Prekaljeni borci protiv pameti


Prekaljeni borci protiv pameti

Ko među ovim "prekaljenim borcima protiv pameti" prepoznaje svoje favorite, neka nastavi da im pruža podršku.
Bliže se izbori.
Pobeda i uopšte nastavak učešća ovih "boraca" u odlučivanju o sudbini Srbije, Srbiju će, nema sumnje, potpuno osloboditi ... od pameti.

A onda će sve ići lakše.
Lakše će se u EU, u EAU, i, uopšte, u propast.

Branu ostvarenju svih sumanutih ciljeva predstavlja još samo nešto preostale pameti.

Ali, bliži se konačan obračun...

Poslednja izmena:
Prase više nije u poziciji da ubija pamet po Srbiji, tj. nije više aktuelni političar.

Тренутно је одустна.Службено.:mrgreen:
Или оћете рећ да југославенско-комунистићка идеја не станује у просрбији?
Уосталом и Војо је годинама одсутан,
пућанство ликује да неће изинићи никад, но ене га на постеру?
Тренутно је одустна.Службено.:mrgreen:
Или оћете рећ да југославенско-комунистићка идеја не станује у просрбији?
Уосталом и Војо је годинама одсутан,
пућанство ликује да неће изинићи никад, но ене га на постеру?

Ok, samo, Vojo ima aktivnu partiju u Srbiji i, naravno, ma koliko udaljen, upravlja njome.

Što se nas tiče, nemamo protiv da dođe.
Da društvo bude veselije.

A gospođa Julka je trajno završila političarsku karijeru u Srbiji, osim možda ako se desi POTPUN PORAZ PAMETI U OTADŽBINI NAM, A KAKO JE KRENULO...:think:
Можда ће нам овај екс-отпораш помоћи,пошто има искуства (умешаност у догађаје)из Египта (читао и учио од Gene Sharp-a):

Serbian connection
After recent allegations of vote rigging in her home country of Gabon, supermodel and activist Gloria Mika travelled to Boston to meet Sharp.

Continue reading the main story
A Nonviolent Life

Born January 1928 in Ohio
Jailed for nine months in 1953-4 for protesting against conscription of young men to fight in Korean War
Albert Einstein wrote the foreword to his first book - Gandhi Wields the Weapon of Moral Power: Three Case Histories - published in 1960
His 1968 Oxford University D Phil, The Politics of Nonviolent Action, formed the basis of a book with the same title, published in 1973
Professor (now emeritus professor) of political science at the University of Massachusetts since 1972, while simultaneously holding research positions at Harvard University
Founded the Albert Einstein Institution in 1983, a non-profit organisation advancing the use of non-violent action in conflict around the world
"I felt like I was going to meet the main man in terms of non-violent resistance in the world," she says. "It was important because some of the Gabonese were talking about a violent option. They were saying, let's go and kill some people and I was able to say: 'Hang on guys there's another option here.'"

The Serbs who had used his books as a theoretical base for their activities founded their own organisation called the Centre for Applied Non Violence (CANVAS), and alongside their own materials have carried out workshops using Sharp's work in dozens of other countries.

When I met Srdja Popovic the director of CANVAS in Belgrade in November he confirmed that they had been working with Egyptians. "That's the power of Sharp's work and this non-violent struggle," he says. "It doesn't matter who you are - black, white, Muslim, Christian, gay, straight or oppressed minority - it's useable. If they study it, anybody can do this."
