for potential biases in the many choices made by the reviewer,” while prominent psychologist Leon Kamin stated that "Lynn's distortions and misrepresentations of the data constitute a truly venomous racism, combined with the scandalous disregard for scientific objectivity.”

Opet nisi objasnio, ako je statiatika nacisticka, kako da prvih 6 mesta zauzimaju drzave gde pretezno zivi zuta rasa?
Opet nisi objasnio, ako je statiatika nacisticka, kako da prvih 6 mesta zauzimaju drzave gde pretezno zivi zuta rasa?

Nevezano za tu navodnu superiornost žute rase, u većini ostalih stvari njegova gledišta se uglavnom poklapaju sa nacističkom pseudonaukom i tobožnje rezultate svojih "istraživanja" o IQ je prilagodio tome. U svojim tekstovima zastupa beli suprematizam nad crncima, nacističke ideje o eugenici, a po metodologiji rada je klasični kvazinaučnik i šarlatan koji podatke izmišlja ili ih selektivno i manipulativno koristi.

Ja opet ponavljam da u celoj priči nije važno tvoje verovanje šarlatanu i šarlatanskoj "nauci", nego činjenica da jedan medij koji pretenduje da bude ozbiljan, piše članke bazirane na "studijama" tog lika i faktički promoviše neo-nacističku i rasističku pseudonauku.
Ovdje skoro nitko ništa ne zna.

Richard Lynn je velikan psihometrije, no koliko je to relevatno, pitanje je. Znam već 20 godina sva natezanja iz tih krugova, i nedvojbeno je da su stereotipi točni. IQ uzima u paketu tri tipa inteligencije- verbalnu, matematičku i prostornu/geometrijsku. Neki su kolektivi jači u ovom, neki u drugom.

Nerijetko je teško odvojiti druge psihometrijske varijable poput inventivnosti, motiviranosti, a kritičko mišljenje nema veze s psihometrijom (fahidioti).

Lynn je skoro umro, i mediji su nekoliko dana prešućivali njegovu smrt jer je srušio, i empirijski, temelje moderne demokracije:

a) ljudski su kolektivni bitno različiti u fukcionalnoj sposobnosti organizacije modernoga društva

b) inteligenicija je uvelike, bar 50%, genetska
Objašnjavam tako što je šarlatanskom kvazinaučniku sinulo u glavi da će njegove baljezgarije imati veću prođu ako žutu rasu proglasi najinteligentnijom.
Tebi izgleda nije jasno da je suština u tome da je čitavo tobožnje mapiranje inteligencije besmislica koja nema uporišta ni u kakvom zaista relevatnom naučnom istraživanju. Objašnjeno ti je ko je Ričard Lin i šta stoji iza njegovih tobožnjih podataka o inteligenciji čitavih naroda. A ti možeš da razmišljaš ko je na prvom, a ko na zadnjem mestu, kao što možeš da razmišljaš šta ti kažu horoskop, tarot karte ili pasulj. Možeš da razmišljaš o tome kao o nečem vrlo ozbiljnom iako se radi o neozbiljnim stvarima. Poenta moje teme je ukazivanje na novinarsko šarlatanstvo ili neozbiljnost novinara koji pretenduju da budu ozbiljan medij. To što si ti neozbiljan ili zaluđen kvazinaukom je manje bitno.
Pogledaš PISA testiranja i vidiš da je isti poredak.
Ne znam jel i taj test koji rade djeca po državama svijeta isto nacistički benchmark?
Kakvo blefiranje.
Ne lupetaj kao baba jer nemaš pojma ni o čem.

Kad babo Hroboatos nešto napiše- možeš se samo ponizno pokloniti i dići dva prsta ako imaš kakvo pitanje.

Lynn je istraživanja počeo rano nakon 2. svjetskog rata, zapanjen brzim oporavkom Japana. Išao ih je testirati i našao da Japanci imaju nešto viši IQ od bijelaca. Onda se sve razgranalo, napose 90ih s najvažnijom psihometrijskom knjigom u povijesti, "Zvonolika krivulja" Murraya i Herrnsteina. Zaključak: inteligencija je uvelike urođena; crnci su ispod bijelaca stalno; najviše imaju žuti. Uslijedila je dreka i histerija, no Murray je kao završnicu dao studiju gdje jasno pokazuje, bez ikakve dvojbe, genetsku i rasnu nepromjenjivost IQ, te korelaciju između kognitivnih sposobnosti i uspjeha u modernim društvima.



Ja sam kritičan prema nekim stvarima oko IQ, no komesarski šarlatani neka bježe u mišje rupe gdje im je mjesto.
Ja opet ponavljam da u celoj priči nije važno tvoje verovanje šarlatanu i šarlatanskoj "nauci", nego činjenica da jedan medij koji pretenduje da bude ozbiljan, piše članke bazirane na "studijama" tog lika i faktički promoviše neo-nacističku i rasističku pseudonauku.
I dalje ne vidim to kao promociju nacizma i pseudonauke.
Ako pogledas link koji je N1 stavila kao izvor, tu jasno stoji ovo:

"*It bears mentioning that Lynn's studies, while comprehensive, tend to spark considerable debate."

A ispod imas i druge metode i druga objasnenja.

Niti ista ima nacisticko u ovome, niti mozes da tvrdis da je N1 nacisticki medij, ko sto tvrdis, na osnovu ovoga.

Osim ako nisi ovde po nalogu SNS-a, onda je to već druga priča.
Pa kad slediš linkove ostavljene na N1 članku, onda vidiš da je izvor za te podatke studija Ričarda Lina. A kad se raspitaš o biografiji i naučnoj reputaciji Ričarda Lina, onda shvatiš da N1 zapravo prenosi notornu neo-nacističku i rasističku pseudonauku.

O Ričardu Linu:

Extremist Info​




Pioneer Fund


White Nationalist

About Richard Lynn​

—Review of Raymond Cattell’s A New Morality from Science: Beyondism, 1974​

Since the 1970s, Richard Lynn has been working tirelessly to place race, genes, and IQ at the center of discussions surrounding inequality. Through his own writings and those published by his Ulster Institute for Social Research, in Northern Ireland, Lynn argues that members of different races and nations possess innate differences in intelligence and behavior, and that these are responsible for everything from the incarceration rate of black Americans to the poverty of developing nations. Lynn is also an ethnic nationalist who believes that countries must “remain racially homogenous” in order to flourish.
Lynn, along with other “race researchers,” divides the world’s population into three main racial groups: “Mongoloid,” “Caucasoid,” and “Negroid,” referring to east-Asians, white Europeans, and black people of African descent, respectively (Lynn considers other ethnic groups to be mixtures of these three categories). Lynn’s “studies” of race and IQ purport to show that “Mongoloids” have the highest average IQ (100-106), closely followed by “Caucasoids” (100), with “Negroid” having a much lower average intelligence (70).
Lynn uses this framework not only to explain and justify the present-day wealth and poverty of nations, but the entire course of human history, asking, “Who can doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made any significant contribution to civilization[?]” Lynn goes beyond arguing for differences between these three groups, however; he also recycles Nazi-era arguments for Nordic superiority within the “Caucasoid” group, claiming that a “north-south continuum” exists, with people from northern Europe having evolved to be more intelligent than their southern neighbors.
Lynn believes that “racial differences in intelligence are one of the most important reasons for the differences in the wealth and poverty of nations that are present throughout the world (the other main reason being the presence of a market economy or of some form of socialism or communism). Intelligence is a major determinant of competence and earning capacity, so inevitably the European and Far Eastern peoples whose populations are intelligent achieve higher standards of living than other peoples who are less intelligent.” His estimates of national IQ, for example, bode “rather poorly for the potential of black Africans for democracy and economic development.” This is because, according to Lynn, IQ correlates not only to wealth, but also to “democracy and associated political institutions of civil liberties, political freedom, property rights, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the efficiency of government bureaucracy,” presumably because “people in countries with low national IQs are not as able to organize themselves, to take part in national politics, and to defend their rights against those in power as people in countries with higher national IQs.”
Not only does Lynn argue that nations without a white majority are incapable of self-governance and economic success, he believes that minorities, especially immigrants, threaten western nations’ success as well: “The single most important issue [facing western society] is the increasing immigration of low-IQ third-world peoples into the United States, Canada, and Europe. The effect of this, combined with their higher fertility, is that they are replacing Europeans. By the end of the twenty-first century Europeans will become minorities in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe.” This represents, to Lynn, a “demographic catastrophe” in which “the European peoples are… being dispossessed in their own countries by the influx of non-European peoples.”
Although Lynn claims that continued immigration is the biggest threat to “western society,” he also uses his pseudo-scientific arguments to argue against policies aimed at helping immigrants and ethnic minorities who already reside in western countries. Lynn claims that such policies are futile because “when non-European peoples migrate to Europe and North America their lower IQs make it difficult for them to cope in economically developed societies.” On education policy, Lynn bemoans the idea that “t is impossible to envision the president saying that nothing can be done to advance the blacks, Native American Indians, and Hispanics because of their low IQs and personality characteristics.”
By “personality characteristics,” Lynn is referring to his belief that racial groups have genetically determined behavioral patterns, and that crime, disruptiveness, and antisocial behavior are part of minorities’ genetic makeup. In this way, Lynn has provided a veneer of scientific respectability to long-discredited racist theories like those popularized by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein in The Bell Curve. Lynn insists — along with Murray and Herrnstein, who used Lynn’s work as the foundation their book that “[h]igh rates of crime seem to be a universal characteristic of Blacks,” and most other “non-Europeans.” Lynn has since tried to extend arguments about race differences beyond intelligence and into questions of mental illness, arguing that ”[t]he issue of race differences in personality is one of the big problems that still has to be tackled. I attempted to make a start on this in 2002 with a paper in which I assembled evidence suggesting that psychopathic personality is highest among blacks and Native Americans, next highest in Hispanics, lower in whites, and lowest in Orientals.”
Lynn is one of the few remaining “race scientists” who is willing to explicitly endorse addressing these supposed problems through eugenic policies. While authors like Murray and Herrnstein emphasize the threat posed by groups with “inferior” genes for intelligence and behavior, they shy away from arguing that the government should be involved in people’s reproductive decisions. Lynn, on the other hand, unabashedly suggests just that, favoring a “parental licensing scheme” in which “couples would have to apply for and obtain a license to have children.” He also believes that there is “a good case for reviving the sterilization of the mentally retarded and criminals,” and has promoted a “commendable scheme” targeting poor mothers which “would require sterilization as a condition of receiving welfare.”
Unsurprisingly, Lynn’s arguments that minorities and immigrants lower national IQ, cause increased crime, and pose an existential threat to “European civilization” have made him a favorite among white supremacists. He has contributed to several white supremacist publications including, The Occidental Quarterly, and American Renaissance. He also sits on the editorial committee of Mankind Quarterly, a pseudo-scholarly journal dedicated to publishing “articles in controversial areas, including behavioral group differences and the importance of mental ability for individual outcomes and group differences” — a thinly veiled admission that they primarily print racist pseudoscience.
Lynn is the current president of the notoriously racist Pioneer Fund. Prior to becoming president in 2012, he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in Pioneer Fund grants, both directly, and through the Ulster Institute for Social Research. Lynn is the founder and president of the Ulster Institute, “a think tank for the support of research on social issues and the publication of works by selected authors in this field.” According to its website, “The Ulster Institute for Social Research specialises in the application of psychology to the analysis of social problems,” which translates to promoting racist research by Lynn and several of his colleagues and collaborators.
Like many “race scientists,” Lynn also believes in inherent differences between the sexes, arguing that “one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.” As with his work on race, Lynn insists that the disagreement of the overwhelming majority of geneticists and psychologists is nothing more than “the forces of political correctness” which has “made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.” (Ironically, this accusation of censorship appeared in an article he wrote for The Daily Mail, the second largest newspaper in the United Kingdom.)
Despite his claims of persecution, Lynn has successfully translated his status as a scientist and open racist into a high-profile and profitable career, even though other scientists have repeatedly found his work to be riddled with methodological flaws and bias. Critics have noted that “an important drawback of Lynn (and Vanhanen)'s reviews of the literature is that they… do not adhere to systematic methodology to control for potential biases in the many choices made by the reviewer,” while prominent psychologist Leon Kamin stated that "Lynn's distortions and misrepresentations of the data constitute a truly venomous racism, combined with the scandalous disregard for scientific objectivity.”
SPLC je antibjelačka rasistička organizacija krajnje ljevice.
Pogledaš PISA testiranja i vidiš da je isti poredak.
Ne znam jel i taj test koji rade djeca po državama svijeta isto nacistički benchmark?

PISA testiranje nije test inteligencije nego test opšteg znanja dece srednjoškolskog uzrasta, s tim što je bilo skandala i nameštanja vezanih i za ta testiranja u smislu da se u nekim zemljama testiraju samo "elitne" škole i uopšte ozbiljnije pristupa samom testiranju. Postoje neke indicije da sama pitanja i testovi nisu isti u svim zemljama, a onda je poređenje deplasirano i irelevantno. Ne bi me uopšte začudilo i da ti podaci nisu izrežirani, mada kažem da to nije test inteligencije. Postoje i podaci vezani za testiranje znanja dece osnovnoškokog uzrasta i NE poklapaju se se rezultatima PISA testova što je zaista čudno ako već postoje tolike razlike u inteligenciji i kvalitetu školstva. Postoje i rezultati matematičkih i drugih naučnih olimpijada za telentovanu decu i tu su zapadni Evropljani inferiorni u odnosu na istok Evrope. Naravno ni to nije test inteligencije, ali interesantmo je koliko i ti rezultalti odudaraju od PISA testova.
I dalje ne vidim to kao promociju nacizma i pseudonauke.
Ako pogledas link koji je N1 stavila kao izvor, tu jasno stoji ovo:

"*It bears mentioning that Lynn's studies, while comprehensive, tend to spark considerable debate."

A ispod imas i druge metode i druga objasnenja.

Niti ista ima nacisticko u ovome, niti mozes da tvrdis da je N1 nacisticki medij, ko sto tvrdis, na osnovu ovoga.

Osim ako nisi ovde po nalogu SNS-a, onda je to već druga priča.

Lynn je velikan psihometrije, a psihometrija je znanost, iako nije egzaktna kao neke druge.
No u nekim je stvarima nevjerojatno točna, npr. u profilaciji personalnosti, za zdrave i mentalno bolesne, kao u testu iz Minnesote:

Kod Lynnova tumačenja je jedino problematično što primjenjuje kriterije bez obzira na društvo- po zapadnim mjerilima, ljudi s IQ ispod 60 su idioti i nesposobni da se brinu o sebi, npr s oko 50 da održavaju higijenu i brišu guzicu.

No Bušmani imaju IQ takav, i oni su nesposobni za život u modernom društvu, ali funkconiraju savršeno u pustinji Kalahari. Tu je Lynnovo tumačenje apsurdno jer ne uzima u obzir ambijent.
I dalje ne vidim to kao promociju nacizma i pseudonauke.
Ako pogledas link koji je N1 stavila kao izvor, tu jasno stoji ovo:

"*It bears mentioning that Lynn's studies, while comprehensive, tend to spark considerable debate."

A ispod imas i druge metode i druga objasnenja.

Niti ista ima nacisticko u ovome, niti mozes da tvrdis da je N1 nacisticki medij, ko sto tvrdis, na osnovu ovoga.

Osim ako nisi ovde po nalogu SNS-a, onda je to već druga priča.

N1 samim prenošenjem te kvazi studije radi promociju neo nacizma i pseudonauke. Ja nisam ovde ni po čijem nalogu i ne zanima po čijem ti nalogu pišeš. Samo vidim da toliko vatreno braniš "studiju" koja sugeriše da su Srbi jedan od najglupljih naroda u Evropi. I sve to zbog odbrane N1. Pa po čijem nalogu ti pišeš? Meni je apsolutno svejedno da li je tu budalaštinu preneo PINK ili N1. Oba medija na svoj način zaglupljuju svoju publiku, s tim što N1 ima reputaciju daleko ozbiljnijeg medija, pa je samim tim ovakvo ponašanje skandaloznije. Da je to učinio neki trećerazredni portal, možda i ne bilo toliko bitno.
PISA testiranje nije test inteligencije nego test opšteg znanja dece srednjoškolskog uzrasta, s tim što je bilo skandala i nameštanja vezanih i za ta testiranja u smislu da se u nekim zemljama testiraju samo "elitne" škole i uopšte ozbiljnije pristupa samom testiranju. Postoje neke indicije da sama pitanja i testovi nisu isti u svim zemljama, a onda je poređenje deplasirano i irelevantno. Ne bi me uopšte začudilo i da ti podaci nisu izrežirani, mada kažem da to nije test inteligencije. Postoje i podaci vezani za testiranje znanja dece osnovnoškokog uzrasta i NE poklapaju se se rezultatima PISA testova što je zaista čudno ako već postoje tolike razlike u inteligenciji i kvalitetu školstva. Postoje i rezultati matematičkih i drugih naučnih olimpijada za telentovanu decu i tu su zapadni Evropljani inferiorni u odnosu na istok Evrope. Naravno ni to nije test inteligencije, ali interesantmo je koliko i ti rezultalti odudaraju od PISA testova.
Sve ti je to povezano, u PISA testiranju moraš kombinirati naučeno, kao što u životu rješavaš stvari na osnovu naučenog i iskustava.
Nije to za odbaciti, države što niže na listi to gore po uređenju i standardu.

Tek te matematičke i druge olimpijade znanja su natjecanja elitnih obrazovnih ustanova i nisu reprezentativni za prosječno znanje i IQ neke države.
