Windows 7

Windows 7 bug sprečava korisnike da ugase svoje računare

Windows 7 bug sprečava korisnike da ugase svoje računare

Krajem januara otkriveno je da Microsoftovo finalno ažuriranje dovodi do problema sa pozadinama za neke korisnike, a fotografije se prikazuju kao crne kada se razvuku. Microsoft je morao da objavi zakrpu, ali se sada pojavio još ozbiljniji problem.

Tokom prethodnih nekoliko dana, korisnici na Redditu, Twitteru i Microsoft forumima su prijavljivali da njihovi Windows 7 uređaji iznenada ne žele da se ugase ili restartuju. Umesto toga, računari prikazuju poruku: "Nemate dozvolu da ugasite ovaj računar".

Sajt Bleeping Computer je izlistao načine na koje je moguće premostiti ovaj problem, a među njima je i pritiskanje CTRL+ALT+DEL tastera i klik na crvenu ikonu u donjem desnom uglu ekrana, potom kreiranje novog admin naloga i pokretanje Group Policy Editor iz komandne linije.

Iako nije poznato šta je uzrok problema, neki ističu da je situaciju prouzrokovalo najnovije Adobe ažuriranje, te da onemogućavanje "Adobe Genuine Monitor Service", "Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service" i "Adobe Update" servisa rešava problem.

Microsoft je istakao da je svestan problema koji prijavljuju Windows 7 korisnici, te da aktivno istražuje situaciju. Očekuje se da će kompanija objaviti novo besplatno ažuriranje ukoliko se radi o bagu u okviru Windowsa.

Izvor: TechSpot
COOL! Sledeća poruka bi mogla biti: Uplatite bitcoin da vam dozvolimo da ugasite računar! :zcepanje::zcepanje::zcepanje:
Win 7 ESU bypass

Ukratko dobijate i dalje win7 zakrpe iako je podrska prestala , ovo je program ESU (extended security updates) namenjeno za plati pa se na w7 klati korisnike.

Ko ne zna Nemacki neka ubaci na Gtranslate.

Hvala / nema na cemu ;)
Koja dobra šamarčina zatucanim i tvrdoglavim Win7 korisnicima: Mogli su besplatno da pređu na Win10, a oni se pravili mutavi! I sada bi i dalje da rade na tom prastarom OS-u, ali bi hteli i sigurnost? Može, ali, 'calenzi bitte'! I na kraju će M$ više zaraditi na tom ESU za Win7 nego na Win10!:zcepanje: :zcepanje:
Open-Source Group Sends Microsoft Blank Hard Drive to Copy Windows 7 Source Code

FSF wants Microsoft to open-source Windows 7

Feb 17, 2020 05:30 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Windows 7 no longer getting any other security updates

The Free Software Foundation publicly requested Microsoft to open-source Windows 7 shortly after the 2009 operating system reached the end of support on January 14, and now the group is ready for the next move.
Last week, the FSF mailed Microsoft a blank hard drive which the company should use for copying Windows 7 source code and then sending it back to the organization.
“Microsoft can free Windows. They already have all of the legal rights necessary or the leverage to obtain them. Whether they choose to do so or not is up to them,” the Free Software Foundation explains.
“We're ready to give them all of the help we can. All they have to do is ask,” the group continues.
Microsoft loves open source
While Microsoft is unlikely to open-source Windows 7, the Free Software Foundation says they received an overwhelming response to their request for the software giant to hand over the keys for the 2009 operating system to the open-source community.
“In the past weeks, we've given them the message that thousands of people around the world want Windows to be freed. Next, we'll give them the medium,” the FSF continues.
Microsoft obviously hasn’t responded to this request for open-sourcing Windows 7, but the company should do it anyway, the open-source foundation says. And it’s all because of how important they say the open-source world has become to them.
“We want them to show exactly how much love they have for the "open source" software they mention in their advertising. If they really do love free software -- and we're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt -- they have the opportunity to show it to the world. We hope they're not just capitalizing on the free software development model in the most superficial and exploitative way possible: by using it as a marketing tool to fool us into thinking that they care about our freedom,” FSF notes.
But while Windows 7 has reached the end of support, custom support is still offered to enterprises paying for it. Microsoft will continue to release updates in exchange for a free for three more years, after which even paying customers will be left with no security patches.

#Microsoft#Windows 7#Free Software Foundation#FSF#open source

E ovo su pravi borci a ne kao @fosilvaso :lol:
Open-Source Group Sends Microsoft Blank Hard Drive to Copy Windows 7 Source Code

FSF wants Microsoft to open-source Windows 7

Feb 17, 2020 05:30 GMT · By Bogdan Popa · Comment ·

Windows 7 no longer getting any other security updates

The Free Software Foundation publicly requested Microsoft to open-source Windows 7 shortly after the 2009 operating system reached the end of support on January 14, and now the group is ready for the next move.
Last week, the FSF mailed Microsoft a blank hard drive which the company should use for copying Windows 7 source code and then sending it back to the organization.
“Microsoft can free Windows. They already have all of the legal rights necessary or the leverage to obtain them. Whether they choose to do so or not is up to them,” the Free Software Foundation explains.
“We're ready to give them all of the help we can. All they have to do is ask,” the group continues.
Microsoft loves open source
While Microsoft is unlikely to open-source Windows 7, the Free Software Foundation says they received an overwhelming response to their request for the software giant to hand over the keys for the 2009 operating system to the open-source community.
“In the past weeks, we've given them the message that thousands of people around the world want Windows to be freed. Next, we'll give them the medium,” the FSF continues.
Microsoft obviously hasn’t responded to this request for open-sourcing Windows 7, but the company should do it anyway, the open-source foundation says. And it’s all because of how important they say the open-source world has become to them.
“We want them to show exactly how much love they have for the "open source" software they mention in their advertising. If they really do love free software -- and we're willing to give them the benefit of the doubt -- they have the opportunity to show it to the world. We hope they're not just capitalizing on the free software development model in the most superficial and exploitative way possible: by using it as a marketing tool to fool us into thinking that they care about our freedom,” FSF notes.
But while Windows 7 has reached the end of support, custom support is still offered to enterprises paying for it. Microsoft will continue to release updates in exchange for a free for three more years, after which even paying customers will be left with no security patches.

#Microsoft#Windows 7#Free Software Foundation#FSF#open source

E ovo su pravi borci a ne kao @fosilvaso :lol:
Ma zahebavaju Majkrosoft! Koji će mi klinac to ako ću sa Win7 sve manje stvari moći raditi preko interneta? Pisci programa i drajvera više neće piskarati ni provjeravati funkcionalnost novih umotvorina na Win7 i biće svega, do BSOD-a?
Btw: Da li je neko probao da instalira 32-bit XP na mašinu sa 8 i više GB memorije?
a zasto bi to radio kad 32. biti sistem ne podrzava ono sta nudi masina na koju ga kacis?

inace sve moze da se i limiti u memoriji ali ponavljam..koja je svrha na nov racunar kaciti sistem koji ne moze da iskoristi mogucnosti novog hardvera?
a zasto bi to radio kad 32. biti sistem ne podrzava ono sta nudi masina na koju ga kacis?

inace sve moze da se i limiti u memoriji ali ponavljam..koja je svrha na nov racunar kaciti sistem koji ne moze da iskoristi mogucnosti novog hardvera?
Zato što će od bootanja pa do svega ostaloga stariji OS BRŽE odrađivati ono što trebam da radim! Pa recimo, imam HP Laserjet 6L za koji ne postoje noviji drajveri pa moram ili da kupim novi pisač, ili vučem 'multiboot' opciju sa XP!
Zato što će od bootanja pa do svega ostaloga stariji OS BRŽE odrađivati ono što trebam da radim! Pa recimo, imam HP Laserjet 6L za koji ne postoje noviji drajveri pa moram ili da kupim novi pisač, ili vučem 'multiboot' opciju sa XP!
6l imam i ja

odlican stampac za svoje vreme..legenda..ali ja sam njega kupio pre dvadesetak godina...verovatno i vise..jos sam bio na fakultet.

on je vec star..sporo stampa prema sadasnjim standardima, nije u boji i svi elementi su mu odavno izilizani i da, naravno da je normalno da kupis nov stampac a ne neki koji se kaci na paralelni port koji kompjuteri vec desetak i vise godina i ne podrzavaju nego moras da nabavljas konektore za njega..

ova prica vec ide u besmisao...
i da..kao sto rekoh .. sve moze :)

ali ne vidim poentu i sustinu... normalno je da posle 20 godina zamenis stampac..kao sto je normalno da posle 20 godina zamenis tv ili majicu ili automobil...
1) Printam u proseku 4-5 stranica MESEČNO, nije ofucan ni izlizan! :super:
2) Ako baš trebam nešto u boji, odnesem ekipi koja to radi, jeftinije mi nego da održavam color-laser!
3) Kako ćeš imati OLDTIMER automobil ako ga zamenjuješ nakon 20 godina? :zcepanje::zcepanje:
4) Moja mašina bi stenjala i pod 32-bit Win10, a ti nudiš nešto za 64-bit?
pa ne znam oko tih bezbednosnih apdejta, ja nikad nijedan os nisam apdejtovala, a prvi komp sma dobila 2002 godine. ne znam sta to toliko moze da uplasi korisnike sto nece dobijati apdejt od majkrosofta, ako su u pitanju kucni kompjuteri? jedino je problem sa buducom podrskom drugih programa i browsera.
Pa dobro si napisala da ne znaš..
Pa bezbednost, rupe u sistemu, razni načini kako da ti se ugroze podatci na tom kompjuteru, OS bez podrške je najlakše hakovati jer nisu zakrpljene rupe.

Ali dok ti se ne desi nešto tebi će to i dalje biti "nista strasno" što ne azuriras software.
ajde sveznajuci o cemu ti pises to znam, ali eto meni se nije desilo 18 godina i zato ne znam zasto ljudi histerisu oko majkrosoftovih apdejtova. verovatno je to psihologija ljudi koji koriste legalni win, platili su, dobili serijski broj i sa tim i naviku da apdejtuju sistem ako im majkrosoft posalje apdejt.
