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Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands MAJ 2010

Prince of Persia stiže 18. maja

Kompanija Nintendo pored najave svojih naslova je najavila i nekoliko naslova za svoje Wii koji dolaze od strane drugih kompanija. Tako jedan od naslova privlači dosta pažnje i pre nego se pojavio. Naime, naslov Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands će se pojaviti 18. maja, a već sada među igračima vlada prilično interesovanje za ovu igru. Kompanija Ubisoft koja izdaje ovu igru navodi da će pored Nintendo Wii i DS platformi ova igra biti dostupna i na PS3, PSP, Xbox 360 platformama. Izdavač nije naveo kada će izdati PC verziju igre. Najavljena u novembru Forgotten Sands se vraća na priču koja je ispričana u okviru Sands of Time trilogije.

Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 2.0+ Ghz processor
VGA: nVidia GeForce 6600+, ATI X1300+
OS: Windows XP w/ Service Pack 3/Windows Vista3/Windows Vista
HDD: 12 GB of free space
Sound: DirectX Compatible

Recommended System Requirements:
CPU: Any Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2
VGA: nVidia GeForce 7600, ATI X1900
OS: Windows XP w/ Service Pack 3/Windows Vista
HDD: 12 GB of free space
Sound: DirectX Compatible




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Prince of Persia - The Forgotten Sands MAJ 2010

Prince of Persia stiže 18. maja

Kompanija Nintendo pored najave svojih naslova je najavila i nekoliko naslova za svoje Wii koji dolaze od strane drugih kompanija. Tako jedan od naslova privlači dosta pažnje i pre nego se pojavio. Naime, naslov Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands će se pojaviti 18. maja, a već sada među igračima vlada prilično interesovanje za ovu igru. Kompanija Ubisoft koja izdaje ovu igru navodi da će pored Nintendo Wii i DS platformi ova igra biti dostupna i na PS3, PSP, Xbox 360 platformama. Izdavač nije naveo kada će izdati PC verziju igre. Najavljena u novembru Forgotten Sands se vraća na priču koja je ispričana u okviru Sands of Time trilogije.

Zvuči previše dobro!
Ubisoft je definitivno objavio da ce nastavak cuvene igre izaci 9 marta [utorak]. Igra se vec nalazi u pretprodaji kod vodecih svetskih dilera igrica. Nove opcije, novi likovi, nova grafika.... Ovo mora da se pogleda....

a za zagrizene igrace [a i ljubitelje extremno dobre CG animacije] preporucujem da pogledate:

Single Player

Taking place three years after the events of Splinter Cell: Double Agent, former Navy SEAL Victor Coste is held in a Black Arrow facility interrogation room as he is interviewed by an unidentified group of men, recalling events in the past tense.

After having disappeared, Sam Fisher is remotely located by former Third Echelon colleague Anna "Grim" Grimsdóttír in a marketplace situated Valetta, Malta. He is warned that a group of hitmen have located him. Sam dispatches them and interrogates the leader, learning that drug runner Andriy Kobin was responsible for the death of his daughter, Sarah. Sam learns that Kobin is present in his mansion, a re-purposed museum. Upon infiltrating the mansion, Sam interrogates Kobin and learns that the situation was "bigger than his daughter," prior to being captured by Third Echelon agents.

Sam is relocated to Price Airfield in Virginia, where Grim reveals that she is working with President Caldwell as a mole for Third Echelon, and that she needs his help with investigating a PMC named Black Arrow. A reluctant Sam refuses to help her, but relents after being told that Sarah is alive, and that she would prove it to him during the course of the investigation. Grim facilitates Sam's escape from the airfield by providing him weapons and access to her car. At Grim's request, Sam beats her to make it appear that he escaped by force, to prevent Grim's cover from being blown. After this point, Sam calls in his former squadmate for assistance in the investigation, in part of Victor having rescued him during the events of Operation Desert Storm. Sam meets with Victor at a county fair in the Washington Monument in Washington D.C., receives some equipment, and learns that White Box Technologies, a research-and-division company specializing in EMPs, hired Black Arrow for corporate security, which is considered to be out of character as Black Arrow does not provide it.

Sam heads to White Box Technologies and witnesses multiple scientists having been murdered by Third Echelon director Tom Reed and Black Arrow operatives. Fisher saves one of the scientists and learns that Lucius Galliard hired Black Arrow to provide security, and that Robertson has been collecting and disposing of experimental data with EMP countermeasures. Sam reaches Robertson's office and downloads the data for Grim's analysts to study. He later triggers an EMP to prevent Black Arrow's tracing of the download in order to maintain Grimsdottir's cover.

Sam is later directed to the Lincoln Memorial under orders from both President Caldwell and Grim, infiltrating the area to record a conversation between Reed and Galliard. Sam later interrogates Galliard, only for the latter to get assassinated by a gunman. Sam pursues the gunman, only for the gunman to get killed by a car bomb. Sam is later drawn into a confrontation with Third Echelon agents until he is extracted by Secret Service.

Sam infiltrates the Third Echelon headquarters to recover equipment and retrieve information from Reed's office. Instead of finding Reed, Sam re-encounters Kobin and interrogates him again. Sam learns that Reed was working with Megiddo to smuggle EMP technology into the United States, and use that technology to facilitate Caldwell's assassination and have the Vice President take over the position since he was "in Megiddo's pocket." As a result of facilitating the assassination, Reed would then be promoted within the higher ranks of the government and be considered a hero. Kobin later reveals that he never knew anything about Sarah and only provided a false body to stage her death, urging him to ask Grim as she knew the whole story. Sam confronts Grim with the information he learned, and is urged to view a video recording Lambert made shortly before his death at the end of the previous game. Sam learns that Lambert staged Sarah's death as a car accident out of necessity, having learned that a mole within Third Echelon would use her as leverage against Sam. Lambert later concludes that he wasn't able to locate the mole, and that his efforts may have been in vain.

Grim later tells an enraged Sam to stop one of three EMP attacks at Michigan Avenue, stating that Sarah's designated apartment is within Michigan Avenue's blast radius; while Victor recovers Sarah and later helps Sam with halting the attack, Grim would accompany Reed to the White House in order to halt the assassination. Sam is extracted by Victor and has a brief reunion with Sarah before the two EMP attacks commence. Shortly after a crashlanding, Sam infiltrates the White House while confronting Black Arrow and Third Echelon operatives in the process. Sam regroups with Grim, who shoots Sam in the shoulder so that he can get close to Reed, appearing to be a hostage.

Upon entering the Oval Office, Reed prepares to execute Sam and the president. As Reed gets close to Sam, Sam disarms Reed and he and Grim kill the Third Echelon escorts. Sam interrogates Reed while the United States Army extracts Caldwell. It is revealed that Caldwell was going to shut down Third Echelon and leave "America vulnerable to future attacks", and to prevent this, Reed planned to frame Sam for assassinating the president, as supposed proof to the country that Third Echelon was necessary. Sam realises that Reed was the mole Lambert was looking for. Depending on the player's choice, Sam or Grim execute Reed. If Grim executes Reed, Grim confides in Sam that he is the only person that she can trust, but Sam says goodbye and leaves.

Black Arrow's interview with Victor has concluded, with Victor stating that Sam would be with Sarah and that Sam loved him like a brother. Shortly after Victor finishes his sentence, an explosion places the building on alert, implying that Sam is assaulting the base.

Ta igra nije ni pucala visoko. Zapravo, razmisljaj o njoj kao o .swf-u koji je pojeo previse kolaca i narastao u nesto cudno. Zabavna je, ali moras odigrati puno drugih stvari kako bi mogao da shvatis poseban los humor ove.
Alan Wake... hmm... dodje mi kao Max Payne ali bez Payne, bez ' Like all the bad things in my life, it started with the death of a woman', kao normalni Maks, kao treci deo Maksa jer je stvarni treci deo nemoguce dobro napisati a da ima smisla i da ostane verno originalnoj prici. Zato su i prodali Maksa Rockstar-u. Ne verujem da cu skoro imati prilike da je odigram, ali kada budem mogao hocu. A treci deo...
E, jeste culi sto su bombardovali Ebert-a Rogera na njegovom blogu sto je rekao nesto 'Igre nisu umetnost', Penny Arcade momci su se izvervirali i postavili link i za nekoliko dana ihahaha komentara, od nabrajanja igara i setnih prisecanja, nazivanja Ebert-a matorcem koji ne kapira, do filozofije i predskazivanja buducnosti medijuma. Ako niste videli. Licno, meni nije vazno, dajte mi samo dzojstik.
a,od nastavak bi ove godine trebao da grune CRYSIS 2
Jedino je poznato da ce radnja biti smestena u Njujorku i i bice strogo alien orijentisana

Da, tako je.Alien orijentisana i najbolje bi bilo da sada umesto sam da roka ima u pozadini svoje ljude.
Najavljena za 4. kvartal 2010, mada ne verujem u to.Igra je trebala da bude nekoliko godina najbolja, medjutim crysis 1 i warhead srozala je igra bad company 2.

Ako su saznali za ovo brz izlazak igre necemo moci da ocekujemo.
Ukoliko i dalje imju motiv, igra ce izaci i u 3D verziji.
Da, tako je.Alien orijentisana i najbolje bi bilo da sada umesto sam da roka ima u pozadini svoje ljude.
Najavljena za 4. kvartal 2010, mada ne verujem u to.Igra je trebala da bude nekoliko godina najbolja, medjutim crysis 1 i warhead srozala je igra bad company 2.

Ako su saznali za ovo brz izlazak igre necemo moci da ocekujemo.
Ukoliko i dalje imju motiv, igra ce izaci i u 3D verziji.

ako izadje u 3d maniru(tehnologiji)izgubice drasticno veci deo publike nego sto ce da pridobije
ja je prvi ne bi igrao u zivotu
evo jedna lijepa vijest:

Ako malo pogledate kojim tempom id Software izdaje svoje nove hit igre, vidjet ćete da to ide puževim korakom. Nakon Dooma 3 koji je izašao 2004. godine uslijedila je pauza koja će trajati još do jeseni idući godine za kada je najavljen Rage. Glavni kreativni direktor id-a, Tim Willits danas je rekao kako to više neće biti slučaj te kako će već ranije najavljeni Doom 4 stići mnogo ranije nego li većina očekuje. Razlog tome je što će Doom 4 koristiti isti engine kao i Rage, a i proizvođač radi istovremeno na dvije igre, za sada naravno s većim naglaskom na Rage. To im je omogućila suradnja sa Bethesdom koja im je dala novčana sredstva da mogu imati dva tima. Doom 4 dolazi na PC, Xbox 360 te Playstation 3, a proizvođač nam obećava kako će sada igra stići u isto vrijeme za sve platforme, što ranije nije bio slučaj.


Želim iskazati divljenje prema bethesdi i jedan veliki iskren pozdrav.
to mnogi kazu i za filmove ,pa se ja opet ne slazem
to vise nije kinematografija to je debilizam za kretene
a,sto tice igranja igara to mogu da shvatim da se nekom svidja,ali opet meni se kao ideja ne dopada ni malo

Kod nas jos nema pravog 3D filma.
Sigurno su mnogi od vas primetili razliku tokom 3D filma i 3D reklama.
3D reklame izgledaju mnogo bolje, kao da se u ekranu.
Tokom 3D filma, izgleda kao da vam je ekran malkice priblizen.

U srbiji jos ne postoji pravi 3D efekat, ni osecaj.

Da.Zadrzavam misljenje da su 3D igrice nesto najbolje.
