Samopomoć u slučaju CoViD 19

Počećemo ovde sa savetima meritornih strukovnjaka i protokolima institucija a tiču se biološkog pristupa supstancama koje su prirodno prisutne u našoj hrani, dakle neškodljive, a pri kraju ćemo se osvrnuti na lekove koji smanjuju zapaljenje i citokinsku oluju koja uzrokuje komplikovanu kliničku sliku CoViDa 19.

Glavni predavač u ovoj priči biće nam Dr Been.

Na žalost, predavanja su na engleskom.



Način na koji Azitromicin pomaže u borbi protiv kovida je trojak:

1. smirivanje aktivnosti (nishodna regulacija) limfocita i neutrofila;
2. smirivanje aktivnosti NK limfocita;

Misli se da prva dva načina donekle doprinose smanjenju zapaljenja supresijom imunosnog sistema. Ovo bi bilo bitno za sprečavanje citokinske oluje.

3. potenciranje dejstva hidroksihlorokvina i to petostruko.

Treći način je najvažniji pa davanje azitromicina bez hidroksihlorokvina nema smisla osim kao nebezbedan placebo.
U slučaju da imate iskustvo nekih simptoma kao noćno znojenje, nedostatak daha i sl. ne bi bilo loše da nabavite pulsni oksimetar koji košta nekoliko hiljada dinara i možete da ga koristite kod kuće. Pad saturacije ispod 94 % ukazuje na covid.

Should You Really Have a Pulse Oximeter at Home?

By Kathy Katella May 8, 2020

It could help if you have COVID-19, but whether everyone needs one is still unclear.

person with at-home pulse oximeter, possibly used to monitoring a COVID-19 symptom

A pulse oximeter clips onto your finger to measure heart rate and oxygen levels in your red blood cells. Doctors are debating who really needs one to check for a potential symptom of COVID-19.
Credit: Getty Images

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It’s fair to say that the novel coronavirus pandemic has changed the way people shop—and also the items they shop for. There has been a shortage of things one might expect: toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, and thermometers. But, there are other—more surprising—items like yoga mats, yeast, and, more recently, pulse oximeters.
So, what, exactly, is a pulse oximeter?
It’s an electronic device that clips onto a patient’s finger to measure heart rate and oxygen saturation in his or her red blood cells—the device is useful in assessing patients with lung disease. Pulse oximeters started to fly off store (and online) shelves when people learned that low oxygen saturation levels can be a sign of COVID-19.
The logic is that shortness of breath, a symptom of the disease, may not be easy—or even possible—for a person to reasonably self-assess. What’s more, doctors report that some COVID-19 patients suddenly develop a condition called “silent hypoxia,” where people look and feel comfortable—and don’t notice any shortness of breath—but their oxygen levels are dangerously low. It happens to patients both in the hospital and at home, but it is a particular problem in the latter case because the symptom may indicate severe COVID-19-related pneumonia, requiring a ventilator. That’s why some people may want or need to monitor their oxygen saturation levels at home.
Should you buy a pulse oximeter?
There is debate among doctors about whether or not people need a pulse oximeter in their medical supply kits at home. “In normal times, unless a patient has true lung disease, there is no need for them to use pulse oximetry monitoring,” says Denyse Lutchmansingh, MD, a Yale Medicine pulmonologist. But these aren’t normal times. The American Lung Association advises against buying pulse oximeters unnecessarily and recommends people focus their awareness on other COVID-19 symptoms. However, in a recent New York Times opinion piece, an emergency physician from New Hampshire said if resources were directed toward earlier detection of silent hypoxia, doctors could do more to keep those patients off ventilators.
There are additional factors to consider, says Dr. Lutchmansingh. One is that knowledge of the virus is rapidly changing, which means advice can shift, as it did when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed its face mask recommendation in April to one that urges people to start wearing cloth masks in public. “We’re working very fast with limited pre-existing data. We are extrapolating a lot based on prior coronavirus infections, like severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS] and Middle East respiratory syndrome [MERS],” she says.
At this point, Dr. Lutchmansingh says the benefits of pulse oximetry monitoring are most clear among patients who have COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, fever, and shortness of breath. “If you are symptomatic that is a reasonable time to check your oxygen. That is something we’ve been trying to do from an outpatient standpoint,” she says. “We have COVID-19 patients who we are monitoring at home and one of the deciding factors for bringing them into the hospital is their oxygen level.”
But for people who are young and healthy—and have no COVID-19 symptoms—she questioned the need to buy a pulse oximeter.
How to buy it, what to do with it
If you do have a pulse oximeter and are checking your oxygen levels, it’s important to know that a level between 95 and 97% is considered normal by the American Lung Association; anything below that would be a reason to call a doctor, and anything under 90% would be a reason to go to the emergency room.
Dr. Lutchmansingh also advises people who plan to use a pulse oximeter to ask a medical professional to guide them. “It’s helpful to know your baseline level,” she says. “If there are changes, a medical professional can talk about what’s causing those changes and take any additional measures to investigate it.” Changes might be related to a non-COVID pulmonary problem that may be undiagnosed, such as asthma or unrelated pneumonia, she says. In addition, your reading may be inaccurate if your fingernails are dirty or you have artificial nails or are wearing nail polish.
As far as which pulse oximeter to buy, “There is no standardization,” she says. “You are buying in good faith.” According to Consumer Reports, prices for pulse oximeters range from $25 to $100, if you can find one, as shortages have been reported. Phone apps and exercise trackers like Fitbits are not the best tools for checking oxygen levels, Dr. Lutchmansingh says. “One can always go the route of ‘something is better than nothing,’ but we don’t know how accurate they are,” she says. “But if you have one of those things [apps or trackers] and the numbers are low, I would still advise that you talk to your doctor.”
Buying a pulse oximeter to ease the anxiety
There is another consideration—some people stock up on anything that eases their fear and anxiety, says Dr. Lutchmansingh. “There is such wide variance to this disease,” she says, explaining that it’s still difficult to predict who will become severely ill, and it’s understandable that people would want to be prepared for any eventuality. “There is the medical component to this, and then there is the anxiety component. People are scared. If they feel there is some action they can take, some sort of monitoring they can use, it’s hard not to take advantage of it,” she says.
“However, it’s not necessarily helpful for people to buy things just to have them, because there is a difference between gathering data and using data,” she says. “It’s not just information in a bubble. You can get all your numbers, but if you don’t know how to interpret them, all you have are numbers.”
Meanwhile, shortness of breath and low oxygen levels are just two possible symptoms of COVID-19, and it’s important to know all of the symptoms, Dr. Lutchmansingh says. The CDC provides a list of symptoms that could appear anywhere between 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19. That list includes cough, fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell.
Patients and members of the community who have questions can call the Yale Medicine/Yale New Haven Health Call Center COVID-19 hotline at 203-688-1700 (toll-free, 833-484-1200).
Click here to read about a philanthropic gift of 100 wearable pulse oximeters to the Yale Medicine Department of Internal Medicine.
Osoba koja ima antitela na kovid-19 nije infektivna po druge. A moje mišljenje je da se ne može ponovo zaraziti, makar ne u kratkom roku. Bilo je određenih slučajeva u Kini, ali smatram da se tu radilo o grešci u metodologiji, odnosno dijagnostici", kaže za Ženu prof. dr Nada Kuljić Kapulica, virusolog i napominje da je pitanje trajanja imuniteta na koronu, ipak, i dalje otvoreno:

"Još se ne zna koliko traje imunitet jer je virus nov. Bile su potrebne godine kako bi se odredila dužina trajanja imuniteta na SARS, a onda se ustanovilo da je imunitet kod 80 odsto pacijenata trajao dve godine, a kod 50 odsto tri godine".

Koliko će trajati imunitet, zavisi od sledećeg: "Od samog virusa. Pojedini virusi stvaraju imunitet na nekoliko godina, a neke vrste, poput malih boginja, za ceo život", objašnjava profesorka i napominje:

"Finese u trajanju imuniteta među pacijentima zavise od imuniteta pojedinačnog organizma."
DOKTOR NESTOROVIĆ poručio Kriznom štabu: Ovo više nema smisla!

AUTOR:Ć. DATUM I VREME: 11.03.2021. 08:00

Ja sam izgleda studirao neki drugi fakultet u odnosu na ove sadašnje

Doktor Branimir Nestorović
Foto: Printscreen Youtube
I pored značajnog broja ljudi koji su primili bar jednu dozu vakcine, broj inficiranih kovidom raste, utisak je da je situacija u kojoj se trenutno nalazi zdravstveni sistem neizdrživa. Na pitanje da li je neophodno da se zatvori sve i posluša preporuka medicinskog dela Kriznog štaba, doktorBranimir Nestorovićkaže:
"Imamo, realno, samo dve mogućnosti. Ili da se sve zatvori na neko vreme ili da se skroz otvorimo. Ovo delimično zatvranje ništa ne rešava. To do dva, do šest, vikend zatvaranje ne vodi ničemu. Virus se ne razbeži kada se zatvaramo tako parcijalno. Takvo zatvaranje samo još dodatno natera ljude da, ako tržni centri rade do dva, naprave još veću gužvu dok su prodavnice otvorene".
On je ocenio da je "ovo kraj drugog poluvremena utakmice sa virusom" i dodao da ćemo videti kakav će konačni ishod biti.
"Ovo je mnogo više političko nego zdravstveno pitanje i to je jasno već duže vreme. E sada kada će se završiti pandemija zvanično zavisi od političke volje, odnosno od toga kada će kome odgovarati da proglasi pobedu nad virusom. Zanimljivo je da je 30 američkih država najavilo potpuno otvaranje, da je Indija saopštila da je stečen kolektivni imunitet, da i da su ruski zvaničnici najavili da će priča sa koronom biti potpuno završena u avgustu", rekao je Nestorović.
"Smeta mi što je to sve da se ispoštuje forma, a ne suština. Mi sad znamo odlične načine prevencije kovida i odlične načine lečenja. Imamo ivermektin, koji apsolutno prevenira bolest ako se uzme u prvih pet dana od kontakta sa inficiranim. Praktično se niko ne može razboleti. Znamo da se leči hidriksihlorokinom, eritromicinom, doksiciklinom, a kod hospitalnih pacijenata visoke doze vitamina C intravenski", naveo je Nestorović za "Glas javnosti".
"Ne vidim razlog da se vakcinišu oni koji su preležali koronu, jer znamao da je imunitet posle toga odličan. Kako se radi o virusu SARS COV2 vrlo je sličan onome iz 2003 godine, a iskustvo je pokazalo da otpornost organizma onih koji su preležali bolest traje 15 godina. Čak naprotiv kod njih je najveća mogućnost komplikacija posle vakcinacije", kaže doktor i dodaje da se od juna prošle godine zna da 35 odsto ljudi uopšte ne može da oboli od ove bolesti jer imaju unakrsnu reaktivnost prema drugim koronavirusima".
Da li postojeće vakcine deluju na nove sojeve virusa?
"Ima par naučnika koje pratim i koji su ostali pošteni do kraja, a prošli su mnogo gore nego ja. Mene za sada samo napadaju, možda će me skuvati na kraju, za sad plivam. Naime, profesor Didie Rault iz Marseja, poznati francuski mikrobiolog dopunio je studiju kojom je pokazao da lek hidriksihlorokin koji postoji 60 godina, a dobijale su ga milijarde ljudi, efikasan u lečenju korone", kaže profesor Nestorović.
"On je rekao da ovo što sad cirkuliše nije mutacija, već potpuno drugi virus, što je potvrdila i češki virusolog Merlin Ado. Zato su podaci potpuno kontradiktorni. Ogroman novac je potrošen na pravljenje vakcina i ne može se sad početi sa proizvodnjom neke druge. On se zapitao da li se može verovati proizvođačima vakcina. Fajzer je naveo da njihova vakcina pokriva i ove nove nazovi sojeve virusa, da bi proizvođač Moderne rekao da njihova nije baš efikasna kod novi tipova korone, a radi se o gotovo identičnoj vakcini", dodaje doktor.
"A onda se naravno pojavljuje Bil Gejts, bez koga ništa ne može da prođe i najavljuje i treću dozu, a to isto ponovi i visoki službenik britanskog ministarstva zdravlja, koji još dodaje da će se u narednih deset godina morati vakcinisati na godišnjem nivo. Jednostavno kao da postoji tendencija da ovo postane trajno stanje", ističe.
Kako kaže, ideja kolektivnog imuniteta je izbrisana. SZO je sa svog sajta skinula definiciju opšteg imuniteta, koji nastaje prirodnim putem, a umesto toga su stavili da se kolektivni imunitet stiče vakcinacijom.
"Niko ne reaguje, iako znamo da je prirodni imunitet uvek jači nego vakcinalni. Sad se javljaju radovi u kojima se navodi da je prirodni odgovor organizma slab i da ga treba pojačati vakcinom. Ja sam izgleda studirao neki drugi fakultet u odnosu na ove sadašnje, jer mene su sasvim drugačije učili veoma dobri profesori imunolozi", zaključuje Nestorović.
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