Rusija pretekla SAD: Najveći proizvođač pšenice i prvi izvoznik u svetu

Ne znam zašto se Tiksi toliko uzbuđuje. Rusija je već neko vrijeme najveći izvoznik žita, to je stara vijest za nas koji koliko-toliko pratimo ekonomiju.

According to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, wheat exports from Russia in 2018 amounted to 40 million tons, which is a new world record for exports., and almost two times more than a year earlier.

Russia is currently the undisputed world leader in the export of wheat. The previous world record belonged to the United States. In 1981, the United States exported 43.9 million tons. This is confirmed by the statistics of the US Department of Agriculture, but due to the fact that it is not calculated in tons, but in bushels (a measure of volume), there are other opinions on this matter. According to the UN Comtrade foreign trade database, export of American wheat in 1981 amounted to only 41.7 million tons.

At the same time, the Russian Federation holds the leading position for the second time, as the record was also reached in 2016. The results of Russia’s work in the grain market threaten the welfare of American farmers. Many American farmers leave the market. Also, the Russian grain may become even more attractive on the market if additional customs are introduced in the United States. China has already introduced tariffs of 25 per cent for wheat from the United States. On the other hand, in 2018, Russia exported a record volume of grain to China — more than 1.5 million tons, for the first time in the history of modern Russia.
debeli *******u Kukuruz trazi toplije podneblje....

Psenica jecam ovas raz tu Rusija dominira i razguzuje *******iju debelu

Ovas: 90 je vece od 1800


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