Dokaz da je litijum neisplativ za Srbiju


Can We Meet Tomorrow’s Lithium Demand?

Lithium is one of the world’s most critical natural resources and is central to our push toward sustainable energy.

In this graphic, sponsored by EnergyX, we ask that with over 350 million EVs expected to be sold globally by 2030, can we meet tomorrow’s lithium demand?

Addressing Tomorrow’s Lithium Problem

The lithium that powers EV batteries is refined from compounds found in multicolored pools of salt-brine or hard rock, and quantities are measured in terms of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE).

So, to power the vast quantity of EVs being produced worldwide, a consistent and reliable supply of lithium is required. However, with forecasted annual demand growth of up to 20% by 2030, the current supply of lithium will not be sufficient to meet the demand, and nearly double the amount will be required.

YearGlobal LCE Supply (tons)Global LCE Demand (tons)

Extracting a Solution

One of the main reasons why lithium demand is set to outstrip supply so aggressively is that conventional methods of extracting lithium are slow, outdated, and often cause environmental harm. However, a new way of lithium extraction, called direct lithium extraction (DLE), could resolve the supply problem.

DLE boasts a lithium recovery rate of 90%, surpassing conventional processes by 300%. This process also allows for lithium extraction from previously untapped sources, including California and the Smackover region in Arkansas.

Additionally, DLE is exceptionally efficient, taking only two days to process a lithium deposit, a process which would typically take 18 months. This process is also more environmentally friendly as producing one ton of lithium conventionally requires over 2.2 million liters of fresh water, whereas DLE requires minimal quantities.

A Path Forward

Without action, by 2030, there won’t be enough lithium to meet the combined demands of the clean energy transition and the UN’s sustainable development goals.

However, advances in DLE by pioneering companies like EnergyX could help meet the demand and ensure the transition to a more sustainable future.

Don’t miss your chance to transform the future of renewable energy. Invest in EnergyX now.
Sta si sad rekao?Jel treba da odgovaraju ili ne, svi oni "strucnjaci" koji su nam ocerupali drzavu u ono vreme?Djelic,Dinkic,Svilanovic i ta ekipa.Ja znam da danas nema samo ko nece da radi.A u ono vreme sam radio ali sam slabo sta mogao sebi da priustim.Danas je vec drugacije.
Treba svi odgovorni da odgovaraju. Ne ynam da li si slu;ajno presko;io jo[ neka imena iy te ekipe. Npr. Vesić, Mali itd.
Kao sto rekoh, nijedan argument ne znas da postavis, samo umes da vredjas kad ostanes bez istih, a tako se ponasa SNS na vlasti...
Opet počinje laganje?
Nema koga nisi uvredio ovde, samo ako ima drugačije mišljenje od tvog gazde.
Ne znaš bre ni kako bi se vadio taj litijum, lupetaš gluposti pokupljene sa
Tvitera i Tik-Toka i očekuješ da te neko shvati ozbiljno?

Kao što ste svi skočili da ponavljate onaj idiotizam vašeg gazde o 40.000
birača doveženih iz Republike Srpske i to sa 2 autobusa i 1 kombijem?
Pa sad opet pokazujete neke adrese u Beogradu na kojima navodno ne živi toliko
ljudi, iako tu žive preko 50 godina, blamirate se još uvek sa tim idiotizmima?

E, jadnici moji... :mazi:
  • Litijum drzavi ostane 2 500 dolara po toni
  • Safran 30 000 000 evra po toni
  • Orasi 3.500 američkih dolara po toni
  • Lešnici 7.000 američkih dolara po toni
  • Bademi 5.000 američkih dolara po toni
  • Cvarci 4.000 američkih dolara po toni
  • Maline 5.000 € po toni.
Ih, pa zasto da razvijamo (poljoprivrednu) proizvodnju kad mozemo kao prostitutka da "dignemo noge" i zaradjuemo? (jer iskopavanje ovakvih ruda je ravno prostituciji ili davanju organa za pare).
