
Да ли држава зна ко од станодаваца поступа рационално а ко не?

И ако зна, на који начин зна?

Да ли је упознала сваког станодавца посебно?

Храна за размишљање.
Naravno da ne zna i to je veoma tesko dokazati ali to ne znaci da je moralno i ispravno i po ustavu ne smijes ljude diskriminirati po boji koze naciji tj bio bi kaznjen da se dokaze.
Naravno da ne zna i to je veoma tesko dokazati ali to ne znaci da je moralno i ispravno i po ustavu ne smijes ljude diskriminirati po boji koze naciji tj bio bi kaznjen da se dokaze.

Шта се доказује?

Ирационалност тог поступка или чињеница да си некога одбио само на основу његовее боје коже, пола, верске припадности, итд?
Prejudices Like Viruses

The capacities of a mind and a computer's hard disc are comparable. Even the way we scan and clean personal computers from viruses should be the way of our mental hygiene.

Every once in a while we should check our inner mind contents and question and challange them. That whould not be just simple scanning in search for mistakes, but serious introspective process which may last for a very long period.

It does not matter how well you are educated or informed if you do not have an adequate approach to pieces of knowledge or information, so the mosaic cannot be well organized. We should make conclusions and judgments after all the input data we have received, so every picture or sculpture can be masterpiece. The question that restrained us against jumping to conclusions should be, for example: "Is there anything new or more regarding the subject that we somehow missed?" But no, judgmental spirits guide many of us. Some even specialize in judging with question, not quality, but attacking questions. Usually, an idea is assumed or presumed by a close minded person who further acts logically if you do not count the initial infection. You may take computers for an analogy: can you imagine their operability without virus protectors and scanners? Have you ever scanned your brain for prejudices? I guess we are rather built into prejudice, ours or somebody else's. Maybe we are members of a group that is revealing organized prejudices of others. Or, maybe our prejudices are like mirrors or shadows of our sins. Just maybe we should first disconnect them and send them to hell. Our brain can start work faster and will stop being bothered even by others' prejudices, not because we do not care, but because that job of revealing is pointless.

The point of comparing brains with hard discs is not in capacity, but functionality. There is a possibility of adding new quality, or changing the way solving daily problems or something learned earlier, for example. And if you go further, you may even change religious beliefs or find lost faith.
