Pamela Anderson stigla u zvaničnu i prijateljsku posetu Crnoj Gori

...prve slike sa sinocnjeg doceka Pamele na ulicama Podgorice :cool:

Poslednja izmena:
Evo sto veli Pamela na svom sajtu


I’m off to Montenegro. This was my speech. …to proceed visit. Very exciting…

Some of my friends here in the US have asked me why I am going to Montenegro – or even sometimes where and exactly what Montenegro is.
Six months ago I myself might not have known the answers to those questions – but now I certainly do.
When my business partners from United Arab Emirates first told me about Montenegro and Atlas Group it almost sounded too good to be true. A country of exceptional beauty and with a fascinating history. A country already well versed in (and thoroughly committed to) the ecological principles so important to me. At the very heart of Europe (and already using the Euro) and with an almost wild and virtually undeveloped potential to grow on the right principles in the right way. A country where local and organic farming already exists by default rather than by design.
As I combine my career in the entertainment world with that of a business woman and entrepreneur (not to mention mother!) I am always on the lookout for interesting business opportunities which can include and incorporate my desire to adhere to certain progressive principles;everything I heard about Montenegro fascinated me, and that is way I accepted invitation from Mr. Knezevic, president of Atlas Group to come to Montenegro end explore opportunity for investment and promotion with Atlas Group and their partners in new business projects Atlas Capital Center and Meljine Health and spa center. In particular I have been looking for a while for the right location and the right partners to create my dream project – a spa/hotel operating on the all various principles I hold dear – good health, good food (which to me means both organic and vegetarian as much as possible) and sound ecological planning – but also keeping in mind the importance of great art, great music, great design and great fun! They are all vital to our wellbeing.
I asked my manager, Peter Asher, to go to Montenegro as soon as he could and he came back to me with glowing reports of the place, the people and the potential. So we are looking forward so much to coming back together to explore making these dreams a reality. We are opening bank accounts in your country and preparing optimistically to enter into business relationships with Atlas Group and its partners which can work for us all. I am very excited."

I ja sam very excited :per:
Ako budem imao sansu - necu se obrukati. Obecavam.
Pet dana nisam imao seksualne odnose a trenirao sam vrlo disciplinovano spremajuci se za okrsaj sa Pamelom.
Problem ce da nastupi ako se Pamela ne pojavi. Za sve ce onda da plati vjerovatno moja zena :zper::per:

..citat Dač-e..
..gledam ono sto nemogu da ebem..a kod kuce ebem ono sto nemogu da gledam...:hahaha:
..sudbina je to:sad2:...treba nastojati da budes krojac svoje sudbine..:whistling: :per::hahaha:
Bas me zanima da li si ovako duhoviit i u real life, ili si samo jos jedan od mnogobrojnih internet ratnika koji samo preko neta provociraju, a napolju su fini i dobri :mrgreen:

jaoj, pa ovde je jedini a verovatno i poslednji put ispao duhovit...oprosti mu (morala sam da priznam i ako ga mrzim) :mrgreen:

dacu mu i poen nego nemam trenutno
Crna Gora: Stigla Pamela!
Ponedeljak, 13. jul 2009. 22:03

Holivudska starleta Pamela Anderson stigla je u ponedeljak posle podne u dvodnevnu posetu Crnoj Gori i odmah po dolasku pokazala je svoj najveći atribut - grudi!

Po sletanju u Crnu Goru, Pamela je izašla iz aviona, obučena u crni komplet, i potom je skinula sako, ostajući u beloj majici na bratele.


Prvi zahtev koji je imala kada se smestila u hotel "Avala" u Budvi bila je - masaža, a zatim je poručila vegetarijanski obrok i to isključivo od hrane organskog porekla.

U hotelu su bile vanredne mere prethodnih dana, jer su se pripremali za dolazak čuvene gošće, ali im je laknulo kada su čuli da njeni zahtevi i nisu toliko specijalni.

"Prvi utisak je da je ona jedna vrlo jednostavna osoba", ushićeno je konstatovao direktor hotela "Avala".


Bog te mazo! Pa ovo ie stvarno senzacija.Da nije mozda ocekivao da p..a kolonsku vodu a mozda i obicnu? Kakav bi tek to biznis bio!:mesi::tost::zjede:najzad :bljak: i:brus: cao.
