Napad na Iran?

@ Duh sekire

Ја кажем да Кинези имају животну филозофију уклапања у природу и неремећења природног тока ствари.

Malo o "Humanim " Kinezima............

Tortured nuns suicide in Tibet
In May 1998 Chinese prison authorities in the bleak Tibetan prison of Drapchi, just north of Lhasa, were enraged because a group of Buddhist nun prisoners were refusing to sing Socialism is Good and other patriotic songs as the Chinese flag was raised and instead were shouting pro-independence slogans.

The beatings and torture that followed is typical of the Chinese regime in its treatment of the gentle Tibetan people.

The monitoring group, the Tibet Information Network, pieced together details of the torture from a survivor of the prison.

One of the nuns told TIN: "They beat us so savagely that there was blood everywhere, on the walls and on the floor. It looked like an abattoir. They beat us with their belts until their belts broke. Then they used electric batons. Some of us had torn ears, others had wounds in their heads."

A week of interrogations and beating followed. Finally the nuns were ordered into an exercise yard to stand still in the summer sun for four days.

On the fifth day, five young nuns, driven to despair and unable to endure more torture hanged themselves or suffocated themselves by swallowing their scarves.

Members of Resistance might spare a thought for the nuns each time they sing Socialism is Good.
Ovaj prilog pise o mucenjima budista, koje su Kinezi mucili najstrasnijim mukama...
I terali da pevaju socijalisticke pesme...ko god je odbio, bivao je ubijen metkom u potiljak..
Pet mladih casnih sestara se tom prilikom obesilo, da bi izbegle muke i ponizenja od strane Kineza..Clanak je samo jedan o genocidu koji Kina sprovodi u Tibetu, koji je osvojila silom , proteravsi Dalaj lamu, i nastavivsi da masakrira stanovnistvo do danas..

State-sanctioned public executions. A condemned man is paraded before thousands who turn up to watch as he and a dozen others are executed with a bullet to the head.

Hiljade Kineza se skuplja na stadionima , ali ne zbog fudbala, vec zbog omiljene zabave...
Gledanje egzekucija , koje se vrse metkom u poitiljak...........


According to Amnesty International, China executes more of its citizens than the rest of the world combined. From 1990 to 1999, Amnesty recorded 27,599 death sentences and 18,194 executions in China. Other human rights monitors believe the number of executions is as high as 15,000 a year.

Kina ubija vise svojih gradjana, nego ceo svet zajedno...........

orture, murder and genocide in Tibet

President Hu Jintao was communist party secretary in Tibet when martial law was imposed there in 1989. From the time its troops swarmed into Tibet on October 7, 1950 the Chinese government began the systematic genocide of the Tibetan people. Chinese terror in Tibet reached its peak during the cultural revolution when all religious institutions were banned, temples demolished and monks and nuns murdered.

Od 1950 . Kinezi vrse sistematski genocid nad narodom Tibeta.......
Religija je zabranjena, hramovi unisteni, a monasi i monahinje pobijeni..


History of the Genocide

MADRID – When Thubten Wangchen was 4 years old, his mother died in a Chinese work camp. She was pregnant at the time, and according to Mr. Wangchen, the Chinese were rounding up pregnant women and working them to death.

Spanski sud osudjuje genocid u Tibetu, od strane Kine......

Izjava izbeglice, koji je imao 4 godine, kada mu je majka umrla u Kineskom radnom logoru
U to vreme je bila trudna, a Kinezi su trudnice terali da rade do smrti..


I , evo vam i slike kako 'Humani" Kinezi ubijaju Tibetance.....


Tako voljeni Kinezi , DANAS...vrse genocid na jednom od najmirnijih naroda sveta, i najmiroljubivijom religijom Budistima..

To se ne desava u Americi pre 300 godina, vec DANAS..

I Molim doticnog DUHA....koji pojma nema o Kinezima i Kineskim aspiracijama, osvajanjima i zlodelima , prema svo , a i prema narodu Tibeta danas,,,da ne mrsi mnogo
o, kako on kaze:

Ја кажем да Кинези имају животну филозофију уклапања у природу и неремећења природног тока ствари.

Pojma ti nemas kako bi izgledao svet, da su tvoji HUMANI ljubitelji prirode u situaciji da vladaju njime............

Za kraj, izjava prepametnog DUHA:

Само неко тешко поремећен може да тврди да ниједна друга сила не би била боља од Америке.

Siguran si jos uvek u to sto pricas??

Ako me ne bude mrzelo, napravicu jos ubedljiviju prezentaciju humanosti Brace Rusa..

U Americi je izvrsen genocid pre 300 godina, i to niko ne odobrava...genocid nad Tibetanskim narodom , vrse Kineski komunjare DANAS..................................

čisto da se ne izgubi...
