Neobične posledice globalnog zagrevanja


Zlatna tastatura

Klimatolozi upozoravaju da bi ova godina mogla da postane najtoplija u istoriji merenja, a ako se trend rasta prosečnih temperatura nastavi i narednih godina, to bi moglo da ima velike ekološke, ali i sociološke posledice.Pored razornog uticaja na živi svet, neočekivano visoke temperature mogle bi da na čudan način promene svakodnevicu ljudi.

Ovo je nekoliko takvih neobičnih posledica koje bismo mogli da očekujemo ukoliko živa u termometru nastavi da se penje:

-TV signal bi mogao da se pogorša
Početkom ovog meseca gotovo polovina vlasnika tv prijemnika u Francuskoj imala je slab tv signal, zbog neverovatno toplog oktobarskog vremena.
U Velikoj Britaniji platforma "Freeview" upozorila je da bi visoke temperature na sličan način mogle da remete prijem u nekim delovima zemlje.
Naime, televizijski signal može da oslabi usled visokog vazdušnog pritiska, izazvanog toplim vremenom. Problem je, srećom, obično privremen i rešava se čim pritisak opadne.

-Psi mogu postati agresivniji
Nedavna istraživanja pokazala su da napadi pasa mogu da postanu učestaliji tokom vrelih dana, kao i onda kada je zagađenje vazduha povećano.
Naučna studija sprovedena na Medicinskom fakultetu Harvard univerziteta pokazala je da postoji čak 11 procenata veća šansa da pas ujede čoveka na dan kada je ultraljubičasto zračenje povećano.
"Teret ekstremnih vrelina i zagađenosti vazduha podrazumeva i povećanu agresiju životinja", upozorili su istraživači.

-Mogu se javiti nestašice maslinovog ulja
Ekstremne vreline ovog leta uticale su na maslinjake širom Evrope. Zbog niske vlažnosti, stabla masline lakše obolevaju i prerano odbacuju plodove, pa je tako u Španiji, najvećem proizvođaču maslinovog ulja u svetu, proizvodanja pala na oko 620.000 tona ove godine, u poređenju sa ranijim petogodišnjim prosekom od 1,3 miliona tona.
Ako buduća proleća i leta budu ovako vrela, cene maslinovog ulja bi mogle da odu u nebesa, kao i da se jave nestašice.

-Pivo će možda imati drugačiji ukus
Više temperature i suše bi mogle da dovedu do slabije proizvodnje i pada kvaliteta hmelja, koji daje ukus pivu, pokazalo je novo istraživanje.
Studija objavljena u stručnom časopisu "Nature Communications" pokazala je da će proizvodnja ove biljke opasti za četiri do 18 procenata do 2020. godine.
Koncentracija gorkih supstanci u hmelju, koje su ključne za prepoznatljiv ukus piva, mogla bi da opadne za 20 do 31 procenat što znači da bi pivo moglo da ima drugačiji ukus, ukoliko svet nastavi da se zagreva.

-Školska godina mogla bi da se promeni...
Početkom oktobra škole na Kanarskim ostrvima morale su da se zatvore zbog toga što se taj arhipelag našao na udaru toplotnog talasa, a temperatura je dostizala i 38 stepen Celzijusove skale.Tokom školske godine vreme je obično blago, a temperature slične prolećnim u ostatku Evrope, tako da većina učionica nema klima uređaje.
Širom Evrope neočekivano visoke temperature mogle bi tako da izmene trajanje školske godine, a već postoje indicije da će se to desiti u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.Naime, škole u Detroitu, Filadelfiji i Pitsburgu ovog juna prebačene su na onlajn nastavu, zbog ekstremnih temperatura.

...kao i radno vreme
I radno vreme moglo bi da se promeni zbog globalnog zagrevanja, naročito za ljude koji rade pod vedrim nebom ili su primorani na duga putovanja.
To znači da bi i na severu Evrope moglo da se usvoji dvokratno radno vreme, sa pauzama tokom najtoplijeg perioda dana.
-Pivo će možda imati drugačiji ukus
Više temperature i suše bi mogle da dovedu do slabije proizvodnje i pada kvaliteta hmelja, koji daje ukus pivu, pokazalo je novo istraživanje.
Studija objavljena u stručnom časopisu "Nature Communications" pokazala je da će proizvodnja ove biljke opasti za četiri do 18 procenata do 2020. godine.
Koncentracija gorkih supstanci u hmelju, koje su ključne za prepoznatljiv ukus piva, mogla bi da opadne za 20 do 31 procenat što znači da bi pivo moglo da ima drugačiji ukus, ukoliko svet nastavi da se zagreva.
За пиво не марим много, али надам се да се неће негативно одразити на грожђе и производњу вина :think:
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Klimatolozi upozoravaju da bi ova godina mogla da postane najtoplija u istoriji merenja, a ako se trend rasta prosečnih temperatura nastavi i narednih godina, to bi moglo da ima velike ekološke, ali i sociološke posledice.Pored razornog uticaja na živi svet, neočekivano visoke temperature mogle bi da na čudan način promene svakodnevicu ljudi.

60 Million Americans Under Freeze Alerts As Powerful Arctic Blast Crashes Temps Nationwide

As highlighted in last week's article (view here), temperatures across the Lower 48 are diving as a cold blast pours in from Canada. These bone-chilling temperatures come just in time for Halloween. About 250 million Americans are feeling below-average temperatures, while 60 million will be under frost or freeze alerts.

According to private weather forecaster BAMWX, the cold air invasion has already begun:
A lot of record-cold lows on the table to start out in November. 20s all the way down to Central Texas with temperatures 15 - 20F below normal.
Too much for 'global warming'

2023 is a Year of Record Cold Temperatures – But the Media Are Silent

In 2022, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned us it was “code red for humanity” due to supposed global warming caused by CO2 emissions from human activities
This year, Mr. Guterres upped the rhetoric when he claimed:The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

This summer we’ve been told that July was the hottest on record and we’ve been deluged with reports of ‘apocalyptic’ wildfires in the Mediterranean (Spain, Greece and Italy), the U.S., Hawaii and Canada. So, perhaps Mr. Guterres and the climate catastrophes are right? Perhaps we are all destined to die in a planetary fireball caused by our selfish use of CO2-emitting fossil fuels?
However, if you were to Google ‘2023 record cold’, you could get a quite different picture of this year’s weather:
  • An astonishing –62.4°C was recorded in Tongulakh, Siberia on January 14th. In addition to becoming Earth’s coldest temperature recorded in 2023, the all-time station record was broken in Tongulakh.
  • On February 4th 2023, the Halifax airport in Nova Scotia saw its coldest wind chills ever recorded, with temperature plummeted to –43°C (–45.4°F). This tops its previous record of –41°C that was set on February 13th 1967 for wind chill. Many other places across Canada also set new daily records, with temperatures lower than –40°C. On February 19th, temperatures in Shepherd Bay, Nunavut dropped to –49.6°C (–57.3°F).
  • The United Kingdom on Tuesday March 7th braved its coldest night of 2023 with the temperatures dropping to below –15 Celsius in several regions. According to the Independent, a U.K. news portal, the British Met Office revealed that the temperature at Kinbrace in the Scottish Highlands was recorded at –15.2 Celsius, making it the coldest March in the country since 2010.
  • In February, the summit of Mount Washington in New Hampshire reported a wind-chill low of –78 Celsius (–108 Fahrenheit) — the coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States. Meanwhile, the National Weather Service (NWS) in Caribou, Maine, said it received reports of “frostquakes”. “Just like earthquakes, [they] generate tremors, thundering sensations. These are caused by sudden cracks in frozen soil or underground water when it’s very cold.”
  • In Boston, where officials closed down the public school system due to the impending freeze, the low temperature hit –23°C (–10°F), shattering the day’s record set more than a century ago, the National Weather Service (NWS) said. In Providence, Rhode Island, the mercury dropped to –23°C (–9°F), well below the previous all-time low of –19°C (–2°F), set in 1918. The Arctic blast flowing into the U.S. from eastern Canada also brought record lows to Albany, New York; Augusta, Maine; Rochester, New York; and Worcester, Massachusetts, among other places.
  • Sydney experienced its coldest June morning on record on Monday, with a minimum temperature of 1.8°C at Olympic Park, according to Miriam Bradbury, a senior meteorologist at the Bureau of Meteorology. In fact, more than 100 weather stations across Australia registered their coldest May minimum temperatures on record – with regular frosts, snowfall, and below-average rainfall to boot.
  • Thursday June 1st saw potentially the lowest June temperature on record in Finland. A weather station in Lapland, Enontekiö Kilpisjärvi Saana, reached –7.7°C. This may not seem that cold for northern Finland, where winter temperatures reach as low as –51.5°C, but the last time Lapland saw a minimum temperature of –7°C in June was on June 3rd 1962
  • Extreme cold arrived abnormally early in Antarctica, with temperatures dropping to below –75°C from the beginning of May. Following the onset of polar night, winter has started at the South Pole, and with it glacial cold at the Russian research station of Vostok. As early as May 5th a low of –75°C was recorded, while just days ago this fell further to –76.4°C. This marks a new record for the early winter. Daily highs are also plummeting, often just below –70°C on the Earth’s coldest continent.
  • A sudden and unexpected surge of cold Arctic air engulfed several regions of South America, shattering numerous cold records in its wake. Although it is currently summer in the southern hemisphere, including parts of South America such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and parts of Brazil, some areas have experienced a drastic and rapid shift in weather, going from a heat wave to frost in less than a week. On February 18th 2023, most of the cities in Paraguay experienced a sharp drop in temperature, breaking their previous records for minimum temperatures. The temperatures ranged between 7° and 16°C (44.6- 60.8°F) across the country, with the lowest readings recorded in the southeast. The lowest temperature was 7.7°C (45.9 °F), which is just 0.7°C (1.2°F) from the national record low for the month of February. The extreme cold weather caused at least 30 cities in Argentina to break their monthly cold records on the same day.
So, in spite of the warnings of planetary overheating from Mr. Guterres and the climate alarmists, it seems that this year record cold temperatures have been recorded on every continent. Our rulers and their obedient mainstream media hyperventilate and panic, bombarding us with their many stories of this year’s supposed ‘record hot temperatures’ and ‘Earth on fire’ apparently caused by man-made global warming. Yet there is always somewhere on Earth that has experienced its coldest-ever temperature record. However, our rulers and their compliant media don’t like to mention these record-cold temperatures as they don’t fit in with the ‘Earth is boiling’ narrative. And our rulers are desperate to convince us that our planet is overheating, so we need to accept energy insecurity, dd-industrialization mass unemployment, and national impoverishment in order to achieve the totally unnecessary and economically suicidal ‘Net Zero’. Meanwhile, countries like China, India, and Indonesia hugely increase their national CO2 emissions as they take our industries and jobs while laughing at our stupidity.

Four homeless people die in Anchorage as major storm brings heavy snows

Four homeless people have died as a winter storm in Anchorage brought up to three feet (90cms) of snow to Alaska’s largest city this week.

The latest deaths of three men and one woman bring the death toll of unhoused people in Anchorage to 49 this year, more than double last year’s figure, according to the Anchorage Daily News.
One man who used a wheelchair was found dead in the doorway of a gift shop in a busy downtown area as temperatures plunged to 30F (-1C), the news site stated.

The body of another man was found in a tent encampment near the city library, and a third died along a busy roadway. A woman was killed after her tent caught fire.

Hundreds of Anchorage residents have been sleeping rough in freezing temperatures after the closure of an emergency shelter in the Sullivan Arena earlier this year, the Anchorage Daily News reports.
How deadly is that 'global warming'
Does anyone still believe in that bullshit?

Here comes 'global warming' er 'global boiling' according to the UN

Developing nor’easter puts 45 million on alert as winter storm eyes Northeast this weekend

Several inches of snowfall is possible across much of the Northeast and interior parts of New England, with heavy snowfall expected along the northern Interstate 95 corridor, including Boston. Perhaps even New York City has enough snow to have the city's biggest snowfall in two years — though the bar is pretty low.
The Northeast is set to face the onslaught of a nor'easter this weekend, which is expected to be the first major winter storm of the year on the East Coast.

Nearly 45 million Americans from Georgia to Maine are under winter weather alerts as the storm could bring heavy snowfall, strong winds and dangerous ice.

A widespread winter storm warning is in effect due to several inches of snow across much of the interior Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, and New England, including Boston and the northern Interstate 95 corridor.
The ocean effect with water temperatures in the 40s and 50s will keep coastal communities from New York City southward from seeing much accumulation.
The storm system began moving across the southern US on Friday, bringing heavy rain and even snow to parts of Oklahoma and Arkansas.

This strong area of low pressure is continuing to strengthen on Saturday as it moves toward the Eastern Seaboard, and will peak over the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states Saturday night into Sunday. Generally, heavy snowfall is expected in the area from Pennsylvania to New England.
Many forecast factors can still change, as the balance between warm and cold air makes nor'easters extremely difficult to predict. The I-95 corridor is particularly difficult due to its proximity to warm ocean waters and its sensitivity to wind direction depending on the position of the low-pressure system.

read more:
Global 'boiling' in Colorado

Snow falls in Colorado’s mountains as state braces for Arctic cold​

January 9, 2024 4:17 pm by CWR
The state will be under a northwest flow today and that will keep most of Colorado dry and seasonal. Plenty of sunshine continues today but the winds will begin to blow. From the Divide east to the foothills they could gust as high as 65 mph. Those winds will weaken as they gust to 30 mph on the plains.
A few inches of snow could fall over the northern mountains from late afternoon through the evening hours. Gusty winds continue tonight into Wednesday with more mountain snow. Denver has a chance for snow off and on from Wednesday through the weekend and into Monday with high temperatures diving into the teens and lows dropping below zero.

Read more:

Arctic Sea Ice Soars to Highest Level for 21 Years

The dramatic, if largely unpublicized, recovery in Arctic sea ice is continuing into the New Year. Despite the contestable claims of the ‘hottest year ever’ (and even hotter in 2024), Arctic sea ice on January 8th stood at its highest level in 21 years. Last December, the U.S.-based National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) revealed that sea ice recorded its third-highest monthly gain in the modern 45-year record. According to the science blog No Tricks Zone, the reading up to January 8th has now far exceeded the average for the years 2011-2020. It also exceeds the average for the years 2001-2010 and points directly upward about the average for the years 1991-2000.

How deadly is that 'global warming'

Does anyone still believe in that bullshit?

Veruju, naročito oni koji su plaćeni od strane naftnih kompanija da šire laži i izvrću naučne činjenice
Američki oligarsi i naftne kompanije potrošili nenormalne količine novca na širenje dezinformacija i potiskivanje istine. Da nije bilo toga već od 80-tih bi krenuli sa tzv. zelenom agendom i nikada ne bi prestali sa razvojem nuklearne energije.

‘What we now know … they lied’: how big oil companies betrayed us all​

Oil companies discourage climate action, study says
Evo i prevoda na srpski za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama, što se kaže:

Inače, efekat staklene bašte je otkriven još pre 200 godina, ali je ignorisan: Eunice Foote's 200th birthday,man who gets the credit.&text=Two hundred years ago today,1819, Eunice Foote was born.
Veruju, naročito oni koji su plaćeni od strane naftnih kompanija da šire laži i izvrću naučne činjenice
Američki oligarsi i naftne kompanije potrošili nenormalne količine novca na širenje dezinformacija i potiskivanje istine. Da nije bilo toga već od 80-tih bi krenuli sa tzv. zelenom agendom i nikada ne bi prestali sa razvojem nuklearne energije.

‘What we now know … they lied’: how big oil companies betrayed us all​

Oil companies discourage climate action, study says
Evo i prevoda na srpski za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama, što se kaže:

Inače, efekat staklene bašte je otkriven još pre 200 godina, ali je ignorisan: Eunice Foote's 200th birthday,man who gets the credit.&text=Two hundred years ago today,1819, Eunice Foote was born.
Not a single global warming prediction has come true. None ever will because it’s not about saving the planet but rather about power and control over the masses.
