Srpske kraljevske povelje u Dubrovačkom državnom arhivu od 1186. do 1479.

Serbian Royal documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik
Contributed by the Institute of Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts as part of the European Network on Archival Cooperation (ENArC) project.

The State Archives in Dubrovnik is the largest single repository of Serbian medieval documents, holding over 200 items with a total of around 250 individual copies. More than 80% of these can be described as royal and quasi-royal, since they were issued by individuals who reigned as supreme rulers of the medieval Serbian state or by practically independent regional lords. They span a period of roughly three centuries (late 12th to late 15th) and reflect the complex relations between Serbia and the Dubrovnik city-state, dealing with matters such as grants of trading privileges and land, settlement of disputes, payment of tributes and dues owed by Dubrovnik to the lords of the hinterland, employment of Dubrovnik citizens in the collection of royal revenues, withdrawals of royal treasures deposited in Dubrovnik, and general exchange of information.

This collection includes all such royal documents located in the Dubrovnik Archives today. Document names are composed of the issue date and issuer in the following format: yyyymmdd – name of issuer. In cases of documents with identical issue dates and issuers, numbers 1, 2, etc, are added at the end to distinguish them. Copies of the same document are marked by adding letters (A, B, C, etc). Where issue dates are approximate or uncertain a system of abbreviations has been implemented to provide more precise information. These are inserted after the date and have the following meaning:

  • byz – the date given is the first day of the Byzantine year (1 September – 31 August) in which the document was issued
  • taq – the date given is the terminus ante quem
  • tpq – the date given is the terminus post quem
  • cca – circa
  • ? – the date given is probable but uncertain; if precise month and day are given the uncertainty refers to the year

Thus, document name 13470828 taq – Dušan 2B means that this is copy B of the second document issued by the Emperor Stefan Dušan whose issue date can be expressed only as “some time before 28 August 1347”. List of abbreviations used for editions of presented documents:

  • V. Bogišić, Pisani zakoni :: V. Bogišić, Pisani zakoni na slovenskom jugu, Zagreb 1872.
  • G. Čremošnik, Glasnik SND 21 :: G. Čremošnik, Studije iz srpske paleografije i diplomatike, Glasnik Skopskog naučnog društva 21 (1940) 1–18. (cyr)
  • Diplomatički zbornik :: Diplomatički zbornik kraljevine Hrvatske, Dalmacije i Slavonije II–XIV, Zagreb 1904–1916; XV, 1934; I, 1967; XVI, 1976; XVII, 1981; XVIII, 1990.
  • Diplomatički zbornik. Dodaci :: Diplomatički zbornik. Dodaci I, Zagreb 1998.
  • LJ. Đidić, Kruševac :: LJ. Đidić, Kruševac, Kruševac 1991. (cyr)
  • P. Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice :: P. Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice – paleografsko-filološki prilozi, Beograd 1971. (cyr)
  • V. Foretić, Rad JAZU 283 :: V. Foretić, Ugovor Dubrovnika sa srpskim velikim županom Stefanom Nemanjom i stara dubrovačka djedina, Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 283 (1951) 51–118.
  • V. Jagić, Primeri :: V. Jagić, Primeri starohèrvatskoga jezika iz glagolskih i cirliskih književnih starinah, Zagreb 1864.
  • K. Jireček, Glasnik SUD 47 :: K. Jireček, Ugovor Stefana Prvovenčanog s Dubrovčanima, Glasnik Srpskog učenog društva 47 (1879) 304–311. (cyr)
  • K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski :: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, Spomenik SKA 11 (1892). (cyr)
  • P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srpski spomenici :: P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srbskii spomenici ili stare risovule, diplome, povele i snošenia, Beograd 1840. (cyr)
  • I. Kukuljević-Sakcinski, Diplomatički sbornik :: I. Kukuljević-Sakcinski, Diplomatički sbornik kraljevine Hrvatske s Dalmacijom i Slavonijom I–II, Zagreb 1874, 1876.
  • S. Ljubić, Listine :: S. Ljubić, Listine o odnošajih izmedju južnoga slavenstva i Mletačke republike I–X, Zagreb 1868–1891.
  • R. Mihaljčić, Prilozi za KJIF 39/3–4 :: R. Mihaljčić, Prilog srpskom diplomataru. Povelje i pisma cara Uroša i kneza Vojislava upućene Dubrovniku, Prilozi za književnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor 39/3–4 (1973) 226–234. (cyr)
  • F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica :: F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica spectantia historiam Serbiae, Bosnae, Ragusii, Viennae 1858.
  • A. Mladenović, Lazar :: A. Mladenović, Povelje kneza Lazara, Beograd 2003. (cyr)
  • A. Mladenović, Stefan :: A. Mladenović, Povelje i pisma despota Stefana, Beograd 2007. (cyr)
  • Monumenta Ragusina :: Monumenta Ragusina. Libri reformationum I–V, Zagreb 1879–1897.
  • V. Mošin, Arheografski prilozi 3 :: V. Mošin, Povelje cara Stefana Dušana o Arhanđelovom manastiru u Jerusalimu i o manastiru Sv. Nikole na skadarskom ostrvu Vranjini, Arheografski prilozi 3 (1981) 7–36. (cyr)
  • V. Mošin, Paleografski album :: V. Mošin, Paleografski album na južnoslovenskoto kirilsko pismo, Skopje 1966. (cyr)
  • S. Novaković, Zakonski spomenici :: S. Novaković, Zakonski spomenici srpskih država srednjega veka, Beograd 1912. (cyr)
  • M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II :: M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, Beograd 1862. (cyr)
  • F. Rački, Prilozi :: F. Rački, Prilozi za sbirku srbskih i bosanskih listina, Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 1 (1867) 124–164.
  • J. Radonić, Dubrovačka akta :: J. Radonić, Dubrovačka akta i povelje I–1, Beograd 1934. (cyr)
  • A. Solovjev, Odabrani spomenici :: A. Solovjev, Odabrani spomenici srpskog prava, Beograd 1926. (cyr)
  • SSA :: Stari srpski arhiv 1–, Beograd 2002– (annual academic journal, abbreviation accompanied by names of individual authors). (cyr)
  • Stefan Prvovenčani, Sabrani spisi :: Stefan Prvovenčani, Sabrani spisi, Beograd 1988. (cyr)
  • Stefan Prvovenčani, Sabrana dela :: Stefan Prvovenčani, Sabrana dela, Beograd 1999. (cyr)
  • LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma :: LJ. Stojanović, Stare srpske povelje i pisma I–1, Beograd 1929; I–2, 1934. (cyr)
  • P. J. Šafařík, Památky :: P. J. Šafařík, Památky dřevnǐho písemnicství Jihoslovanův, Praha 1873.
  • B. Šekularac, Dukljansko-zetske povelje :: B. Šekularac, Dukljansko-zetske povelje, Titograd 1987. (cyr)
  • Ć. Truhelka, GZM 23 :: Ć. Truhelka, Tursko-slovjenski spomenici dubrovačke arhive, Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u Sarajevu 23 (1911) 1–160.
  • A. Vučetić, Spomenici dubrovački I :: A. Vučetić, Spomenici dubrovački I, Dubrovnik 1907.
  • A. Vučetić, Srđ 5 :: A. Vučetić, Spomenici dubrovački, Srđ 5 (1906) passim.
  • G. Wenzel, Arpadianus :: G. Wenzel, Codex diplomaticus Arpadianus continuatus I– XII, Budapest 1860–1874.
  • Zbornik I :: Zbornik srednjovekovnih ćiriličkih povelja i pisama Srbije, Bosne i Dubrovnika I, Beograd 2011. (cyr)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13260728 taq – Stefan Dečanski A



before 28 July 1326
King Stefan Dečanski writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Andrija Peštić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets he held with Nikola Buća and Grube (original).

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Prilozi arhivskim serijama IVa, 70.
Seal: On reverse, traces of small impressed wax seal colored red.
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 60–65 x 215 mm
Condition: Holes along left edge.

Diplomatic Analysis

M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 7–8, no. 9 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik IX, 303–304, no. 249; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 42, no. 49; N. Porčić, SSA 2, 22 (translation into modern Serbian, 23; photo).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13260728 taq – Stefan Dečanski B


before 28 July 1326
King Stefan Dečanski writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Andrija Peštić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets he held with Nikola Buća and Grube (copy).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1326-07-28).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 8, 88.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 7–8, no. 9 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik IX, 303–304, no. 249; N. Porčić, SSA 2, 23 (translation into modern Serbian, 24; photo).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13281214 taq – Stefan Dečanski



before 14 December 1328
King Stefan Dečanski writes to the Dubrovnik authorities to pay the Saint Demetrius Day tribute for two years to his representative – count Biste.

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Prilozi arhivskim serijama IVa, 8.
Seal: On reverse, traces of small impressed wax seal of natural color.
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 80 x 265 mm
Condition: Several smaller holes.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 8–9, no. 10 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik IX, 446–447, no. 363; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 42–43, no. 50; N. Porčić, SSA 7, 16 (translation into modern Serbian, 16; photo).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 133112xx cca – Dušan




December 1331
King Stefan Dušan promises to Dubrovnik merchants that he will not take their goods without paying.

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Beč 994.
Sigillant: King Stefan Dušan
Seal: Impressed wax seal of natural color, now detached and preserved separately with remains of paper inside. Large hole in the lower section of the page.King Stefan Dušan
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 280–290 x 230–242 mm
Condition: Large hole in lower section, outside text. Several smaller holes affecting text.

Diplomatic Analysis
P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srpski spomenici, 37, no. 28 (dated: cca 1280); F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, 120, no. 110 (dated: 1336–1347); S. Novaković, Zakonski spomenici, 166–167 (dated: cca 1334); Diplomatički zbornik X, 293, no. 222 (dated: 1336–1347); LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 54, no. 56 (dated: cca 1334); D. Ječmenica, SSA 10, 22 (translation into modern Serbian, 22–23, color photos).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13330122 – Dušan A




22 January 1333
King Stefan Dušan grants to the citizens of Dubrovnik the peninsula of Stonski rat (Pelješac), the coastal region from Ston to the old Dubrovnik border and the island of Posrednica in exchange for a yearly tribute of 500 perper (hyperpera) to be paid every Easter (version in Serbian, Dubrovnik copy A)

Text witnesses
Copy in city book of privileges (cca 1450).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Codex Ragusinus 22v–23v.
Seal: none
Condition: Severe stains on outer sides of pages.

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year of the birth of Christ (!) 6833, in the month of January, 22nd day.
LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 48–52, no. 54; D. Ječmenica, SSA 9, 32 (only color photos).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13330122 – Dušan C



22 January 1333, Polog (near Tetovo)
King Stefan Dušan grants to the citizens of Dubrovnik the peninsula of Stonski rat (Pelješac), the coastal region from Ston to the old Dubrovnik border and the island of Posrednica in exchange for a yearly tribute of 500 perper (hyperpera) to be paid every Easter (version in Serbian, Ottoman court copy A).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy by official Ottoman scribe (cca 1472).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Beč 995a.
Seal: none
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 440 x 290–300 mm

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year 6833, in the month of January, 22nd day.
P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srpski spomenici, 45–47, no. 37; F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, 103–105, no. 88; Diplomatički zbornik IX, 221–223, no. 177; S. Novaković, Zakonski spomenici, 297–298 (excerpt); A. Solovjev, Odabrani spomenici, 119–121, no. 60; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 48–52, no. 54; P. Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, 423, ph. 226 (only photo); D. Ječmenica, SSA 9, 32 (only color photos).

Polog (near Tetovo)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13330122 – Dušan LAT



22 January 1333, Polog (near Tetovo)
King Stefan Dušan grants to the citizens of Dubrovnik the peninsula of Stonski rat (Pelješac), the coastal region from Ston to the old Dubrovnik border and the island of Posrednica in exchange for a yearly tribute of 500 perper (hyperpera) to be paid every Easter (version in Latin).

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Beč 997.
Seal: Remains of red chord running through two holes.
Material: Parchment
Dimensions: 372 x 370–380 mm, folded plica

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the current year of the Lord one thousand three hundred thirty-three, in the month of January, twenty-second day.
S. Ljubić, Listine I, 398 (excerpt); G. Čremošnik, Glasnik SND 21, 12–14; D, Ječmenica, SSA 9, 34–36 (translation into modern Serbian, 36–37; color photos).

Polog (near Tetovo)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13330122 – Dušan B



22 January 1333
King Stefan Dušan grants to the citizens of Dubrovnik the peninsula of Stonski rat (Pelješac), the coastal region from Ston to the old Dubrovnik border and the island of Posrednica in exchange for a yearly tribute of 500 perper (hyperpera) to be paid every Easter (version in Serbian, Dubrovnik copy B).

Text witnesses
Copy (cca 1470).
Seal: none
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 570–580 x 390–400 mm

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year 6833, in the month of January, 22nd day.
LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 48–52, no. 54 (as variations); D. Ječmenica, SSA 9, 31–33 (translation into modern Serbian, 33–35, color photos).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13330629 taq – Dušan



before 29 June 1333
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that the money they owe him for granting them Stonski rat should be paid to Dubrovnik citizen Lampre Menčetić who is going to Venice on a mission for the king.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1333-06-29).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 10, 50–50v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 11–12, no. 12 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik X, 110–111, no. 69.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13340218 taq – Dušan


before 18 February 1334
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Junije Vukasović with three associates has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets owed both to him and to his father (king Stefan Dečanski).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1334-02-18).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 10, 140v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 12–13, no. 13 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); ; Diplomatički zbornik X, 151, no. 97; D. Ječmenica, SSA 8, 39–40 (translation into modern Serbian, 40–41; color photo).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13340302 taq – Dušan


before 2 March 1334
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Domanja Menčetić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets, as well as other debts.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1334-03-02).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 10, 147.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 13, no. 14 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); ; Diplomatički zbornik X, 153, no. 99; D. Ječmenica, SSA 8, 47 (translation into modern Serbian, 47–48; color photo)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13340519 – Dušan




19 May 1334, Dobrušte (near Prizren)
King Stefan Dušan confirms the grant of Stonski rat to the citizens of Dubrovnik and sets out some additional conditions and modes of resolving disputes.

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Beč 998.
Sigillant: King Stefan Dušan
Seal: Pendant wax seal colored red on a red chord running through five holes.King Stefan Dušan
Material: Parchment
Dimensions: 200–215 x 365–375 mm

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year 1334, in the month of May, 19th day.
P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srpski spomenici, 48–49, no. 39; F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, 107–109, no. 90; Diplomatički zbornik X, 163–165, no. 108; S. Novaković, Zakonski spomenici, 298–299 (excerpt); LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 53–54, no. 55; D, Ječmenica, SSA 9, 53–54 (translation into modern Serbian, 55–56; color photos).

Dobrušte (near Prizren)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13390808 taq – Dušan


before 8 August 1339, Nerodimlje (near Uroševac)
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Domanja Menčetić and his brothers came to him in Nerodimlja in 1339 and fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1339-08-08).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 45.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 46, no. 65 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 103); Diplomatički zbornik X, 481–482, no. 337; D. Ječmenica, SSA 8, 49–50 (translation into modern Serbian, 50; color photo).

Nerodimlje (near Uroševac)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400221 taq – Dušan


before 21 February 1340, Priština
King Stefan Dušan confirms that Dubrovnik citizen Pavle Restić and his brothers have settled their accounts with five individually listed customs officials in Novo Brdo.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1340-02-21).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 100v.

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: When Žun Držić and Kliment Gučetić arrived as envoys.
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 47, no. 67 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 104); Diplomatički zbornik X, 523, no. 369; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 55, no. 58

Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400501 taq – Dušan 1A


before 1 May 1340
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Lampre Menčetić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets (copy in Serbian).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy in Dubrovnik chancery register. (1340-05-01).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 116v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 48, no. 68b (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 104); Diplomatički zbornik X, 546–547, no. 383; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 55, no. 59.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400501 taq – Dušan 1B


before 1 May 1340
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Lampre Menčetić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets (copy in Italian).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1340-05-01).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 116v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 48, no. 68b (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 104); Diplomatički zbornik X, 546–547, no. 383.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400501 taq – Dušan 2A


before 1 May 1340
King Stefan Dušan confirms that Lampre Menčetić and his brothers have fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets (copy in Serbian).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy in Dubrovnik chancery register. (1340-05-01).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 116v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 47–48, no. 68a (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 104) Diplomatički zbornik X, 546–547, no. 383; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 55, no. 58.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400501 taq – Dušan 2B


before 1 May 1340
King Stefan Dušan confirms that Lampre Menčetić and his brothers have fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at some unnamed markets (copy in Italian).

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1340-05-01).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Notariae 6, 116v.

Diplomatic Analysis
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 47–48, no. 68a (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 104) Diplomatički zbornik X, 546–547, no. 383.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13400910 – Dušan


10 September 1340, Nerodimlje (near Uroševac)
King Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that Dubrovnik citizens Marin and Miho Bunić have fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at all markets in the region of Zeta and the market of Prizren, which they held for seven years.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1342-10-02).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 13, 118

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the month of September, 10th day, in 1340.
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 16, no. 19 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik XI, 14–15, no. 9 (dated: 2 October 1342).

Nerodimlje (near Uroševac)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13410930 – Dušan


30 September 1341, Prizren
King Stefan Dušan confirms that Džive Bunić has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at the markets of Prizren and Zeta, which he held together with his brothers.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1342-10-02).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 13, 118v

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year of the Lord 1346, in the month of September, the last day.
M. Pucić, Spomenici srpski II, 17, no. 20 (corrections and additions: K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 100); Diplomatički zbornik XI, 15–16, no. 10 (dated: 2 October 1342).

Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13451026 – Dušan




26 October 1345, Serres/Ser
King Stefan Dušan, acting upon complaints by Dubrovnik envoys, orders that the collection of customs dues at Trebinje introduced by the nobleman Dabiživ should be stopped.

Text witnesses
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Beč 999.
Sigillant: King Stefan Dušan
Seal: Pendant wax seal of natural color on a blue chord running through four holes, now detached and preserved separately.King Stefan Dušan
Material: Parchment
Dimensions: 270 x 270 mm

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the month of October the 26th, in the year 6854.
P. Karano-Tvrtković, Srpski spomenici, 50, no. 40; F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, 117–118, no. 100; LJ. Stojanović, Povelje i pisma I–1, 56, no. 60; P. Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, 340, ph. 138 (only photo); N. Porčić, SSA 5, 84–85.

Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13461026 taq – Dušan


before 26 October 1346
Emperor Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities to pay the Saint Demetrius Day tribute to Venetian merchant Paolo Quirino in compensation for goods the emperor took from him.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1346-10-26).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Reformationes, 13, 97v.

Diplomatic Analysis
Monumenta Ragusina I, 212–213; N. Porčić, SSA 7, 17 (translation into modern Serbian, 17–18; photo).
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13470614 – Dušan


14 June 1347, Sopotnica (near Kruševo)
Emperor Stefan Dušan confirms that Orso Črević has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues that he held with his son and brothers, as well as debts related to other dealings.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1347-06-28).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 15, 11v.

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: On day 14 of June 1347.
K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 27, no. 9b; Diplomatički zbornik XI, 371–372, no. 282.

Sopotnica (near Kruševo)
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13470628 taq – Dušan


before 28 June 1347
Emperor Stefan Dušan writes to the Dubrovnik authorities that their citizen Orso Črević has fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues that he held with his son and brothers, as well as debts related to other dealings.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1347-06-28).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 15, 11.

Diplomatic Analysis
K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 26, no. 9a; Diplomatički zbornik XI, 371–372, no. 282.
Charter: Serbian Royal Documents at the State Archives in Dubrovnik (1186-1479) 13470801 – Dušan


1 August 1347, Prizren
Emperor Stefan Dušan confirms that Nikola Lukarević and Marin Gučetić have fully paid the lease for the right to collect royal customs revenues at the markets of Rudnik, Zeta, Prizren and Valona, as well as debts related to other dealings.

Text witnesses
Authentic copy-translation in Dubrovnik chancery register (1347-08-28).
Current repository:
Državni arhiv u Dubrovniku, Diversa Cancellariae 15, 27.
Condition: Beginning of text partly faded.

Diplomatic Analysis
Quote: In the year six thousand six hundred … fifth, indiction 15, on day first of August, when my imperial person came to Prizren to dedicate the church of the Holy Archangel. Scribal error in year.
K. Jireček, Spomenici srpski, 28, no. 10b; Diplomatički zbornik XI, 383–385, no. 290.

